Disclaimer: I of course own nothing.

Chapter One: Meeting

Lorelai Leigh Gilmore-Hayden-Danes, better know as Rory Danes, sat in the grove of her favorite tree on the Yale Campus. She loves to set there and read or do her homework. She sighs, bored from the day and looks around. Not many people are around here, it's towards the evening and most students are out with friends. She, herself, didn't have a lot of friends. She was what most people referred to as a "loner". Her mom and stepfather, Lorelai and Lucas Danes were killed in a car crash 3 years before and since then her life had changed drastically. She was now a millionaire, but if you asked anyone that knew her, they would laugh. She didn't like having money; she would rather have her parent's back instead.

Her mother started The Dragonfly Group in 1990, a year after her and Christopher Hayden, Rory's birthfather, divorced. The company had grown fast, by 2002, it was a multimillion dollar company. In 1993, Lorelai married the local diner owner. Her parents, Richard and Emily Gilmore, didn't like Luke, but knew they had to deal with the relationship. Richard, wanting to give Luke creditability in the society world, helped him franchise his diner. Richard and Emily also bought a five-bedroom country house for the couple.

Rory grew up in mostly in the small town of Stars Hollow, and although the Danes family had money, they didn't flaunt it. They want to live a normal life, not one of society. Rory had two best friends, Lane Kim and her step cousin Jess Mariano. And she had started Chilton at the beginning of her sophomore year of high school. But now one knew that she was a Gilmore-Hayden. They only knew her has Lorelai "Rory" Danes.

On December 12th 2002, while on their way back from looking at a new inn, Luke and Lorelai's jeep was forced off the icy road by a drunk driver and rolled into the ditch. Luke was pronounced dead at the scene. Lorelai died two hours later in surgery. Rory, of course, inherited everything.

Forced to move to Hartford and stay with the Gilmore's, Rory still attended Chilton, but flat out refused to attend society parties, a fact that irritated Emily to no end. After her mother's death, Rory became distant from everyone, including Lane and Jess. Lorelai and Rory had a close relationship, they were more than just mother and daughter; they were best friends. And Luke was more of a father than her real father had ever been. Her whole life now revolved around school and running the businesses. Richard had even hired a business manager to help Rory out with the out of state properties.

Rory graduation Valedictorian from Chilton Preparatory in 2003. She had always wanted to go to Harvard, but Richard but his foot down, and she started Yale the following August. Both the Gilmore's and the Hayden's were upset however, that she decided to keep using Luke's last name.

Rory looked at her watch and decided it was time to head back to her dorm. She gathered her books and stood up. When she walked into her dorm, the first thing she saw was her roommate, Paris Geller, and her boyfriend, Doyle McMaster, making out on the couch. She quickly but her books away and headed back out. Needing a coffee fix, she walked over the cart nearest to her dorm. As she was about to pull out some money a guy bumped into her. Making her purse fall to the ground, scattering her stuff everywhere. The guy sighed and bent to help her gather her things. After finishing, he hands her the stuff and offers her his hand to help her up. "Sorry about that."

Rory nods and pulls her hand away. "Don't worry about it, no harm done." She turns, hand the coffee guy some money and grabs her coffee.

She starts to walk away and the guy follows her. "I didn't get your name." He says

Rory smiles, shyly "That's because I didn't give it."

The guy smirks. "It's going to be like that is it?" he offers his hand "I'm Logan Huntzberger."

Rory shakes his hand "Nice to meet you." She turns to leave again.

"Its polite to give your name when someone introduces themselves."

Rory rolls her eyes "Logan, is it?" he nods "It's not polite to bump into people, so the next time you see me, how about you watch were your going and I might tell you my name."

He smirks. "You got your self a deal…See you around."

She rolls her eyes and walks towards her dorm. Not knowing that Logan is watching her. He writes down her dorm number and smirks again.

Two days later, Rory is walking to her next class when she hears some one call "Rory Danes!" from behind her. She turns and sees Logan. She sighs and waits for him to catch up. "Do I want to ask how you found out my name?"

Logan smirks at her, god she's started to hate that smirk. "I asked around…Apparently there's one beautiful blue-eyes brunette leaving on the first floor of Bradford College.

Rory laughs and rolls her eyes "Well, you got me…so, tell me what I can do for you so I can get to class."

"I was wondering if I could take you out this Friday?"

Rory shakes her head "Sorry I already have plans."


"Actually, my schedule is pretty packed this weekend."



"Your not just saying that to get me to leave you alone?"


