"Really Harry, I don't understand why Dumbledore is making all of the Prefects go to his quarters at this time of the night," Hermione asked her sleepy-eyed friend. Harry scratched his unruly black hair and shrugged his shoulders.

"Hermione, if I had any idea I would have told you by now," he said through a muffled yawn. Hermione scrunched her forehead as she thought hard as to why at 1 in the morning they would be making their way to Dumbledore's office, she sighed as she came up empty.

"Well whatever it is, it's bound to be important," she assured herself and Harry, who seemed more particularly interested in glancing at all of the paintings on the wall. He only nodded in response. Hermione sighed and decided this late at night maybe it was better to just walk and enjoy the silence. As they continued through the halls she began to reminisce on the events of the summer and her return to Hogwarts.

Her lovely summer was spent a majority of the time at the Weaseley's burrow accompanied by Harry. The endless humid nights and the various trips to Diagon Alley all seemed like a blur to her now. The days went by so quickly as she enjoyed her precious time with her friends. The only thing that seemed a bit off was the distance that began to grow between her and the boys. Their bond was slowly disintegrating, especially her friendship with Ron. She remembered one particular night at the end of August…

"Harry and Ron! Will you boys please lower your voices a bit," Hermione pleaded with them. On her lap was a new book she was reading "Antidotes and Anecdotes" and the boys were disturbing her concentration.

"Ay Hermione, we're trying to discuss the important difference between roasted chicken and a good steak over here, this is life or death!" Ron said in a most serious tone. Harry chuckled a bit at Ron's response.

"Are you crazy Ronald Weasley? I'm trying to learn and expand my knowledge and you think the food groups are more important?" Hermione snapped. Ron pondered for a second and tilted his head to the side.

"Uhmm.. yeah?" he replied. Hermione haughtily stood up and grabbed her book to head up the stairs. Ron abruptly got up and groaned.

"I'll be back in a flash Harry, let me go patch things up with Hermione quickly," he said as he ran to catch up to her. He grabbed her shoulder before she reached the first stair.

"I'm sorry Hermione, I didn't mean to disrupt you, really I didn't," he said and cast a glance to the floor. Hermione rolled her eyes back at him.

"Ron this isn't the first time you boys have been disrespectful of me. I don't know what it is with you guys anymore. It seems like we don't even talk like we use to. It's always you and Harry, almost like you forgot me," Hermione told him. She didn't like being excluded from their conversations or their day trips to Qudditch matches or even their simple late night games of Wizards Chess, regardless of whether she hated it or not .

"Hermione, if you weren't always reading a book or doing something to better your mind maybe you'd actually have time to pay attention to us," Ron said. After the words left his mouth he knew he should have thought before he spoke

"Oh? Is that what you think; that all I do is read? Well Ron, you're surely leading a great life, goofing off and acting like a twit. And to think, I actually had feelings for you at the beginning of the summer," Hermione spat. She turned to go up the stairs and Ron grabbed her hand.

"Wait, you don't care about me anymore?" he questioned. His face bore a look of sadness. Hermione breathed out and shook her head.

"It's not the same, Ron. I just…I don't think you're what I'm looking for right now. And I also think I should go back home for the last few days of summer," she said quietly. Ron's face turned a hint of red and he kicked the step angrily.

"You want to leave and throw everything away? Fine, Hermione. Go read you're book in your own house!" he raised his voice with the last remark and stomped off to the living room. The next day Hermione packed her things and flooed back to her own home to waste away the end of summer in solitude.

Hermione's face turned into a frown as she recalled that last night at the Burrow. Ron didn't even want to speak to her anymore after she ended their so called "relationship." Even on the train to Hogwarts yesterday, Ron decided to get a compartment with Seamus Finnegan to avoid having to see or speak to Hermione. The entire train ride, Hermione had to sit in loneliness watching Harry and Ginny cuddling and holding each other. She began to wish she had someone to just hold her and understand her. The only person that paid attention to her on the train was Draco Malfoy, and it wasn't the kind of attention she had wanted.

"Why if it isn't Potty, the Ginger, and Mudblood having a little Pow Wow," Draco sneered as he poked his head into their car.

"Would you just leave us alone you slithering snake," Harry barked as he reached into his robes for his wand. Draco "tsk-tsked" as he shook a finger.

"No, No Potter. Don't try to hex me into oblivion. You and I both know I know more curses than anyone in this blasted school and I'd have you writhing in pain on the floor before you can say Nimbus," Malfoy said with malice in his voice. He turned his head toward Hermione and focused his attention on her.

"What's wrong with you Mudblood, Cat got your tongue? Or is it Weasley that's got it?" Malfoy laughed at his own stupid insult. Hermione lightly just shook her head at him.

"I'm not in the mood Malfoy. Just leave me in peace you stupid git. And for your information, Ron and I are no longer together," Hermione blatantly said. She didn't feel up for arguing with the Slytherin scum today. Draco had to mask the look of shock on his face.

Granger not wanting to jinx me for once? That Weasel must have done a number on her. Serves the Mudblood and her big mouth right. She does look kind of pathetic just sitting there though.

"You lot are no fun. See you in school, you bloody idiots," Malfoy smirked as he left the car.

"Hermione!" Harry said as he was tapping her shoulder. She broke out of her flashback as she felt Harry tugging on her. She realized they were in front of Albus's office.

