AN: I dont know if I wanted to do this story. I want to but I have other stories in progress. Well this idea came up just now. I think that no one ever used this idea. Well here it is. A summary

Edward is a vampire that had been kidnapped in 1994 by top secret scientists that research about vampires. The Volturi does not even know about them. Well Charlie Swan is the head of the top secret scientists. And he is really abusive toward his sweet innocent daughter Isabella Swan. She serves Edward like bring him blood. Animal blood. She kinda smells good to him but not to the point that he wants to kill her. He has watched her being beaten by her father and he wanted to escape, kill all of the scientists and take Bella Swan with him.Will they fall in love while hes held captive? Or will her father get in her way?

Facts: Edward was being held in an underground facility. in a room that is glass that vampires cant break through.

Bella is 7 in this but later on she grows up. Spoiler ( Edward watches her grow up)

The Cullen's will show up later in the story.

The Volturi wont find out about the scientists.

And I think thats it. Any questions just ask me.

Please review if You want me to make this into a story.