Hello everyone. This is the first chapter to my story The Soul Reaper Naruto. In this story, The Soul Society finds a way to send Ichigo and Rukia to Naruto's world to destroy more hollows and rescue more souls. If they did this, then it would help the souls in the future and the past. When Ichigo and Rukia are in Naruto's world, they see a group of people with knifes, bow and arrows, and swords. They were all about to kill Naruto, but Ichigo kills the villagers and saves Naruto. Then, he brings Naruto to his world to train him to become a soul reaper. I will only update this story IF I HAVE AT LEAST ONE GOOD REVIEW.
Ichigo and Rukia stood by a couple of feudal era houses in the Soul Society.
Ichigo had never been in the Soul Society.
"So this is the Soul Society, I thought it would be better than this I mean everything here looks just like feudal Japan and all of the houses are covered in mildew and mold, BORING," said Ichigo while looking around.
The Soul Society looked exactly like feudal Japan and everyone looked and acted like they were in feudal Japan.
Rukia hit him on the head and yelled, " SHUT UP."
Rukia continued to yell at him and she told him to not act like an idiot when the Division leader arrived.
The reason Ichigo and Rukia were there was because they had been given orders to immediately go to the Soul Society and meet the Division Leader at a certain location and wait there for him.
Rukia stopped yelling and Ichigo got up when they heard someone walking to their direction.
When they got a better look at who was coming, it was the division leader.
The leader had long white hair and was 6"3.
He walked toward Ichigo and Rukia.
The leader stood in front of them and said, "The reason you were called here was because we have discovered a way to make a portal and go to another world."
"Only I and a few other soul reapers have learned it, and I have been ordered to send you to the other world," said the leader.
"While your in the other world we want you to rescue more souls and kill more hollows, we will pull you out of the world in twelve hours so DON'T WASTE ANY TIME, you and the rest of your division will be going to the other world, the Soul Society can sense when hollows are near you, your location in the other world, and what your medical condition is," said the leader, "When we sense you are hurt we will bring you back."
"Now, I will make a portal and when I do, run in it," said the leader while taking out his sword.
"Got it," said Ichigo.
"Okay," said Rukia.
The leader gathered pure energy around the blade of his katana.
Then, he held his sword above his head.
Finally, he swung his sword down to the ground.
A portal opened in the air.
The leader yelled, "GO."
Ichigo and Rukia ran in the portal.
Ichigo and Rukia stopped when they entered the world.
They took out their swords and looked around their environment.
They listened and watched for anything.
They slowly took small, quiet steppes forward.
Rukia didn't sense anything near them.
Ichigo and Rukia put their swords up and walked around the forest they were in.
They walked through the forest for about forty minutes.
Suddenly, Rukia had sensed a hollow near their position.
Rukia sensed the hollow get closer and closer.
After a couple of minutes, the hollow found them and attacked.
The hollow tried to slash Rukia with his razor-sharp claws.
Rukia jumped, ducked, and sidestepped around the hollows attacks.
While Rukia was dodging the hollow's attacks, Ichigo snuck behind the hollow.
Rukia jumped above the hollow's claw and then she jumped on its arm.
She ran towards his face while Ichigo ran towards its neck.
The hollow threw Rukia off its arm, but then Ichigo quickly jumped behind the Hollow's neck.
Blood flew in the air and splattered on the ground when Ichigo stabbed it through the neck.
The hollow screamed and disappeared.
Ichigo sheathed his sword.
Rukia sheathed her sword and got up from the ground.
"That was a weak hollow," said Rukia.
"I could tell," said Ichigo.
They kept walking through the forest.
They eventually found a dirt road.
They decided to follow it towards the nearest village.
After about ten minutes of walking down the dirt road, Rukia sensed an enormous amount of pure evil energy from an evil presence.
"I sense an enormous amount of evil energy from an evil spirit, it seems the spirit is sealed in something holding it back, this is no doubt a very powerful hollow," said Rukia.
"If there it is a hollow, we will kill it," said Ichigo.
"I don't know if we are powerful enough," said Rukia.
"Let's continue to walk to the village and look for that hollow you are talking about," said Ichigo.
"Okay," said Rukia.
As Rukia and Ichigo walked down the dirt road, they kept their hands on the handle of the sword ready to unsheathe it anytime.
The evil energy increased, as they got closer to the village.
Ichigo and Rukia saw a large stonewall in the distance.
"Ichigo, this hollow, there is so much evil power coming from it, I can sense this hollow is 50x more powerful then both of us combined, we can't possibly fight this beast," said Rukia backing away from the village.
"I am also sensing the hollow is sealed inside something that is holding it back, it can't hurt anybody while it is imprisoned," said Rukia.
"Then, lets go in the village and look for souls that haven't moved on to the next life," said Ichigo.
Rukia nodded her head and walked with Ichigo towards the village.
They got to the stonewall surrounding the village and looked for an entrance.
They walked around the wall for a couple of minutes looking for an entrance.
They found an entrance and walked inside.