"Mind if I ask why your schedule is so full?"

Rory smiles "You can, but doesn't mean I'll tell you…Bye Logan."

Friday afternoon, after her last class Rory drives to the airport and gets onto her moms old private jet. She notices that Straub is already on board "You ready to do Mick?" she asks the pilot. Straub Hayden, had retired as a judge five years ago but had agreed to be her business lawyer after her mother died.

Mick turns and smiles at her. "We'll be taking off in about fifteen minuets Miss Danes."

Rory nods and pulls out a book and starts to read.

Hours later they landed in Los Vegas, where a limo picks her and Straub up and takes them to a Casino. She walks inside and is quickly meet by the casinos owner. "Hello Miss Danes and Mr. Hayden, I'm Roger Langston."

Rory shakes his hand and looks around. The place was huge and was thirty stores high. "If you don't mind Mr. Langston, can we wait until after I have some diner, I'm starving?

Mr. Langston nods and waves a bellboy over to take her bags. "When is your manager arriving?"

Rory looks at her watch "In about 2 hours…She has a later class."

Mr. Langston laughs and accompanies Rory to one of the casinos five restaurants. They're seated immediately and at the best table. Rory unfolds the menu and looks it over. "So, Mr. Langston, if you don't mind my asking why are you wanting to sell?"

He sighs and puts down his menu. "My wife and I are getting a divorce. And since we didn't sign a prenuptial agreement, she wants all my money. She doesn't want the casino, just the money from it."

Rory nods in understanding and waves for the waiter to come over. After giving her order, she pulls a file out of her brief case. She opens the file and starts flipping though it "Why did you send this to my company?"

"Because I put my whole life into building this casino…I want someone who's going to care about what's behind it, not just the money…And with any other company I would ask for more money."

Rory looks though a couple more pages and stops at a spreadsheet. After doing some math in her head she nods. "When my manager arrives we can start the paperwork."

Mr. Langston takes a deep breath "Okay."

And hour and a haft later, Paris arrives, she has been Rory's manager since graduation from Chilton, her parents were forced to leave the country by the IRS and Rory had agreed to pay for Paris's Yale tuition it she agreed to work for her. Paris was lead into a conference room where Rory, Straub, Mr. Langston and Mr. Langston's lawyer were going though some more spreadsheets. Mr. Langston stood and shook Paris's hand "Nice to see you again Miss Geller." Rory had sent Paris down to check the Casino out two weeks before.

Rory waits until Paris sets and then nods at Straub who pulls a folder out of his brief case. "You are aware that we will be changing the name to the Dragonfly Casino correct?" Rory asks Mr. Langston, he only nods. Rory takes the folder and as she goes through it sighs where she is needed. She then lands the folder to Mr. Langston. After finishing Rory and Mr. Langston shake hands and a tour and meeting of the staff starts.

When they walk into the security area Straub looks around and then at Rory. "You need to talk to your dad about getting this equipment updated." Christopher owns his own technology company called Hayden Technology.

Rory nods and watched as Paris makes some notes of her pad. On the main floor is the gamming area, restaurants, shops, bar, gym and spa. Out side is a pool area and gulf, tennis and basketball courts. The next 25 floors are regular guests rooms. They following 4 floors are suites. There's also a helicopter pad on the roof. They made notes on what to change.

Back at Yale Logan stood in front of Rory's dorm door, he knew that she said she was busy, but there was something about her, something that he liked. For the first time in is adult life he wanted to get to know the girl, not just sleep with her. He takes a deep breath and knocks. He's surprised with the Yale Daily News Editor, Doyle, answers the door. "Logan…What do you want?"

"I'm looking for Rory, is she here?"

"No…She's in Los Vegas this weekend. She and Paris won't be back until late Sunday night…Why?"

Logan smirks. He and his friends could take a trip. "You wouldn't by change no where they're staying?"

"The Langston Hotel and Casino."

Logan's smile goes "Thanks Doyle." He hurries off, pulling out his cell phone. "Get the gang ready, we're going to Vegas."

Back in Vegas Rory, Straub and Paris are showed to their suites. Before going in Straub stops Rory. "Do you want me to call Chris and have him meet us tomorrow?"

Rory thinks about it "Yeah…Actually have the whole family come…We can make it a family weekend…Grandpa needs get the insurance paper work going anyways…Goodnight Grandfather." She kisses him on the check.

Straub smiles, he and Rory had gotten close since Lorelai's death. "Goodnight Rory…See you in the morning." He goes down the hall and into his suite to make the calls.