Disclaimer: I'm not saying I ownFuturama! (But I'm ceratinly thinking it loudly) Seriously... don't sue me its a waste of time.


I love her… that's all there is to it. But I love her in a way that's not enough…

Its only enough to hold her and then release her when she's strong enough to stand on her own after battle's toll. Just enough to smile for her when she's holding another man. Barely enough to say I love her and continue to walk and breathe and live even when she says she doesn't love me that way.

I guess I am a fool. To follow the one woman in the world who has told me time and again there isn't love for me in her heart.

But I cant help it… I love her.

I love her skills as a warrior, like one of those hot American Gladiator chicks only a thousand times better and sexier. I love her for the smell of her in the summer air when she's been working out, its better than any rose or lily on Earth or flower on any planet that man or alien has walked on. I love her for that beautiful giant ever-compassionate, fantastically bright eye of hers that makes me shiver under her glare and burn under her curious gaze. I love her for that can't-be-beat and never-fail confidence that allowed her to beat the crap out of any pompous ass who ever touched her the wrong way or threatened anything that was hers. I love her because she can be strong enough for everyone she loves and can be strong enough to break down and be human, no matter how alien or mutant or whatever she is. I love her because she saved me time and again even when I was the worst person in the world to her. I love her … she is Leela.

L-E-E-L-A…Leela… that name is beautiful only because its hers, because I love her.

I love her for all the things she is.

I love Leela, the mutant daughter, the goddess of New New York, the woman of my heart and dreams, the woman who can make me walk on sunshine everyday, the curse I've brought upon myself for my eternal faith to her and her alone, my sweet beloved Leela.

Leela…. Leela…. I love you Leela…. Leela…

"Hey Fry…. What you doing?"
I look up as my beloved purple haired angel walks into the room and sits beside me on the couch as I flip the channels somewhat nonchalantly to prove what I'm about to say.
"Oh nothing…. Just thinking."
She smiles and I smile back as she takes the remote from my hand brushing it softly with her own slender fingers.

Yes… I love Leela…. Its not enough to make her love me back, but I still love her. I'll always love her and for now…. Its just enough.

(A/N: do not ask me where this came from… I have no clue! Um… I would like to write a story out of this but I won't if no one likes it. If you liked it review me and tell me you would like to see a story out of it and I'll write it, maybe… thanks for reading. R&R)

Woflover7 Howls at Moon