Disclaimer: Sadly I do not own "Life with Derek", but owning Michael Seater would please me quite well...
xXx Chapter One xXx
Casey lay in her bed on a Thursday morning during summer break, relishing in the fact that the countdown had begun. In three days time, Derek would be eighteen. Following closely behind, in one month to the day, she herself would be eighteen. Casey and Dereks agreement was to tell the whole family the day of Caseys birthday, and by tell whole family, they meant everyone at one time. Sure, it could be messy, but it would go over a lot smoother with Marti, Lizzie and Edwin all in the room when their parents found out. At least they wouldn't get completely yelled at initially, but eventually none the less.
Rolling over, she could still smell his scent on her pillows, breathing in deeply, she closed her eyes, imagining he was still there with her. Relinquishing her thoughts, she looked at her clock, reading the time to be 8:30 am. Slowly sitting up, she pulled herself out of her bed, heading to her closet to grab some clothes before she headed to the shower. She heard a knock on the door, most assumingly Nora or Lizzie. Without looking up, she yelled "Its open" from inside her closet. Someone opened and shut the door, rather quickly too. Turning from her closet, she jumped at the sight of Derek sitting, arms folded, waiting patiently, on her bed.
"What the hell!" She screamed, thinking she needed to be the mean, huffy Casey at the moment.
"No one's home genius. Why else would I have so openly entered your room?" Derek asked, smirking.
"Oh, sorry." Casey said, walking over to her bed. She sat down beside Derek, who leaned in to kiss her cheek. She had this morning breath rule, and seeing that he himself had also just rolled out of bed, he knew neither of them had brushed their teeth.
"Three more days." He said, smiling. "Then we only have to make it through another month without getting caught, and were home free."
"Thank god, I don't know how much more of this pretend hating I can do." Casey said, resting her head on Dereks shoulder. "Then again, we have been doing this since we were sixteen, so what's another month?"
"More time to get caught, and have our parents ship us off, or put us in to some type of therapy..." Derek said, kissing the top of her head.
"Hey now, I normally am the one freaking out about getting caught, not you."
"Yeah, but I am the one turning eighteen in three days, and will have to resist the urge to not saying anything while fighting with my father... for a whole month. How fair is that?" He said, laughing slightly.
Trying to get off the topic, Casey didn't even answer his question. Instead she got up off the bed, grabbed her clothes and towel and headed for the door. Grabbing her arm, he pulled her back, kissing her and completely breaking the morning breath rule. He just smiled at her, holding her closely to him. She smiled back, despite the fact that he had broken the rule.
"I have really got to shower." She said. Leaning in, taking a quick sniff, and pretending it was the worse thing she had ever smelt, she looked up at him, and playfully said "And so do you."
Still in his strong grip, she looked at him, his look on his face was priceless. She smiled again, and pulled herself away from him. As she opened the door, she turned around. "Are you coming or not?"
Not even answering, he quickly grabbed her by the hand and pulled her with him. Letting out a laugh, she allowed herself to pulled into the bathroom.
After exiting the bathroom and retreating to their separate rooms, the both changed into clothes appropriate for their activities. Derek had hockey practice, while Casey was helping with a dance class today. After grabbing a quick something to eat, Derek grabbed his car keys and they headed for the door.
Them being so close in age, George and Nora had bought them a car to share. It wasn't hard, seeing that they went nearly everywhere with each other. George and Nora thought it was a sign that they had matured, noticing that their fighting had drawn to the occasional tiff between each other. What they didn't notice was that they always had dates on the same nights, and they never actually met who their children were dating. Not that the phone didn't ring off the hook for Derek anymore, because it most certainly did. He just always took the calls in private, and told whatever girl it was, that he was seeing someone else, never naming names.
Pulling up to the dance studio, Derek leaned over to give Casey a goodbye kiss. Looking around, hoping no one who knew them was around, she gave him a small peck. Derek, being Derek and not actually giving a shit who saw them, pulled her in for a fuller kiss. Not being able to help herself, Casey kissed him back, but broke the kiss before either of them wanted to, as her watched chimed 11:30, and class started in 15 minutes.
Driving towards the rink, Derek got a call from Sam, telling him his car was working and asked if he could get picked up. Luckily Sam lived close enough to the rink that they wouldn't be completely late for practice. Getting into the car, Sam looked over to Derek, noticing the smile on his face.
"Let me guess, no one was home this morning, and you and Casey had some private time, right?" Sam said, smiling at his friend.
Sam knew, and had known since two days after they had started dated. Emily knew too, seeing that she was the one who told Sam. Actually, everyone knew in the high school, and Derek was pretty sure Lizzie and Edwin knew too, but they had never said anything. Scratch that, he was positive that they knew, seeing that Edwin and Lizzie had saved the two repeatedly from their parents finding out. It was just something that they never really talked about.
"You could say that. The shower will never be the same." Derek replied, smirking.
"Too much information dude. So, one month and three days until the "big secret" can be revealed. That must be exciting." Sam said, trying to quickly change the topic.