"Umm… Harry we don't know the password," Hermione said as she began feeling the statue in front of the door, hoping for a way in. Harry raised his voice.

"Professor? Professor!" he called out. Then to his surprise the statue opened and there stood Dumbledore in all of his glory with his usual twinkle in his eye.

"'Ah, we were waiting on you two," Albus said as he walked into his office with Hermione and Harry trailing behind. He led them to a circle of couches surrounding a fireplace. On the couches sat all of the Prefects from the various houses. The only spots left for them to sit would be on a small couch that Malfoy was occupying.

"We'll just stand, Professor," Harry said as he and Hermione began moving off to the side to avoid having to share a space with Malfoy.

"Nonsense, sit next to Mr. Malfoy," he said as he motioned his hand to the couch. Harry grunted as he and Hermione made their way over to the couch. Hermione decided to spare Harry of another fight with Draco and decided to just take the seat closest to him.

"Make sure your Mudblood hand doesn't touch any part of me," Draco hissed. Hermione narrowed her eyes.

"I wouldn't dream of it, ferret," she hissed back. Now that they had taken their place, the Prefects hushed their talking because Dumbledore had made his way into the center of the circle. He extended his hands as he began his agenda.

"Hello students, I'm so very glad you could all join me this late at night," he began. A few students suppressed their yawns at that statement. He continued on.

"Now, I know all of you may have seen each other around school and maybe have had a class or two with another. That's very good, but what I'm here to propose is an event to help the lot of you become more acquainted. In one week's time we will have a Scavenger Hunt that will run from inside the castle to the grounds outside. You will draw a name from the sorting hat and that will be your partner. Clues will lead you to the objects you must find and the team to find them all and to return to my office with them will be declared the champions. "A smile had crept onto Dumbledore's face. The Prefects looked at each other with raised eyebrows. Draco cleared his throat next to Hermione.

"Professor, is there any particular reason why we should be participating in this silly game? I really don't see the point," Draco drawled.

"Well, aside from forming friendships with others besides your accustomed circle, there will be a prize involved," Dumbledore explained. Prize? All of the prefects murmured in excited voices.

"Well, what is it?" Draco persisted.

"The winning pair will be exempt from their final exams, and will receive the status of Head Boy and Girl, which comes with the benefits of their own living quarters and special privileges," Dumbledore told the group. Hermione now knew why no one had been named Head Boy or Girl. She had been disappointed in the summer when she had not received a letter about Head Girl and figured it had gone to someone else. Maybe this whole game would be worth it to get a chance at earning a spot she thought she deserved.

"So, now I will leave you all to talk amongst yourselves for a moment to decide whether you would like to participate in the event," Dumbledore said as he walked away into another room leaving the Prefects alone.

"Hermione! This is great, I think it's worth a shot. No exams!" Harry exclaimed as he bounced in his seat excitedly. Hermione cast a frown.

"No exam isn't really a good thing, "she said. At this comment Draco sneered.

"You really are a fool, Granger. I'd give anything not to take those stupid tests and waste my bloody time," Draco scoffed.

"You would fail them regardless you imbecile," she replied. Before Draco opened his mouth to retaliate she finished speaking. "I wouldn't mind Head Girl though. It would be a fabulous experience and it will look good on my resume in the future. The private dormitory is also nice perk," she added.

"Please, like your Mudblood self could ever win the game regardless," Draco smirked. Before an argument broke out between the two, Albus returned.

"Well, can I see a show of hands as to who would like to participate?" Dumbledore asked. The entire room was a wave of hands raised in the air except for Malfoy's. Everyone stared at him and Hermione whispered to him.


At this, Draco shot his hand into the air and sneered at Hermione. His icy eyes bore into her brown ones as he said in a venomous voice.

"Game on."

"Wonderful!" Dumbledore said as he saw that everyone was willing to join. He pulled out his sorting hat and a stack of papers. "First you must all sign these contracts that will bind you to compete with whomever you chose out of the hat," he explained. He handed out the papers and quills to the Prefects as they all signed their names. Hermione hesitated before signing. What if she was paired with that dirt bag Malfoy? She laughed to herself. What are the odds of that? She signed her name and handed the paper to Dumbledore who then wrote her name onto a small piece of parchment and threw it into the sorting hat. Once everyone had finished signing, he took all of the girls' names and put them into the hat and shook it up.

"Now, each boy will draw a name and that will be the girl he is paired with for the competition. Understand?" he asked. All of the boys nodded. Dumbledore extended the hat to Harry first who was closest to him. Harry bore a look of grimace on his face as he pulled out a name.

"Ah, you have picked the lovely Ravenclaw, Anna Ross," he stated. Harry looked sheepishly at a black haired girl across the room he had never spoken to before. Dumbledore then went over to the other side of the circle and began asking the boys to draw their names. Hermione sat anxiously wondering who her partner would be. Her name still had not been drawn and her stomach began to turn as she saw only two boys were left, Neville and Malfoy. Malfoy also saw this realization as he saw only one other girl besides Hermione left.

"I swear to Merlin if I pick—" Malfoy started to say but then Albus interrupted him.

"Pick your name, Mr. Malfoy," Albus said as he extended the hat to him. Malfoy closed his eyes and he reached into the hat. Please not Granger, Please not Granger, he begged. He opened the small piece of paper and in bold letters he read what seemed to him like a walk to the gallows:

Hermione Granger