A/N: Just an idea I came up with. Hope you Enjoy.

Disclaimer: Own nothing.

"So what does this thing do again?" Dean asked as he drove down the road, his music going.

"Seems it knocks you out and you see an idea of what the future would be like. I know it does something to you while you're knocked out, but I wasn't able to find what." Sam explained.

"Ok. Hey, who knows, might be cool to see the future. Ya know, see who I'm with down the road, who knows we maybe have Yellow Eyes killed and you might be finishing up in law school." Dean said smiling.

"Yeah, but I don't know if I'd want to have to deal with whatever this thing does." Sam replied.

"True. So, we almost there?" Dean questioned.

"There actually. That barn right over there." Sam said, pointing towards an old rundown barn. Dean drove for a couple hundred feet before turning down a dirt road that led up to the barn.

"So, easy plan. We go in, we find it, we kill it." Dean said as he grabbed the gun out of the trunk once they had pulled to a stop.

"Easier said than done though." Sam pointed out as he grabbed a knife for himself.

"Oh, don't be such a downer. Now come on, lets go get this sucker." Dean said as he marched on towards the barn. Sam shook his head at his brother as he went to follow after him.

"Dean, look." Sam said in a hushed tone as he looked to see a couple people lying on the ground. He couldn't tell if they were breathing or not, but it was clear that they were unconscious. Suddenly, before they knew it they felt a hot breath on the back of their necks. They quickly spun around to find themselves facing a not to pretty creature.

The creature took one look at them, placed a hand on each of them and basically knocked their heads together, rendering them unconscious.

When Sam opened his eyes he found himself looking into what looked like lizard eyes. When he sat up he that the eyes seemed to belong to a man, well, if you could call him that. While trying to decide what the thing was he heard a groan come from beside him.

"Dean, you ok?" he asked his brother.

"Yeah, you were right by the way." Dean reluctantly admitted.

"Guesses that proves that you shouldn't try to be such a smart aleck all the time." Sam said, a teasing grin on his face.

"I'm a smart aleck?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Dude, you're the smart aleck."

"Dean, I'm smart, not a smart aleck."

"Smart yes, but not when it comes to the important stuff. Anyways, I'm not a smart aleck."

"Yeah you are, why do you think I gave you the name?" Dean heard a female voice from behind him said. When he turned around he saw a girl, a little shorter than him with brown hair.

"Don't think I know you, but maybe we should get together later on and get to know each other." Dean said suggestively, only to get elbowed in the gut by his brother and when he looked at her she looked she was about ready to kill him.

"Alec, what wire was disconnected in your transgenic brain? Now come on, we have to go get lizard boy, as you so affectionately call him, before White does." She told him.

"Whoa, hold it lady. First off, what lizard boy, two, name's not Alec, it's Dean, and three who the heck are you?"

"Not Alec. That's not possible. Turn around." She ordered.

"Why?" Dean questioned suspiciously.

"Because, Maxie wants to check for a bar code." A voice very familiar to Dean and Sam said from the shadows. When the person stepped out neither of them knew what to say.

"So what, you my clone or something?" the man who looked uncannily like Dean asked.

"Clone, doubt it. Last thing I remember was my brother and I were in some barn where we were knocked out by something uglier than lizard boy." Dean explained.

"Is that possible?" the man asked a mischievous grin on his face.

"Is what possible?" Dean questioned.

"Is it possible to be uglier than lizard boy?"

"Yeah. So what's your name?" Dean questioned.

"Alec. Yours?"

"I'm Dean and this here is my brother, Sam." Dean told him.

"So, what are you two doing out here in the ally way?" Max questioned.

"Uh, that we don't know. You see we were in a barn and then we ended up here. Where it looks like something from a mediocre science fiction movie about the future or something." Dean suddenly became thoughtful.

"Dude, you don't think?" Sam questioned, no joke meant for it.

"You did say it lets you see the future, an idea of it at least."

"It was the last thing we saw."

"Hold it, what's going on here?" Max asked, not following the brother's conversation.

"What year is it?" Dean asked her straight out.

"Year, 2020. Why?" both Sam and Dean looked at each other.

"2020, not 2007. So, after thirteen years, we have mutant people running around. Great. More things to go after." Dean said exasperated.

"Probably easier than Demons though."

"True, maybe."

"Are guys on something? I mean, I thought I was crazy." "You are crazy, Alec." "Anyways, what are you talking about?"

"Dude, we're not from around here. We're from the past." Dean told Max and Alec. They only looked at them and it was silent for a minute before Alec thought of something.

"Think it's a Manticore thing?"

"Possible. You said that this thing you were dealing with had a semi similar resemblance to lizard boy?" the brothers nodded.

"I think it's possible that that was mutant, an experiment that escaped." Max told them.

"It wasn't. This thing's been around for a long time. Comes back every twenty years or so." Sam told them, remembering the research he'd done.

"Know what I think?" Alec questioned.

"Not really." Max shot back only to receive a look from Alec.

"What I think is we need to head down to Crash, grab a drink and then figure out what's goin' on here."

"That ain't a bad plan. I could go for a drink right now." Dean replied to the plan.

"You can always go for a drink." Sam shot at his brother.

"Shut up."

"So we going or not?" Max questioned as she leaned against a wall.

"Sure, why not." Dean said. Dean road on the back of Alec's bike, while Sam road on with Max to the Crash.

To Be Continued...