What Happens When Your Fed Up With Your Mate Eiri or Yuki

Suichi was pacing the living room floor in Yuki and his apartment. It was after midnight and still his sometimes lover wasn't home. "I wish he would come straight home after a deadline, or whatever the hell authors go through." Suichi said to himself. He checked his cell phone for the seventh time in fifteen minutes. "Where is he?" He finally sat on the couch. "Why do I keep going through this, maybe I should find someone else." He laid his head against the pillow. "Maybe it's time for me to move on." He looked at his phone again and finally noticed the voicemail symbol. "How the hell did I miss this?" After checking his settings, Suichi finally noticed that he accdiently left his phone on silent.

"You have one new message, first message: Suichi it's me, I'm going to be alittle later. Wait I'm trying to leave him a message Suichi I'm running late and I'll see you later Yeah I told him, he'll believe me. So did you get us a room Sakara. Room 211 okay: End of Message, for call back press 1; To save this message press 5; For call time and date press 7" Suichi pressed 7. "The call was recieved on June 6, 2007 at 8:15p.m. For more options press 0" Suichi hung up the phone and looked a the clock, it was now 12:30. Suichi sighed and stood up and stretched.

"He promised me no more cheating." He said to himself. "Why does he lie to me. I know that he likes men and women, but I jus wanted him to love me." Tears were streaming down his face. "I guess he does love me, I mean I am his main boyfriend, I guess I should be okay with this, I mean I can only give him one type of pleasure while a women can... well do whatever the hell they do." Suichi was siting on the edge of the bed, after pondering what he just said aloud to himself, he put on his nightshirt and laid down for bed.

Yuki finally made his way into his apartment. He couldn't walk straight and he kept bumping into things. He fumbled for a cigarette and couldn't light it on the first three tries, finally on the fourth try he lit it and went back to his room. Being inconsiderate and drunk Yuki turned on the light and started banging his dresser draws looking for a change of clothes.

"Yuki." Suichi said and sat up some. "Yuki is it really you?"

"Who else would come in here and go through my draws." He said harshly and dropped ashes on the floor.

"I got your message."

"Yeah and?"

"How was Sakara? Was she good in bed, good in room 211?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Yuki finished his cigarette and put the stub out on his nightstand. "If you keep being parnoid I'll just leave you." Suichi smiled and played the message that Yuki left on his cell phone. After hearing this Yuki paled some, but wouldn't change his story. "What makes you think that we had sex, as far as you know we were just talking about my book."

"Right...The book. The manuiscript that you left here." Suichi moved closer to Yuki and sniffed him, after he got a good whiff, he got out of bed and looked through his clothes. Yuki didn't say anything. Finally Suichi pulled out his pack of cigarettes and lit one.

"Hey leave my smokes alone!"

"Shut the hell up." He said calmly and looked at Yuki. "Let's see, you reek of sex and tried to cover the odor with some cheap hotel soap and shampoo, you have two hickies on your neck and lipstick stains on your shirt and pants." Suichi took a good inhale and looked at a speechless Yuki. "Let me tell you one thing okay. We don't like your lying and cheating ways, hell we don't even like being treated like shit, so from now on your going to change the way you are or we're going to start paying you back."

"If you feel that way, why don't we break up and see ther people." Yuki knew that he had him, soon his face would wrinkle up and his eyes will get big and then he would cry and tell him that he was sorry and that he loved him. Yup in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and right on time.

"Yuuukkkiiii!" Suichi wailed and then stopped, he started laughing. "If you really wanted me gone then you would've did it by now." Suichi finished his cigarettes and put the carton under his pillow. "We're turning in now, but before you get any rest I want you to think about what just happened here, okay." Suichi didn't wait for a reply, he just closed his eyes and went to sleep.

The Next Day

Yuki woke up and saw that Suichi had already left for work. "Man I had a weird dream last night, no more drinking and random sex with women." He stood up and went into the bathroom. After a nice shower, he went into the kitchen to fix himself breakfast, when he made it to the fridge he saw a note


I really hope you listen to us and start acting right. We love you Suichi

"What the hell, and when did he start calling me Eiri?" Yuki went into his study and stayed there for about fifteen minutes, after that he decieded to take a break and go out until Suichi came home.

"Yuuuukkkkiiiii!!" Suichi yelled and slammed the front door. "Guess what I recorded two songs today and I saw Mr. Sakama, it was a great day." Suichi said all of this while walking into Yuki's study. "Yuki." He wasn't there Suichi found him in the bedroom looking at the ceiling. "There you are Yuki." Suichi sat on the bed next to his lover. "Are you sick or anything?"

