Heya, feeling pretty shit at the moment, so I'm sorry if this chapters a tad sloppy, but I really can't be fucked right now, people n shit...

Chapter 20: Home At Last

"Finally, we're here" groaned the hot headed blonde

Kakashi, Naruto, Neji and Shikamaru had arrived on the border of Sound and were about to move forward when they sensed someone coming towards them.

Drawing their kunai's, the four ninja's jumped into the trees and waited. They were startled as Sasori leapt from the bushes, but they remained quiet.

"Come out, I know your there" ordered the red head

The four Konoha nin jumped down to greet the puppet master

"Where is Sakura?" demanded Naruto getting straight to the point

"Naruto calm down-"

"Don't tell me to calm down! Sakura was the closest of any of my friends before she left to join your guys! I was in despair and grief for 5 fucking years! Now she's missing again because of the same guy that made her leave before and the time before that! So don't tell me to-"

"Naruto, she's fine!!"

Naruto stopped abruptly and stood very still, staring at Sasori

"What did you-"

"I said she's fine, she's on her way back to the base right now"

"So, she's alive?" asked Neji hesitantly

Sasori nodded "we found her about an hour ago"

"Was she hurt?"

They all looked to the silver haired jonnin

"What? Am I not allowed to care for my ex-student?"

"So we came all this way for nothing? How troublesome" sighed Shikamaru

"Not at all, I'm sure Sakura would be very happy to see you"

"Let's go then" smiled Kakashi


Said person turned to the blonde


"What...what about Sasuke?" he mumbled

"We don't know anything about him"

Naruto nodded glumly and turned to follow the others

"We should be there about another hour after they arrive"

They all nodded and ran in the direction of the Akatsuki base


Sasuke grunted as his face hit the cold, hard floor

"I'm going to ask you again Sasuke, where is Rose?" demanded Orochimaru

"Don't you think if I knew I would've told you by now" spat Sasuke

Orochimaru struck him again and Sasuke stood up once again, taking deep breaths

"Look, she went to leave in the middle of the night, I caught her and she fought me, the only reason she escaped was because her stupid kunai hit the bone in my thigh"

Orochimaru snorted "very well, Kabuto heal his trivial injury. Then we shall resume your training"

Sasuke cringed as Kabuto poured a mixture of medicinal ingredients into his thigh, and then placed his hand upon it, quickening the healing process.

'I need to get away from here...' thought Sasuke as he sat there contemplating his shitty life


"I...Itachi?" came a small voice

Said voice woke the sleeping Uchiha, who looked dreadfully tired; the lines on his face looking darker than usual

"Sakura?" he mumbled

The young girl nodded as her hand touched his cheek

"Please...say this is real..." she murmured

Itachi moved closer, brushing his lips against hers

"I am real"

Sakura smiled as she noticed Itachi had his arms securely wrapped around her body

"I love you Itachi" she whispered as her jade eyes fluttered shut

Itachi kissed her forehead "I love you too"

A few minutes later, he too was about to drift off to dream land, but not before the girl next to him sat bolt upright, looked at him and screamed.

He had to cover his mouth with her hand to get her to calm down

"Its okay, your home now"

"Home...? What about Sasuke?"

Itachi cringed "what about him?"

"He...he saved me" she whispered


"He let me go..."

Itachi stared blankly at her 'why did you save her brother...?'

"I...I think there's still good in him..." she trailed off

There was a few moments of silence before she shifted uncomfortably

"Itachi...I'm sorry..."

"For what?"

"Not taking you with me. None of this would've happened if I didn't try to get back at you"

"For not telling you where I went?"

Sakura nodded slowly. She felt Itachi lift her chin up and her dark emerald eyes gazed into his dark black ones

"Guess I better make up for lost time then" he grinned as he planted his lips upon hers

Itachi could feel her hesitate for a moment before responding with an awakened passion. His tongue licked her bottom lip and as she gasped slightly, he swiftly pushed his tongue against hers.

