Author's Note: Ok this is it the grand finale! The chapter to end all chapters!

Episode 7

A New Beginning


The local papers described what happened at Medenham Hall as a tragedy, the school burned to ashes taking all the students with them. The papers reported that the only survivors were Leon Taylor, Ella Dee and David Tyrel. David was reported as not being at the school, but he was no where to be found. After the tragedy at Medenham Ella and Leon ran off deep into the country on holiday just as Leon suggested after they had helped Ella escape from the asylum. A month after the great tragedy a monument was erected naming all of those who had perished in the fire that consumed the school. Neither Leon nor Ella has been back to Medenham since. However, during their last week of holiday in the countryside Leon woke up one morning to find Ella gone as well as all of her possessions. At first Leon wondered if the forces of light called upon her once more to fight the good fight, after all Ella would never have told Leon if they had. Leon had a gut feeling that he knew where she went.

The afternoon sun shone brightly on the golden monument that signified the sorrow of the townspeople for the students whose lives were cut short by a terrible grease fire (well that is how the post explained the End of Days, its rather funny to think that a mystical event five hundred years in the making can be summed up by mortals in two words.) A woman wearing a plain white summer dress with beautiful red hair pulled back with chopsticks approached the monument with an exquisite bouquet. All that remained of the school and its students was this golden tablet on display for the whole town to see. At midday the sun's reflection off the gold tablet-monument could be seen from the town. Ella let out a soft sigh as she placed the bouquet down against the monument. "So many lives lost needlessly." She thought as she strolled over to a nearby bench. "Thelma, Cassie, Maya, Tom, Roxanne..." and she even felt pity for Malachi. All of them were caught up in Ella's destiny, like flies trapped in the web of the preying black widow. Each had their role to play as did Ella. At this point Ella cursed Heaven for bestowing upon her such a wicked fate, there were times where Ella thought she would never find solace no matter where she ventured, but then Leon was always there with his soft demeanor and she thought otherwise. Ella tilted her head back and began to drift away for a moment until she felt that someone was looking at her. She opened her eyes and saw a boy with shaggy golden hair staring at her. "Hullo." He said with a grin, Ella smiled. "Bet you thought I wouldn't figure out where you went off to eh?" Leon said as he sat down next to Ella and wrapped his arm around her. "Quite the contrary actually. I had hoped you would figure out where I went." Ella said as she rested her head on his chest listening to his beating heart. "You were thinking about Thelma weren't you?" Leon said. "Among other things." Ella replied. "I miss her too, but we have our memories and that is what is important. She'll remain with us as long as we remember her. Besides we'll see each other again one day (hopefully not soon.") Leon added hastily. Ella smiled. "This is why I like you Leon Taylor; you make all my problems disappear!" "What you only 'like' me?" Leon said faking disbelief. "And that is why I love you Leon Taylor." Ella laughed.

"Any word from David ?" Leon finally asked. "Nope, not from David, Raphael or any other angels. The only angel I see now is you." Ella said looking at Leon. "Well then Ms. Dee perhaps you need your eyes checked for I am no angel." Leon said as he playfully grabbed Ella around the waste and dragged her off the bench onto the grass. They both laughed. Leon cherished moments like these when Ella was truly happy. The sound of her laughter was the music of angels to him. "Ah yes Mr. Taylor you truly are a devil!" Ella said staring into Leon's eyes. "You really have changed Ella, for the better. Now don't get me wrong I loved you before, but I love you even more now that you are happy." Leon said tenderly resting his head on her shoulder. Ella noticed the changes in herself as well, she was smiling and laughing much more often, even her wardrobe has changed. Ella no longer worse dark and dismal colors, she wore vibrant shades of pink, blue, white and of course red. As odd as these colors may sound on Ella she looks quite stunning in each and every one of them. "I like the new me too." Ella said as she stared into the blue cloudless sky, wishing that time would stop so she could lay there with Leon forever. "Well then times a wasting when you're mortal." Ella said pushing Leon off to the side. She got up and began to run through the fields leading to town and Leon soon gave chase, the both of them laughing and smiling putting the events at Medenham behind them and looking towards the future and the prospect of seeing all their friends once more.

None of them were bound by the chains of destiny; they controlled their own way in life now. However, as long as humans continue to draw breath Sin will always be there lurking in the shadows steadily growing in power. Do not despair over this for just as Ella had thwarted her once should the need arise once more a new champion will emerge and continue the fight bound by the chains of destiny for we are never truly free from our fate, sometimes the chains just give leeway in one direction or another.

"So then how will you introduce yourself now? You can't say 'I'm Ella Dee last of the anointed ones' anymore."

"Hmmm I will say: 'I am Ella Dee a normal seventeen year old girl and I am in love with Leon Taylor."

The End

Author's Note: And thats it, theres no more zip, zilch, nada, zero. I hope everyone who read it enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it (even though only one person wrote reviews for it! "shakes fists angrily at all of those who read this piece but never commented on it." Remember folks a writer loves reviews whether they be bad or good (hopefully good) but back to the point this is how I would have liked Hex to have ended (shoot if any of you Hex writers read this stuff I just handed you season three on a golden flatter) but yeah thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!! (I hope I didn't stretch Ella's personality too much out of perspective. But if I did oh well, how would you feel if you were granted a normal life after 500 years?? Even the most meloncholy person would be happy!