"No, just thinking... Tell me did anything happen last night...between us." Suichi shook his head and looked at the floor. "Something happened..."

"Well I got your message and you blew me off to be with some girl. I believe that you drunk to much again and confused the girl with me and that's what happened. So everything is okay between us." Suichi picked his head up and smiled at Yuki. "Since I can't cook or anything, I'm going to order us some take out." Yuki nodded and watched Suichi leave.

"He doesn't remember, he doesn't remeber a damn thing." Suichi ran into the living room and searched for a take out menu. Eiri followed behind him and sat on the couch next to him.

"What are you in the mood for, American, Italian, or the usual?" Yuki just shrugged and looked at Suichi. "Well I want a pizza. I know, you only want chesse on your half." Suichi placed the order and turned on the Anime station and sat back to watch the show. Finally he noticed Yuki staring at him. "What's wrong Yuki?"

"Nothing... You really don't remember last night?"

"No I went to bed before you came in."

"Can you explain this letter." Yuki gave Suichi the letter that he found on the fridge. "Well?"

"It's not my handwritting. Maybe Thoma came over after I left for work." Suichi gave him the letter back and turned back to the television. "Man I love Inyuyasha. I could watch it all day, and not to mention Sailor Moon." Yuki just sat there, finally it dawned on him that Suichi was lying, fine he could play this game too.

"Listen I want us to break up."

"But why Yuki." suichi started with tears in his eyes. "I didn't do anything this time, and if I did I'm sorry." He was now on his knees and clutching Eiri's hand for life. "Please forgive me."

"No." Eiri said and kicked him across the floor. "You want to play games with me and all that other shit, well forget it." Suichi sat there trembling tears coming down his face. "Get your shit and get out." Yuki said and went into his room. Suichi sat there for a few minutes and finally went into the bedroom, when he opened the door he saw Yuki smoking a cigarette. "Quit begging with those big purple eyes, and just go." Suichi walked over to him and took the cigarette out of his hand.

"I thought we told you to play nice." suichi said and inhaled the cigarette. "I thought we said to be fucking nice!" He yelled and slapped Yuki in the face. "Why are you so damn diffcult." He said and kept smoking the cigarette. Yuki was sitting there in shock. "What, never had anyone hit you before, your only use to hitting us and being nasty to us." Suichi punched him this time in the jaw. Yuki fell back and held his face.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Nothing, we're sick of your shit." Suichi walked over to the closet. "You have really pretty silk shirts." He grabbed one and went back over to Yuki. "Give me your lighter Eiri." Yuki hesitated. "I'm going to ask you one more time to give me the damn lighter." Yuki gave him the lighter. "Thank you." Suichi then lit the shirt on fire."How much did this shirt cost $150.00, now it's $150.00 of ashes." Suichi sat down next to Yuki and stared at him. "Look the food should be here, I'm going to leave for a while, but remeber play nice." Suichi walked out of the room and left Eiri sitting in the bedroom. Yuki was in a state of shock. What the hell is going on in his home? Why the hell is Suichi acting crazy? He finally got up and went into the living room. There was Suichi sitting on his knees crying. Crying the same way he left him.

"Suichi." Red rimmed purple eyes stared at the blonde novelist. "Are you okay?"

"No, I want us to work out our problems." Just then the door bell rung and Yuki answered the door. He payed the delivery driver and took the box of pizza.

"Come on brat." Suichi shook his head and stayed in the same spot that he was in. "Look I over reacted. We're okay, so come on let's eat."

"Really!" Suichi asked with hearts in his eyes. He walked over to Yuki and sat down oppsite him and started on his pineapple, anchoive, mushroom and onion pizza. "This is really good Yuki."

"What did you just call me?"

"Yuki. Why do you want me to call you something else?"

"No." Yuki ate his pizza in silence while Suichi went on about some song or another. "Hey, do I have any other names?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like my real name, do you know it?"

"Yeah, it's Eiri Usegai, and your pen name is Eiri Yuki."

"Why do you call me Yuki?"

"Eiri is to business like to me. Like Thoma calls you that and your publisher and all of those folks, plus I like the name Yuki." Yuki shook his head and looked at his pizza. "Hey, let's go to a movie later on this week."

"Okay." Yuki didn't care, all he wanted was to figure out why Suichi was acting like a crazy person. He just couldn't figure it out.