'He must be really sexually frustrated' she laughed to herself as his hands disposed of her shirt

Itachi admired her as she lay on the bed. Her pink hair flowing behind her head, her fishnet shirt covering her plump chest and a pair of shorts that adorned her legs, which was all she had on. The more he stared at her, the more lustful he became and he wanted her...badly.

With one quick movement of his hand, Sakura felt her fishnet shirt break open and her breasts bounced free.

She groaned immediately as Itachi took one of her already hard nipples into his mouth as his hand played with the other


Sakura's scream was like music to his ears; and it only turned him on more

Sakura failed to notice Itachi slip her shorts off her legs until a wave of pleasure coursed throughout her whole body.

Looking through hazy eyes, she looked down to see Itachi rubbing her clit lazily with his thumb. Pushing against her harder, he watched as his blossom threw her head backwards and her back arched beneath him.

Slipping a finger into her, Sakura moaned loudly and raked his back with her nails, her moans became louder and louder each time he pushed his finger that tiny bit deeper into her.

"You missed this didn't you, my blossom?" he whispered huskily against her throat, grazing it with his teeth at the same time

"Ita...Itachi...I..." her voice failed her as she felt a second finger enter her


Sakura looked up at him, her eyes glazed with lust

"Your shirt off now!" she ordered


He didn't have time to react as she flung herself on top of him and sliced his shirt open with one quick swipe of a small kunai

"Where do you keep those?" he chuckled

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

He knew she kept small weapons in the pockets of her boots and sometime under the pillows; and on more than one occasion she had jumped him with weapon in hand when he had came into her room unannounced.

"Ita-kun..." she purred licking along his chest

Itachi groaned as her tongue travelled lower down his stomach until she reached the waistband of his pants, where she ran her finger lazily along it.

"Sakura, stop tempting me" he growled

Crawling up his chest she licked his lips quickly

"Now why would I do that?" she smirked

Itachi went to pull her on top of him, but stopped as a loud voice suddenly entered the room

"HEY SAKURA-CHAN YOUR AWAKE!!..." Naruto looked at the two and quickly covered his eyes "OH MY GOD! MY POOR TAINTED EYES!!"

With a squeak Sakura fell off the other side of the bed while Itachi remained where he was. Sasori stepped in through the door, watching as Naruto ran out

"I guess we interrupted something, ne?"

Itachi glared at him "you think?"

He could also feel Sakura glaring at him from behind the bed

"What are they doing here?"

"They wanted to see Sakura, but I'll tell them to wait"

"No, it's okay" came a small voice

Both men looked towards the edge of the bed where Sakura's head popped up

"Give me 10 minutes"

Sasori nodded and left the room.

"Sorry Itachi, it'll have to wait" she sighed kissing his lips

Itachi growled fetching another shirt to wear. He then sat on the bed and watched as Sakura too pulled on some 'un-ripped' clothes.

"And what do you expect me to do while you're with them?"

Sakura smirked at him "go hand your report to Pein, have a shower, have a wank, I don't know"

Itachi continued to glare at her as she made her way back over to him. Leaning him onto the bed and kissing him deeply she whispered into his ear

"Give me 1 hour"

And with that, she walked out the room and went to find her friends.

Sighing, Itachi looked up at the ceiling "suppose I better deal with myself first before I go to Pein" he mumbled referring to his...uhum...lower region.

"Stupid interruptions" he growled as he walked into the bathroom to take care of his 'business'


"Hey guys" mumbled Sakura as she walked into the room

Naruto averted her gaze, Shikamaru looked embarrassed, Neji was smirking and Kakashi greeted her with a big grin from underneath his mask.

"So, how're you all doing? Naruto?"

Naruto slowly turned towards her, his blush still evident on his cheeks

"Were you...and Itachi...about to..." he couldn't bring himself to say it

"Maybe we were so what?" she laughed

"But your only-"

"Naruto, I'm nearly 18, I can do what I want"


"But what?" she asked growing impatient

"It's just weird"

"Okay, can we drop the subject of my sex life please" groaned Sakura and slapped her head

Naruto nodded quickly and tried to change the subject. He finally got to see Sakura naked, but it made him sad she wasn't with him, his childhood crush for her still lingered within him.

