Just so you No, This ISNT My first Fanfic, Its my second, Its just i dont want to upload my first one (It wasnt very Good!)

Anyway...Please Enjoy my second ever Fanfiction...

Ever Lasting Love

Disclaimer: I DONT Own Kingdom Hearts! Because if I did Id be very Rich and wouldnt have a crappie Slow computer like I do now!

Chapter One The Meeting

Sora walked along the pathway of Popou Drive with his twin brother, Roxas, It was a very "Posh" Road where all the Rich people lived...He and his brother just happened to be one of those rich people, but they didn't really act like it, Roxas was a Skater, and Sora was the Bad boy. There Parents were the richest people on the Island, but Roxas and Sora never saw them so they were brought up to look after themselves in the Mansion, sometimes there Butlers and maids would help them out but they didn't really need there help most the time.

The weird thing about Sora and Roxas was that they looked so much alike apart from there hair, Sora had light Chestnut coloured hair and Roxas had bright Blonde Hair, so it was easy to tell them apart.

They both were 16 and VERY popular, "So...First day back at school huh?" Roxas said putting his hands into his pockets, "Yep...So? Do you think there will be any new chicks around?" Sora said with a grin, Roxas started to laugh "Is that all you thing about Sora? Girls?". Sora thought for a moment "Pretty much yeah!"

Sora and Roxas carried on walking and talking about school till they were outside it, they stood a group of people waiting for them to arrive. "Hey you two, Wass up?" Said a Tall boy with silver hair...His name was Riku, the oldest of the group at 17 but he was still in school because he was held back a year. Olette, Hayner and Pence were also standing with them.

Before Anyone could say anything else the bell rang and they all when to there homerooms, The good thing was they were all in the same homeroom so as they waited for the teacher to come they all sat around Sora and Roxas' desks.

"So how was your summer, guys?" Hayner asked leading over his chair, "Ahh same old, same old, went to Atlantica this year though!" Roxas said with a grin, every year Sora and Roxas would go on holiday to some cool world and everyone would be jealous.

Before anyone could ask anything else the 2nd bell rand and the teacher walked into the room, "Take your seats Children" Said the teacher...No one knew his name because he NEVER told anyone so they always just said sir.

Everyone ran to there seats all the gang sat at the back. "Today we are having two knew students in our class..." Sora leaned on his chair...He didn't really care about new students.

"This is Namine and this is Kairi...Please come in girls" Sir said, First a girl with blonde hair came in and said "Sir, Kairi wont come out...She says she doesn't like the uniform" You see the Uniforms for girl were a white blouse with a blue and white tie, and a short white and blue checked mini skirt.

"Well I like the uniform on her!" Roxas whispered to Sora who was still leaning on his chair, It seemed like Roxas had a crush on this girl!

"Kairi come in now! Everyone will have to see you once in a while!" Sir shouted, The next moment a Slim Girl with Cherry Red hair walked in, All the boys stared and wolf whistled at her, Sora just stared in shock, and let go of the table making him fall to the ground with a loud bang.

Everyone turned around and started to laugh a little, Kairi turned the colour of her hair seeing him falling over her; Sora jumped up and shouted "Im OK! Im Ok!"

"Namine, why don't you sit by Roxas" Sir said Pointing to the empty seat next to Roxas, Roxas turned a bright red when she sat down next to him, "an you Kairi...Next to Sora" The only bad thing was that Sora was leaning again, and when sir said this...He fell off...again. Next thing he knew someone hand there hand out to help him back up.

"Thanks..." He said, and then he looked up at the person...Kairi.

She smiled "That's alright" Then sat down at the desk next to him.