Hinata was trying not to turn too red and she also tried to keep away the tears. But she just couldn't.. "Naruto!! How could you?!" Screamed sakura.

Naruto looked confused. He tilted his head to the side. "What? What did I do?" Hinata cried harder and leaned her head on Sakuras shoulder. "SEE!! That was rude Naruto!! You should be ashamed.. Laughing in her face that way!" Naruto just shook his head and yelled "WHY ARE GIRLS SO CONFUSING?!" after walking out of the water and back to the camp.

"I'd better go too.sniff" Hinata said while also walking out. "Ok.. Hmm.. Matt!" Said Sakura while smiling evilly. "I dare you to... Slap Naruto across the face when you get back to the cabin!" Matt just laughed. "Haha, sure!"

"Alright then, now I guess it's my turn. Sasuke. I dare you to... Make out with Sakura!!" Matt said with the strangest smirk on his face.

'Oh my god. He wouldn't. He hates me! I know it! But even though he DOES hate me... I really hope he will.' Sakura thought. While Sasuke was thinking.. 'SCORE!!! Oh yeah!! Matt, you rock! Muahahaha' But of course, just like Sasuke he acted as though he hated the idea, and completely masked his emotions.

"Uh.. Whatever." At Sasuke's comment, Sakura felt her knees start to shake and her face start blushing. As Sasuke made his way over to her she also went forward a little. He got to her and put his hands gently on her hips. Just when he was about to crash his lips onto hers, they heard some strange giggling from the camp so they decided to continue their game later

They checked their cabins and when they checked Sasuke, Naruto and Shikamaru's cabin they seen Hinata and Naruto making out on the bottom bunk while both giggling. Sasuke picked up a book and threw it at them, only Naruto got hit.

"Seriously, you guys really need to get a room." Laughed Sakura. "WELL.. We had one until SOMEONE came along to ruin our fun!!" Naruto was pissed at this time. Shikamaru, Ino, Matt, Manon, Britt, Sasuke and Sakura all went back to Sakura, Ino and Brittany'scabin since it was the cleanest and had the most candy.

While they were eating candy while all laying down, they decided to continue their game of dare. So Sasuke crawled over the other bodies to reach Sakura and just stood over her for a few minutes. "Will you hurry up!! We do have other things to do today!!" Shikamaru yelled. Sasuke rolled his eyes and kissed her. When he was about to crawl back over Shikamaru said "I did say 'make out' didn't I?" Then he laughed. "Fine.. This game is fucked" He growled. Then crawled back to Sakura once again. This time she put her arms around his neck and smiled. He gave her a little smirk then pushed his lips down onto hers.

Their tongues played a little bit together then they stopped for air. As they were about to kiss again Shikamaru said "Okay! Okay! We don't want to take this TOO far!" Sasuke sighed and squeezed between Sakura and Matt. He put an arm around her and they layed like that.

They talked and stayed there all night. The next morning, they were all mixed up. Britt was all alone on her own side of the bed, Sakura's head was layed on Sasuke's chest. Matt and manon's faces were no more then an inch apart. Ino's hand was in shikamaru's pants while his was on her ass. The first one to wake up was Britt, and as she got up she was gagging at the sight of her new friends laying this way, so she decided to go for a walk.

Sakura woke up and sat up while looking down at Sasuke. He slowly opened his eyes and kissed her.

And they spent the rest of the two months together. Before they left they got each others email. But decided it wasn't easy having a long distant relationship, so they broke up

The end! D