Hey peoples! This is my first fan fic ever!! YAY!!! claps hands and cheers wildly. Okay, now that that's over, heres the story!

Oh almost forgot! I do not own Naruto ( although I wouldn't mind doing so)

"Get out of bed Ten-It's the 1st day of school!" her mother said opening the blinds of her window, letting the bright sun pour in and eluminate the room.

TenTen sighed and got out of bed. Another school year! Oh great! But now, I'll be in 9th grade. Oh joy!, TenTen thought to herself. She walked into the hallway,to get into the bathroom, only to be maneuvered by her older brother Kiba. ( Kiba was in 11th grade )

" Where ya goin loser?" Kiba asked blocking the bathroom door.

" Where does it look like idiot?", TenTen said annoyed as she tried to push Kiba out of the way.

" Not so fast loser." Kiba said, "The bathroom's reserved."

"What?!" It's a bathroom! You cant reserve it!" TenTen said angrily.

"Of course I can! Oh look! Here comes the person I've been reserving it for!" Kiba said as TenTen's older sister Ino walked over to where they were standing. (Ino is in 10th grade)

"Move it brat!" Ino spat at TenTen. "Oh thank you Kiba!" Ino exclaimed as Kiba held his arm out gesturing at Ino to enter.

" My pleasure sis." Kiba said.

" What the hell! I was here first!" TenTen yelled at her two older siblings.

"Whatever. Like I care," Ino said walking into the bathroom. Kiba just laughed and walked away.

"Yeah. This year is bound to be great. I'll be in high school with my older siblings now! Greeeeeeeeeat!" TenTen mumbled under her breath.

Yay!! Kay peoples, that was my 1st fan fic ever! ( not necessarily my 1st story but u get the point.) Sorry it was kinda short though. Just to clear up some stuff, here are the character bio's for the naruto characters so far:

TenTen (sorry, I don't know her last name): the main character. She's the youngest in the family ( in her extended family too ) and the one who is always picked on. She's really good at math and wants to be a writer. She also hates acting. Ino calls her brat, while Kiba calls her loser. Oh and she's 14 years old and a freshman ( 9th grade ) She has brown hair that is put up into two brown buns at the side of her head and has brown eyes.

Ino: the middle child and drama queen in the family. She is 15 and a sophomore (10th grade). She is part of the popular clique at school in her grade. She also excessively worries about her looks and hair. She also has an unusually weird power to make TenTen trip and fall flat on her face, just by saying " Hmm, TenTen. You'd better watch yourself cause u never know when your gonna take an unexpected trip. " She is also a cheerleader and has blond hair and blue eyes.

Kiba: The oldest in the family and a humongous pervert. He is also very annoying and forces TenTen to do his chores. He is also part of the popular clique at school in his grade and part of the football team. All the girls think of him as "hot". He has brown hair with red marks under them and brown eyes.

So there it is. Oh and peoples, please read and review, if u don't I will be truly devastated.