Of Fact and Fiction

Of Fact and Fiction - Epilogue

by Angel Eternal aka Angeline

email: [email protected]

URL: http://www.geocities.com/spikes_angel01/index.html

Rating: R

Distribution: At my site "In Dreams and Shadows", "Carnal Sins", "Dancing with Death" and at FF.net but if you
want to archive it go ahead, but just let me know first - I kinda like to know where it's going, and plus I find
out about more S/B shipper sites! ::grins::

Disclaimers: Buffy the Vampire Slayer is owned by Joss Whedon, several companies and God knows who else.
One thing is certain - I don't own any of it! Nothing - zip - nada!

Dawn unravelled the gauze slowly, frowning at the scarring on her neck.

"Look at that! I'm disfigured!"

Buffy rolled her eyes at her sister, keeping her eyes glued to the TV. "It's just a scratch, I've got worse then that
measly little thing."

Dawn glared at her, "Well excuse me, I'm not Miss Rambo, sporting my battle scars!"

Willow flicked a glance at the teen from her vantage point from the floor. "Its not bad Dawnie, can barely see it."

Tara offers her a smile, "If you want, I can whip up a cream for you, get rid of that in no time."

The offer, piqued the Slayer's interest. "Really? Would that work on all scars?"

Tara nodded, grinning at her.

"What now? Wanting to get rid of those scratches on your back luv?"

Buffy blushed, and merely threw a cushion at the blonde vampire that just walked in with Xander.

Xander grimaced, "Imagery...like eww."

He hands Anya her glass of water and was rewarded with a brilliant smile.

Anya sighs happily, eyes glued to the screen. "Watching the Apocalypse when its confined to the screen is very
comforting, as opposed to being in the thick of it."

Xander smiled down at her, and takes her hand. Anya took the opportunity to flash her ring at the Scoobies
for the umpteenth time.

Buffy, Willow and Tara exchanged amused glances, rolling their eyes at the ex-demon's antics.

Spike handed Buffy her Coke, and moved her legs out of the way. Buffy pouted for a moment, before plopping
her legs over his.

Dawn grinned at them, still reeling from the fact that her sister and her best friend were together.

Willow suddenly remembered something and looked up at Buffy, "Hey Buff, what happened to the book?"

"What book?"

Willow rolls her eyes, "THE book."

Spike and Buffy exchanges glances, "Oh! THAT book...umm...why?"

Willow shrugs, "Well, you know I kinda wanted to read it again...I don't remember everything you know."

Xander shakes his head, and shuddered, "Don't wanna remember anything - living in the land of the oblivious here
and liking it damn fine!"

Buffy shrugs, "I'm not sure, Spike?"

Spike tried to hide his grin, but it just wouldn't work, "Wouldn't have a clue Buffy-love."

* * *

A scream rent the air.

Angel was galvanised into action, "What? Cordy what is it?"

Cordelia thrust the book into Angel's hands. "It's evil! I so didn't want to know that much about Buffy's love life!
Haven't these people heard of 'too much info'??"

With a huff, Cordelia flounced out of the room, leaving a slightly confused Angel.

He glanced down at the book in his hands, and then it clicked. It was THE book.

He should just put it down, throw it out the window, burn it.

Mentally he groaned, as his body sat down. He really shouldn't be doing this...

He flipped the book open and read...

Another scream rent the air.


LOL - just couldn't resist that final dig at poor Angel ::rolls eyes::
Well, I hope you guys liked it...
::eyes glaze over as a half-naked Spike streaks past, clothes falling off::
Umm...excuse me while I...uh...um...go over there!