Luckily, someone did the changing for him. Kakashi to the rescue or what, ne?

"So, how did you escape sound?"

Her face saddened "Sasuke...he let me go..."

"But why?"

"I don't know really, but when I released my Gen Justu, he seemed really spooked that it was me"

"What Gen Jutsu?"

"The one I used to change mine and Sasori's appearances"

"You can do that?" asked Neji

Sakura nodded "yeah, I can"

Naruto's eyes sparkled; he seemed to have forgotten about the little incident a few minutes ago "Sakura-Chan, that's amazing!"

Sakura smiled sheepishly

"Where did you learn that?" came Kakashi's voice

"Pein taught it to me"

Naruto choked "THE Pein? The leader of the Akatsuki?"

Sakura nodded "he's actually really nice"

"Are you sure we're talking about the same guy here? That guy gives me the creeps"

"Yeah we are" she giggled "he saw my level of Gen Jutsu one time and thought I was worthy of learning it, he said it might save my life one time, he was right. Without it, I never would've gotten these"

She produced a few documents from a little bag, and placed them in Kakashi's hands.

"I stole these from Sasuke's room and the library when I was in Sound" she explained

As Kakashi flicked through them, he produced a small picture and held it up

"Who's this?"

Sakura looked at the photo and he noticed her eyes dim with sadness

"That's Kimi, Maki, Kida, me and...Sasuke"

"That's you? Wow you look so different" stared Naruto

"Well that is the idea of a disguise" she smiled

"This information will come in handy greatly. Are you sure you don't need it?" asked Kakashi

"I've already made copies for the Akatsuki; just make sure you get these to Tsunade"

"Will do, and Sakura?"


"Take care of yourself"

"When have I ever done otherwise" she grinned

Naruto walked over to her and hugged her tightly "I'll...we'll miss you"

Sakura hugged him tighter "I'll come see you soon"

"I wish you could come back with us"

"Sometimes so did I, but this is my home now; and could never force myself to leave it. That is unless Itachi gets a stick shoved up his ass and turns into a psycho"

"What makes you think he doesn't?" but Naruto instantly regretted his question and felt quite ill

Sakura turned red and smacked him round the head "no, not like that you idiot!"

The others laughed as she walked them to the exit; and just as they were about to leave she suddenly remembered something

"NARUTO!" she called

"Hm? Yeah?"

He choked as she tackled him to the floor in a great big hug

"Thank you for the necklace"

Naruto smiled "glad you like it"

They both stood p and said their goodbyes once again. And then they were gone, just like that. Jumping through the trees, on their way home. Home... that was such a strong word.

Turning back to the base, she remembered the time and rushed around her room trying to get everything ready.


Handing his report to Pein, Itachi stood there looking rather fidgety; and Pein noticed

"Is everything alright Uchiha?"

"Yes leader-sama"

"Okay then. Your report seems fine. You are dismissed"

Itachi bowed and walked away, back to his and Sakura's room. Looking at the clock as he passed a hallway, he figured her hour was almost up; and he knew she was up to something; he just couldn't seem to figure out what.

As he neared their room, he could feel his temperature rising and himself become anxious as he placed his hand on the handle. Opening the door, his insides dropped as he stared at his blossom.


Sakura was satisfied with Itachi's reaction upon seeing her. She knew she had picked the right thing to wear to make him go wild, and she had just proved herself right.

She was lying on the bed in a pair of lacy black pants and bra, in the sexiest position she could think of. And that seemed to do it for Itachi; he was on her faster than you could say 'weasel'

Pushing her down onto the bed, Itachi kissed her roughly, grinding against her at the same time. Sakura could feel him hardening already, and that only turned her on more. Pushing him backwards, she grinned at him slyly

"Now, where were we before?"