They saw people in green battle vests and kunai holsters around their leg.
Ichigo and Rukia were in their soul reaper bodies, so no one could see them.
Rukia didn't sense in hollows or souls nearby.
As they walked around the village, Rukia sensed the evil energy coming from the village.
Rukia and Ichigo followed the evil energy to the source.
As they got closer, two hollows stopped them.
Rukia couldn't detect them because the evil energy was so strong.
Ichigo and Rukia pulled out their swords.
One of the hollows charged at Ichigo and tried to bite him with his fangs.
The other hollow shot a blast of pure demonic energy at Rukia.
Rukia dodged the power blast and sidestepped closer to the hollow.
Ichigo kept dodging the hollows bite attacks.
The hollow was so fast; Ichigo could barely dodge it.
The hollow barbarically jumped at Ichigo trying to bite him with his fangs.
Ichigo was able to dodge it and turn his body around.
He held his sword above his head and cut the hollows neck.
Ichigo cut off the hollow's head completely.
Blood gushed from its neck and splattered on the ground.
Just as Ichigo killed the hollow, Rukia was still dodging the fast, deadly demonic energy blasts.
Ichigo tried to sneak behind the hollow, but it saw him.
The hollow held his hands above his head making a giant orb of pure demonic energy.
The hollow split the orb in two and threw one at Ichigo and the other one at Rukia.
Ichigo and Rukia were barely able to avoid it.
The hollow dashed at Ichigo and attacked with its claws.
Ichigo blocked its attacks with his sword.
Rukia held her sword above her head while jumping at its neck.
The hollow moved out of the way of her attack.
Ichigo attacked from the front and Rukia attacked from the back.
The hollow turned its body sideways and fought them both.
Ichigo and Rukia fought the hollow with their swords for a minute.
Ichigo's blade, Rukia's blade, and the hollow's claw swiftly and quickly flew through the air constantly clashing with each other.
After a minute of fighting the hollow with his sword, Ichigo was able to cut off one of the hollows arm.
Blood poured out of its arm and flowed on the ground.
The hollow flew in the air.
Ichigo and Rukia jumped in the air with their swords pointing at it.
Ichigo and Rukia were able to stab the hollow and kill it.
They sheathed their swords.
They walked through the village following the evil energy to the source.
"Ichigo, this demonic energy is not of a hollow, it is of something much, much more powerful," said Rukia.
"We will find out was it is," said Ichigo.
Rukia could sense the source of the evil was nearby.
They ran through the village for five minutes until Rukia sensed the source of the demonic energy was literally right around the corner.
They looked behind a local rice shop.
They saw a large mob of people with weapons surrounding a blond-haired boy named Naruto Uzumacki.
"Ichigo, that is the source of the demonic energy, it is coming from that boy, that blond haired boy," said Rukia.
Ichigo yelled, "That mob of people have swords, knifes, and bow and arrows, they are going to kill the boy."
Ichigo drew his sword from his sheath and dashed towards Naruto.
The entire group of people ran towards Naruto while yelling "DIEEEEE."
Naruto covered his head thinking he was going to die.
He felt liquid drop on his face.
He opened his eyes and saw the entire mob dead bleeding.
Blood was everywhere on the ground.
Naruto saw Ichigo holding a sword with blood dripping off of it.
"W-W-Who are you," asked Naruto.
"My name is Ichigo Kurosaki," said Ichigo.
Ichigo asked, "What is your name?"
"My name is Naruto Uzumacki," said Naruto.
Ichigo asked, "Why were those people attacking you?"
Naruto replied, "I don't know, people always attack me and are mean to me."
Ichigo thought, "I know that powerful demon is inside him, people must hate him for that, if he was to have the demon removed, then he could become a powerful soul reaper."
Ichigo asked, "Hey, Naruto, how would you like to come with me to my world, there you will be treated nicely and with respect, you will also be trained there and you will become much more powerful."
"I would like to go with you, I hate this place," said Naruto.
"Wait here," said Ichigo.
Ichigo walked towards Rukia who had watched Ichigo kill the mob of people.
"I had to stop that mob from killing the boy," said Ichigo.
"I am glad you did," said Rukia.
"That boy can have the demon exercised out of him, then he could become a powerful soul reaper, that is why I want him to come with us to our world, the boy has already said he wants to come with us, his name is Naruto Uzumacki" said Ichigo.
"Fine, he can come with us," said Rukia.
"Wow, for once you actually agree with me," said Ichigo.
Rukia hit him on the head and said, "Don't push your luck."
Ichigo held his head and walked to Naruto.
Ichigo said, "Naruto, come with us."
Naruto nodded his head and followed Ichigo.
Ichigo explained everything about the Soul Society, Soul Reapers, and his world to Naruto.
Rukia sent a message to the Soul Society saying that they need to get home and they have important information.
Rukia and Ichigo took Naruto with them as they left the village.
This is it for this chapter. Naruto will be twelve in the next chapter. I will only update if I have AT LEAST ONE GOOD REVIEW.
Bye everyone.