"Stressful is more like it." Derek said pulling up to an empty parking space at the rink. He got out of the car, grabbing him bag. "I'll be eighteen in three days, and if I wanna make love to my girlfriend, I have the right. If I wanna kiss her in front of the whole damn house, who can stop me?"
"Nora for one. Caseys only seventeen, and legally..." Sam said, trailing off at the end of the sentence.
"Don't give me the legal bullshit Sam. My dad is a lawyer, I know what I can do legally." Derek said, walking through the doors of the rink, making a quick right into the guys locker room.
Sam trailed behind him quickly. "They cant stop you from kissing her, but they can stop the sex."
"Don't ever say that, ever again." Derek said, glaring at him warningly.
The rest of practice went off without a hitch. Sam keep his mouth shut about Derek and Casey, and Dereks feelings about punching Sam subsided quickly. After taking a quick shower, Derek looked at his watch, noticing if he left now he could catch the end of Caseys practice. Say a quick goodbye to his friends, he left the rink and headed towards the dance studio where he had dropped Casey off at earlier. Parking the car in a nearly empty lot across the street, he made his way towards the studio. Asking the receptionist what class Caseys was helping teach, she pointed him in the direction of the class. Quietly opening the door, he slipped into the back off the room, standing with a cluster of parents. He loved watching Casey dance, something about it was so incredibly sexy. He couldn't help but stare at her while she was teaching a group of 9 year olds how to do this leaping thingy, unsure of what exactly it was. An older lady standing beside him gave him a knowing look.
"Older brother of a student I presume. That girl there is Casey MacDonald, she helps with the class a lot. She's very nice, you should introduce yourself to her." She said, smiling at Derek.
"Actually, I do know her. She's...um...a friend of mine." He said, trying not to blow their cover. Casey is very particular of not telling people they didn't know, not wanting it to get back to their parents.
"Oh, really? She's quite a dear. My eldest son, Jason, has had a crush on her for years. But apparently she's dating someone...oh what's his name...Devon? No...Darren? That's not right either... Oh yes, Derek. Derek Venturi. He's a very lucky guy." She said before turning her attention back to the end of the class.
Smiling to himself, Derek looked at the lady, who obviously had no idea who he was. "Yes...yes I am." he said quietly to himself before turning in attention back to Casey.
The class had just ended, and she noticed him standing there, she gave his a wave and held up three fingers, signaling him she'd be down in three. He left the room, and waited outside of the girls changing room. She appeared rather quickly, and they headed for the car. As they pulled into traffic, Derek laughed a little, Casey giving him a weird look.
"Some guy named Jason has a crush on you apparently." He said, looking at her only to see her expression. "His mother told me today, while you were ending class. She had no idea who I was, it was really funny."
"Jason, as in Jason Nickelson? Ew, kind of gross." Casey said, not finding this slightly amusing in any way shape or form.
The rest of the drive was rather quiet. The only thing they really talked about was what they wanted to eat when they got home. Both of them were tired from practice, and very hungry. They decided to order out, Casey was too tired to cook, and Derek only knew how to make Kraft Dinner, which wasn't so appetizing at the moment. As they pulled up to the house, they noticed no one was home yet. Not surprising, Lizzie and Edwin had class trip someplace today, Marti was staying with the sitter, and Nora and George had separate cases to work on. Walking into the house, Casey headed upstairs to quickly shower while Derek order them some food.
Walking downstairs after a quick shower, Casey curled up on the couch, waiting for their food to arrive. Derek was off somewhere in the house, not needed to shower, seeing that he did after practice. The door bell rang, and Casey answered the door, the delivery boy from the local pizza place standing there with a small box. She took the pizza and paid the delivery boy, shutting the door behind him. Setting the box down on the coffee table, she called for Derek. Running down the stairs and hoping over the banister, he grabbed himself a plate and pilled it with pizza. Casey sat beside him, grabbing her own pizza. The two ate in silence, watching some unknown movie on the TV.
"What do you want for your birthday?" Casey said after she finished her lunch. She was snuggling with Derek, watching the end of the random movie that was on.
Looking at her, in a nonchalant voice he answered. "Well, I was thinking. Hoping, more really, that it would involve you in something tiny, black, and lacey."
"I was personally leaning more toward tiny, red, and silky. But yours works too." She said causally, grinning. He was unsure if she was being sarcastic or honest, but he was liking her idea rather well.
"That could be arranged." Derek said, as causally as her comment.
"No, seriously. What do you want, you know, for your party. I cant show up to your birthday party dressed like that..."
"And why not? I'm not objecting, not at all."
"For one, it might be hard to explain to George and Mom. Two, about a billion people will be here, including guys. I don't think you would enjoy that." Casey explained.
"No, actually I would. Because then I could the shit out of all those guys who dare to look at Derek Venturi's girlfriend." He said half serious, half kidding.
"Still not a good idea Der. Besides, that's for your private after party. You wouldn't want to ruin the night, now would you?"
"Not entirely. But it could be an easy way to tell Nora and Dad..."
"Were sticking to the original plan. I'll be eighteen soon enough." Casey said.
