In Search of Paradise

Chapter Ten

Elizabeth couldn't wipe the smile off her face as her blue eyes met his dark ones. "You look breathtaking" He whispered his hand rising to touch her cheek.

She glowed in response feeling the ocean breeze blow her veil around behind her. She let her hands smooth the soft material of the white gown before taking his hand in hers. She felt so many emotions as she held his gaze, so many memories.

"Barbossa" She called turning to look at the older man standing in front of them, only pausing to look at the ocean that spanned out behind him. "Marry us" She whispered.

Barbossa gave them a toothless grin before doing just that…

Later that night Elizabeth and Will stood at the bow of the wooden boat his arms wrapped around her, holding her safely. She could smell his cologne mixed with the smell of the fresh ocean air. The sky was lit with stars above them and the sea still below them.

"Since you made me watch that movie… I now get this sudden urge to shout out 'I'm the king of the world' when I come up here" He told her honestly "Perhaps even more so tonight he whispered to her as he kissed her neck.

She let a small smile cross her face as she imagined her husband getting teary through the end of Titanic and how when she had caught him he had said it was because it was a waste of such a beautiful boat.

They had seen few movies in the past two years having spent most of their time sailing around the world together in the Flying Dutchman. They had experienced so much together… and she no longer regretted leaving her father in those dark days… not now she had his heart.

"I love you" She whispered turning to look into Will's dark eyes.

"And I you" His lips found hers and for a moment before he pulled back smiling. "So where to now Mrs Turner"

"Paradise" She replied with a smile

"And what do you call this" He said motioning out at the beautiful blue Caribbean.

"Well we can at least find an island" She whispered with a small smile and a small twitch of her eyebrow.

Will grinned and he kissed his new wife. "To paradise it is"

The End