He arched his back as her delicate finger made its way back down to his pants, where she slipped her hand beneath. Grabbing his cock, she gently stroked it, making him moan and squirm beneath her. Feeling him completely hard, she slipped his pants off his legs and licked along his thigh

"What are you doing?" he managed to groan out

"Only repaying you for the first time"

"Fucking minx..."

Sakura grinned. Figuring she had tortured him enough, she took him into her mouth and licked along his cock, earning a rather loud moan from its body's owner.


He surprised her with how loud he was moaning, then again she had made the first move tonight, usually it was the other way round and he was usually torturing her first.

Placing her hands at the base of his cock, she slowly massaged him with one hand, while the other lightly stroked his thigh. Not being able to take much more, Itachi' hands buried themselves in Sakura's hair, making her bob her head up and down, which only added to his pleasure even more.

But before he could go over the edge, Sakura took him out of her mouth and began nibbling on his neck

"What's the matter Ita-kun? Am I too much for you?" she whispered into his neck

Itachi grabbed her waist and flipped her over, so she was lying on his back. Trailing kisses from her shoulder blade up to her ear, he murmured "not a chance"

Once again, his hand found itself between her legs, slowly rubbing against her skimpy underwear. Sakura reached behind her and grabbed his head, bringing it down to her neck where he nibbled lightly, before getting rougher with his mouth and hand.

Flipping her over once again, so she was back on the bed now, he stripped her of her lacy bra and took a nipple into his mouth. Sakura groaned and arched her back as he bit down on her, then began to suck

'That's so gonna leave a bruise'

Sakura was brought out of her thoughts as Itachi's hand slipped beneath her small underwear and rubbed her clit again

"Oh god, Itachi!"

Inserting a finger into her, she moaned louder and rubbed herself against him

"What's the matter Saku-chan? Am I too much for you?" he mimicked grinning as she gave him a half irritated look, but that didn't last long as he pumped in and out of her

He felt her dig her nails into his shoulders and kissed her roughly, he heard her groan loudly as his hand became wet with her liquid. Removing his fingers from her, he brought them up to his lips and licked them clean, Sakura watching him through half-lidded eyes.

"So sweet..." he murmured then moved towards her ear "and I want more"

Sakura didn't have time to react before his tongue was trailing down her sweaty body and to her dripping core, where he licked and suck her. Holding her squirming body down with one hand and keeping her thighs apart with the other. It wasn't long before she came again, right into his mouth. Where he licked her clean once again.

"Itachi!" she purred quietly

Itachi crawled back up to her face where he kissed her passionately, and pulled the covers over them

"Not tired already are you Ita-kun?" pouted Sakura

Itachi smirked and let her sit on his waist, slowly he pulled her down onto his throbbing member, already wet with pre cum. As he entered her, Sakura threw her head back as he filled her whole. Leaning forward, stretching her slightly, she moaned as Itachi kissed her flat stomach.

Moving her ever so slightly, Sakura began grinding into him, making him go deeper and deeper, until he hit that certain little spot that made her scream his name. Then he pushed her back against the bed and took control, thrusting into her harder each time, enjoying the sight of her breasts bouncing with each movement.

A few more thrusts and he could feel Sakura's walls clamp down on him, making him close to the edge again. With one final thrust, both bodies shook for a few moments, no screams were heard as Itachi silenced his blossom with a fiery kiss.

Withdrawing from her, he wrapped a tired arm around her body as Sakura snuggled closer to his body. Smiling Itachi kissed her head before whispering

"I love you"

Sakura yawned "I love you...more"

Watching her as she fell asleep, he thanked god he had her back in his arms. From now on, nothing would tear them apart; and Itachi would make sure of that

"Sleep well my little blossom"


Bloody hell! That was the longest chapter I have wrote in AGES! I hope you all enjoyed the update, as i shall now be off to bed. Night night!

You know how much I love your reviews, especially when I'm so close to my goal of 300

See you all in the next chapter when it comes up

Bye-bye x.x.x