She was getting tired, and all she wanted to do was sleep at the moment. She snuggled closer to Derek, stopping the conversation for now. A new movie had started, and neither one of them were really interested in it. They just lay there, enjoying the fact that no one was home with them. Casey liked days like this, where her and Derek could be together without worrying who might see. She felt her eyelids get very heavy, and was trying desperatly to stay awake. She did get side tracked for a moment when Derek decided to kiss her, but even that just made her more tired. Yawning she streched out along the couch. Her head was using Derek as a pillow, and she snuggled in closer. All she could rememeber before she fell asleep was Derek saying "I love you Casey." and her replying with a "I love you too, Derek."
When she woke up, she noticed the light in the room was on and the TV was on a completly different channel. She saw Marti sitting on the floor, coloring, and Lizzie and Edwin playing some game. She looked and saw that her and Derek had ended up with a blanket thrown on top of them, and that their pizza had been moved from the coffee table. She looked down at Derek, who had managed of fallen asleep too. They were laying there on the couch, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist, and she was on top of him, her head resting on his chest. In any other situtaion, she would have been completely content to stay like this, but for the fact that their parents were home, she was freaking out.
Lizzie looked up at her, noticing she was awake. She poked Edwin, who looked at them too. Lizzie shrugged and mouthed the words "Mom and George just said "How cute" and went downstairs." Reliefed slightly, Casey tried to move, but Derek wouldnt let go.
"Hey, wake up Derek. We fell asleep." She whispered into his ear.
He said something remotely close to, "I know", and pulled her closer. Leaning back up to his ear, she whispered "George and Mom are home." And with that he jerked up, somehow Casey wasn't thrown to the ground. She was still in his arms, stradling his lap. He glanced at their position and smirked ever so slightly, but quickly moved her to beside him.
"Their downstairs Romeo." Lizzie said laughing at Derek. "All they did was put the blanket on you two and said how cute, followed by, atleast they didn't kill eachother. Your in the clear."
"Yeah, and if they would have said somthing, I'm sure we could have come up with some excuse." Edwin said shrugging. He knew all about Derek and Caseys relationship, as did Lizzie, and they were cool with it. It was bound to happen some time.
"Thanks dude." Derek said, as he walked into the kitchen, bringing back something for him and Casey to drink.
"Dont mention it. Were always happy to help... and save your asses. If you wanted Dad and Nora to know about you two, you would have told them buy now, right?" Edwin said. It was the first time he had ever mentioned that he knew they were together, but it didnt faze either Casey, Derek, or Lizzie. Marti wasnt even paying attention, too busy coloring.
"Well, they will know soon enough. One month and three days actually." Casey replied.
"Your birthday? Your telling Mom and George on your birthday?" Lizzie said, questioning Casey and Dereks motives. Derek had sat down next to Casey again and had loosely put an arm around her waist. He was currently playing with her hair and giving her soft pecks on the neck. Lizzie and Edwin rolled their eyes in disgust.
"Well, were will both be eighteen then. What can they do? It not like they can tell us we cant hold hands, or kiss, or even have sex." Casey said, the last comment getting even more disgusted looks from Lizzie and Edwin.
"True." Edwin said, going back to his game.
Casey and Derek sat there for awhile, occasionally trading kisses to creep out Lizzie and Edwin, while Marti was completely oblivious. When they heard the door to the basement open they quickly jumped apart, both suddenly being very interested at the show Marti had been watching.
"It's nice to see you two had finally woke up." Nora said as she entered the room.
"Yeah, but it was great to see you two weren't fighting, or hadn't completely killed each other while we were gone." George added.
"I guess we fell asleep watching a movie. That's all." Derek interjected.
"Yeah, no big deal. Its not like anything happened." Casey piped up. She got a strange look from her mother, but Nora quickly dismissed the thought.
"Well, that's nice to know. So Derek, about your party on Saturday. No booze, no drugs and the limit is 150." George said.
"I can guarantee the no booze and drugs, but the 150 people limit, may not be possible. How about 300..." He said, pleadingly in a way.
"200, final offer." Nora said, cutting off George.
"200 it is. Well, its pretty late, and I need some sleep." Derek said, getting up from the couch.
Casey followed suit, getting up also. "Yeah, I need to get some sleep too."
"Didn't you two just wake up?" Nora asked.
"I need some sleep without her being on me. It was rather uncomfortable." Derek said, looking at Casey.
"Hey, your no bed of roses either, okay. So back off." Casey retorted, heading up the stairs. Derek headed up behind her, throwing George a "Kill me now" look, to which he just got laughed at.
The two made their way up the stairs, but before they could reach the top, but out of sight of the family, Derek grabbed Casey and pushed her to the wall. She smiled as he leaned in to give her a very powerful and exciting kiss. After a few minutes of total and complete making out, they headed the rest of the way upstairs. Giving each other a quick kiss before they parted, they headed into their separate rooms. Trying to hide this for another month and two days was gonna be harder then they thought.
A/N: So yeah, everyone knows except Nora and George, how typical. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed it, I hope to update soon, but don't expect it for a few days...sorry. So I did my part, now do yours, review, tell me what you think and even if you completely hate it, I'll understand.