Disclaimer: I own the plot bunny named Bob and the condition of what my mind is in. I do not own the characters from which they come from and I do not own their souls… Ignore that last part. If you do not like OC-ness of regular characters from the show, leave. Drinking, cussing, and laughter are highly expected. Have fun and please keep hands inside the moving warship at all times.

I dedicate this to my special little beta reader Kaze, dear you are going to have to put up with me for a lot longer than you thought.

Kira rose from a long, unpleasant, non-sleeping night to the 'oh so bright and cheerful' sunlight streaming into the small bunk on the Archangel. He stretched, tripped over some of his dirty clothes, found a bottle of pop, hunted down some clean clothes, and made his way to the bathroom. There, he washed up and suited out in his black strapped outfit for the long day to come.

He walked down the hall remembering why he hated Mondays with a passion. The long boring hours of torture after having a blast of a weekend, the struggling of trying to hide your hangover from your superiors who are just as screwed as you with their hangovers, and the ungodly amount of work. Yes, Kira Yamato had a hate list and on that list was Monday.

As he entered the bridge the cheerful sunlight from hell was brighter than ever and more than three of the bridge crew had sunglasses on. There sat the Captain, hair mussed and a look to wither a plant on, trying her hardest to not scream out with rage for not having the windows of the Archangel limo tinted. She was smart enough to write many reminders on sticky notes and place them along the arm of her seat the day before so she would not forget any important appointments.

"Morning Captain." Kira stated calmly. He acted as if he had something in his eyes so he could hide them from the sunlight.

"I hate mornings…" Captain Ramius growled bitterly.

"We all do, Captain." He smiled beyond his control this morning.

Kira looked down to find that a sticky note had landed right between his feet. He slowly and carefully to not make the world start to spin, bent over to pick the thing up. When he stood up he read it slowly as if to digest it easily. After that he read it again… Then with a startled, 'Oh shit!' he leapt to Neumann to get him to head the Archangel to Orb and then to ZAFT. "We have that International Military Ball we were told to go to. We are needed to escort Orb ships safely to and from the ball tonight."

"Do we have too?" Murrue uncharacteristically whined. "They're big boys and girls; they can do it on their own."

"Free alcohol…"

"Head this ship to Orb immediately! Full acceleration! Get there as fast as we can!" Murrue order with pride and happiness of the new found treat.

(Few hours later… more like seven hours later)

"You will have three hours to leave the ship and head into the PLANT to do whatever you want, but then you must return to receive your ID badges and instructions. We are guests so look formal and behave yourselves." Murrue coughed slightly to the smirk that slowly crept on her face. "We'll have a success party onboard the Archangel afterwards…" The crew cheered in an agreement. "You may now go socialize with the rest of Orb, the EA, and ZAFT." She turned and headed off to meet with the Council of Orb and Cagalli. Kira and Lacus walked with Andrew to the Council to discuss the major set up of the ball and how the introductions will occur. Kira had finally agreed to reveal himself as the pilot of the Freedom and was regretting every moment of it.

In minutes of ZAFT being let off their ships, Lacus was swarmed with Haros of all colors. "It seems Athrun has been busy once more." She smiled sweetly.

Kira was glaring at the balls of doom, swearing to himself to kill or torture Athrun until he promises never to make another Haro for the rest of his life. Which ever he was in the mood for: Quick and silent or a grand show.

He followed along side the Council to the main ZAFT ship our beloved Minerva where the Chairman had been stationed for protection. He hated the stares he was getting from the Council and the random crew members they had passed who wasn't used to him. He had gotten used to the gasps and almost fatal heart attacks they used to have from finding out that he was the Freedom pilot, but he still felt uncomfortable. As they approached the Chairman, he could see Athrun and the other red coats behind him. He gave a swift smile to Athrun and returned the poker face he had on previously. Athrun replied in the same way.

"Welcome to the PLANTs. It is a pleasure to have us all together here in a moment of peace during this hard war." The Chairman spoke smoothly. He got many agreements for the long needed peace and relaxation from the Orb Council. Kira had to wonder how the Chairman could act so calm in front of so many people he considered an enemy, then he mentally howled with laughter of the thought of the Chairman taking happy pills. Athrun must have seen the small twitch of Kira's lips because he raised one eyebrow and looked puzzled. Kira gave an 'I'll explain later look' but unfortunately was also seen by Luna who was standing by Athrun. She looked up to Athrun in confusion and he whispered that he would tell her later.

"Council of Orb, we have hotel rooms for you to relax in. These men here will guide you to them. If I may have a word with the Captain and the highest ranking officers of the Archangel privately, please." He stated with a small tilt of his head. Kira still couldn't believe how long the Chairman's hair is.

After a few moments, only the few Archangel crew members who escorted Captain Ramius and Lacus stood with the two ladies and Kira. Kira, the only one who did not wear an Orb uniform at the time, got many stares from the curious ZAFT forces. He mentally kicked himself for dressing like he did because he was sure that ZAFT thought he was the captain. Captain Ramius stood forth and the front of the group with Andrew and Neumann behind her. Kira took his place besides the captain and Lacus stood a few feet behind Andrew, still getting questioning stares from the ZAFT forces.

"I was told that we have a special appearance of the Freedom pilot tonight. I just wanted to meet him or her before the ball tonight, if that's alright." The Chairman acted uncertain, but knew he would meet the pilot no matter what. He took a few steps forward, his hair waved slightly by the movement.

Kira sighed heavily and took a few steps forward. "I am the pilot, sir." He looked up into the piercing yellow eyes of the Chairman once more with his poker face on. Many gasps came from the small amount of ZAFT soldiers still watching. Luna looked Kira up and down while Shinn glared and was praying that he could just run up and kill him. "My name is Kira Yamato." The Chairman seemed to be surprised at that and quickly regained his composure.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Yamato." The Chairman bowed slightly and Kira returned the greeting.

"You may just call me Kira, sir. Mr. Yamato makes me sound so old." The Chairman laughed and Kira gave a small smile, as did Athrun.

"I know what you mean, especially with the whole Chairman title. You may call me Gilbert. So how old are you?" The Chairman walked closer.

"I am only 18." Kira replied honestly.

Gilbert smiled friendly and stuck out his hand to Kira. "Pleasure to meet you, Kira."

"Pleasures all mine, Gilbert." Kira returned the hand shake and smiled back.

Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know where this is going so bare with me. Pairings, just because I'm now finish with heavy medication, I might do some wild things. XD
