hi y'all! sorry that this took so long in the making... somebody yesterday reminded me that I haven't updated this story in four months... and that I have no excuses not to update it since SG-1 is no longer running (sob) unlike Atlantis... but i had college stuff to do and then midterms were this week (bah!) anyway, enough of me moaning and complaining! i missed you guys! and here is a new chapter for y'all!!!

atlantian - lol, pie is delicious though! although, you should worry if there's a voice in your head telling to do things! lol!!!!
AlbinoMonkeyC - i'm glad to have a floor-roller!!! i'm glad that this is that funny... lol, welcome to the reviewer ranks friend!
Port-of-Seas - lol, even i don't know what Jack's mishap was... but it was Jack, so use your imagination! lol, glad to see you again!
SpaceMonkey0941 - thank you, i'm glad you thought that this was brilliant! lol, that makes me happy!
flubber - lol, thanks for the lovely review, as always, and as for Jack... he's not now, i gotta go around the base first then out to Washington!
001ElvenWarrior - of course McKay will be mentioned in this one! i hope Sam's chapter stands up to your standards! (i love long reviews!)
Freckles-101 - hehe, i'm glad you enjoyed it! and i really hope you enjoy the rest of the story just as much! see ya later!
Whirlwind-2005 - lol, i hope its funny! but i'm glad you find it very funny! thanks for the review!!
nwfairy - Vala indeed... everyone needs to watch their stuff around Vala... lol, hope you enjoyed the chapter!!
lakewater - welcome to the reviewer advisory board, hehe... i'm happy to see that you liked it!!! hope you stay for more! (thanks for the PM)
Life is a paradox - never seen you before either... so welcome!! lol, i'm glad to see you liked it! hope you like the rest too!
E. Nagrom - hey, you're new too!!! kumtraya! i'm glad you enjoyed this one and i hope you like the first one too!
SilverRider - hey, havent seen you in a while! i'm glad to see that you liked this chapter!!! lol, jack's mishap... god only knows!

wow you guys! 13 reviews!!! woot! you people are awesome! Well, I'm happy to see that everyone has been enjoying themselves!!! Time for another does of Hitchhikers'!!!

And now, chapter 3!

Sam was settling in for a long night… a LOOOONG night. They (the scientists) had just gotten back from P3C-929, Khantu. It was a seemingly rural and full of farms – seemingly simple people, but some of the technology they used was extraordinary. To them, though, using their advanced technology was as exciting as turning on a TV or using a phone. They had everything from supply replicators to cold fusion power to power their homes and farms. The peaceful Khantuans had let the SGC take some of their stuff back to Earth for study.

So, because of this, Sam had a long night in front of her. Not that she minded – new technology was always exciting and once she started working, time would fly by. It was just the fact that now it was 8:30 pm and she probably wouldn't finish until 8:30 am.


Sam dove into the pile of alien tech and fished out the supply replicator. This thing was awesome! Imagine Star Trek… but instead of food replicators, it only made material goods. Apparently food tasted nasty out of a replicator.

The scientist propped open her laptop and got to work. She had barely been at it for ten minutes when an email warning came up. Thinking that it might be from one of her assistants, she opened it. Yup, it was definitely from her assistant, but it was definitely not about work.

It looked like one of those round robin emails that just keep getting passed around, but the original sender had been one "Dr. Jackson, Daniel". Mildly interested and amused, Sam read more.

Wow… this email was great. Maybe the supply replicator could be put on hold for a bit. Sam had an email to write!

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Milky Way for Scientists

1. Watch your ass.

... a. Everybody wants a good scientist… for one reason or another.

2. Listen to your CO… except if he's cranky.

... a. Cranky CO's are not really useful for much. They bark a lot.

... b. They kinda start sounding like dogs… hmm.

3. Never ask what someone did during a time loop that you weren't aware of.

... a. Trust me… it's for the best.

... b. Sometimes you just might not want to know.

4. Always bring coffee.

... a. Scientists should already know that since we live off the stuff. Shame on you if you didn't know.

... b. Besides, coffee keeps your team happy.

... c. That and it might be the only thing keeping you alive – mastery over the coffee pot.

5. Say big, complicated phrases just to impress people.

... a. You know, sometimes it really does work.

... b. And you don't even have to make sense.

... c. It especially works on a little arrogant man named McKay. (Catch: he might fall in love with you... sorry)

6. Always carry a towel.

... a. For… well, you know.

7. If anyone tries to tell you that you're just a weak little nerd, punch them.

... a. That gets you instant respect points.

... b. It worked well in school... right?

... c. This also very clearly disproves their point.

Sam stopped and proudly looked over her list. For a quick email, Sam had pretty accurately described all the things she had wanted to. She chuckled briefly to herself and glanced up at a puzzled subordinate walking past her office.

Sam Carter grinned to herself. This could be fun.


soooo... didja like it? PLEASE tell me if you did or not! OH! And I want to know who caught the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy reference!!!

See you next time! And happy belated New Year!
