Just A Little Bit Dramatic: Well, it's here, the joint story, with our joint account. We'll be taking turns to write each chapter and then help the other edit it, I'm starting, and couldn't let Audrey wait any longer. So here goes my non-existent reputation…do I even have a reputation? Sorry, here goes nothing…oh, to those who didn't know what this was, this story is from a joint account, made by Just A Little Bit Dramatic, and wrecking hotel rooms.

wrecking hotel rooms: Well, here you have it, folks. The long awaited (and I mean long awaited. Sorry 'bout that.) joint story! Yay! I promise, we will not take months to update every time. The credit for this wonderfully morbid piece of literature goes to Bella aka Just A Little Bit Dramatic, in case you couldn't figure out for yourself that she wrote it, with tidbits from me.

We (psychiatrist's worst nightmare) do not own Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, Midnight Sun, or actual lives. Any of these donated to us would be greatly appreciated.

Preface: Salvation

I stared at my hands, tears stinging my eyes, blurring my vision. Bile rose in my throat, and I started retching, clutching the dirt, unable to breathe with the intensity of my gagging. Small fires danced around me, scattered randomly.

The world was shaking, and suddenly tilted at an angle. Something hit my head, and I vaguely realized I was lying on my side. A horrific wailing echoed in my ears, separating into hysterical sobs, and I clapped a hand over my mouth as I registered that I was the one making the wrenched sounds.

Somehow sitting up, I stumbled to my feet, looking around. "Edward…oh God…Edward…" I held my hand over my mouth as the bile rose again, somehow forcing it down. I wiped my hands on my jeans, covered with grime, running my hands through my hair as I attempted to control my breathing.

Then it hit me: I had done this. I had slaughtered the family I had yearned to be a part of, killed the only person I ever loved…would ever love…I staggered again, swaying, grabbing onto a tree trunk to steady myself. "Dear God…dear God in Heaven…forgive me." I whimpered. There was a loud rustle in the surrounding forest, making me start. I forced a laugh at my foolishness: there was no one to hurt me. If there were, would I even want to stop them?

The giggles rose in intensity and volume, taking on the insane note of a person who had gone over the brink and was never coming back. My hysterical laughter echoed around the darkened woods, mocking me. I simply couldn't stop laughing. The laughter turned into a high screech that dissolved back into pathetic sobbing.

My stomach heaving, the smell of blood overwhelmed me, and the bark cut into my hands, as I supported myself completely against the tree. Unable to breathe, darkness began to claim my vision. Shaking my head, I pushed away from the tree. My feet skittered and stumbled among the rocks and twigs, bringing me to my knees.

"No…no…no…" I stammered, trying to control my erratic sobbing long enough to think coherently. But his face kept appearing in my mind, and all I wanted to do was lay down in a ditch somewhere and…


My gaze flickered to the dagger on the ground. Gabriel had used it against me. I had won, sent him back to the hell from hence he had came…but I could still use it against myself. There was no left to stop me but myself. I picked it up, examining the shining metallic blade, cold fire, my eyes stinging from the tears that had been shed. But as much as my eyes would sting, they would give me no more tears. There were no more tears to give.

Tracing my finger along it, a cut appeared on my flesh. Red blood began to drip from the cut…and I smiled. If he couldn't live…if he had been killed by my own hand…then I would suffer the same fate.

Holding the knife away from my chest, ready to plunge it through my heart, to stop it from beating, though it should have stopped when his went up in flames, I felt a wave of terror pass through me.

I didn't want to die. But I didn't want to live without him. A complete catch-22.It would hurt for a few moments, and then it would all be over. Just one strike, some pain, and then…an eternity of bliss, with an angel by my side. If he forgave me for my atrocious deeds.

Or I'd be sent straight to the depths of hell for killing him and his whole family, which was more than likely.

Either way, I wouldn't be alive while he was completely dead. And that was the only thing I could ask for. To take the pain away, though I didn't deserve salvation. Not after what I had done.

Sin most blasphemous…massacre most horrific…murder beyond foul…

Breathing in, sobbing, I wet my bleeding lip, and steadied my trembling frame. "This is for you…Edward…" And then I struck.

Just A Little Bit Dramatic: Little bit morbid, really. But it's the preface, it's meant to bug you into reading the rest. And I became very good at morbid prefaces with The Woods trilogy. Got to finish that, huh? Anyway, review, so Audrey and I can fight over who gets to reply.

wrecking hotel rooms: A lot morbid, actually. But it sets a good tone for the story. Songs. All good songs. The first five are Bella's, the rest are mine. And here here! Please review. We'll…I dunno, do something nice. For you. Smile. Like dedicate the first chapter to anyone who reviews!


My Torniquet by Evanescence

The Kill (Bury Me) by 30 Seconds To Mars

Awakening by The Damning Well

Ghost Of You by Good Charlotte

Welcome To The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance

Beyond the Hourglass by I Am Ghost

A Lack of Color by Death Cab for Cutie

All the Same by Sick Puppies

Godspeed by Anberlin

Hate Me by Blue October

Bleed Like Me by Garbage