Chapter Fifteen: Breaking Virtuality

Allow me to present the last chapter of Oh, How Cute. Enjoy!

Chapter Fifteen: Breaking Virtuality

Just because I am a computer whiz does not mean that I know everything about online gaming. Well I know a lot about the matter; however, I have never really played an online game. I have also never considered programming one. I did play through a three-day trial, but I realized I preferred hacking.

Imagine my surprise when I found myself in virtual reality. It was like I was in another world since I still had all my senses including smell. Here there were no limits with the exception of the terabyte law. As long as nothing was greater than a terabyte, it could exist within the Digital World. Otherwise, it would rupture the data patterns that held the world together.

It was interesting to say the least. What was more impressive? Any human's physical strength acted according to his or her own will power. How did I know that exactly?

Michael punched me in the gut, and I flew back several meters. In those three seconds, I was afraid of breaking any bones. That was enough to make me fall without a scratch.

"YOU BETTER GET US OUTTA HERE ALIVE, KOUSHIRO!" Michael still curled his hands into fists and towered over me, ready to kill me with that fiery look in his eyes. Ignoring that, I found that he was dressed in different clothing—clothes that matched Betamon's colors.

Oh, would you look at that? I'm wearing purple. The last time I saw Mipmon, he was turning purple.


We landed in the desert region of the Digital World. What was weird was the fact that this region was empty, uninhabited, untouched. Why wasn't anything here?

Beep! Beep! Beep! An actual window popped in front of my face. It was an e-mail from Willis, and I touched 'Open' to read the e-mail.

Betamon, in awe of the Digital World's wonder, walked to me and read the e-mail aloud. "'Dear Koushiro, I hope you got there in one piece. Recently there have been more Digimon sightings. Gennai has suggested that we quickly solve the problem to the overpopulation of Digimon. I thought that was a good idea except…wouldn't it be better if talked with you in person?" After reading, Betamon plucked Michael's Digi-vice from my cargo shorts and tossed the portable device to Michael.

Michael called Gennai though that wasn't really necessary.

Gennai appeared out of nowhere. He looked just like I imagined—an old man that hunched over and wore a content smile on his face.

"Welcome to the Digital World," Gennai said, genuinely pleased we came. "Glad you two made it here safely."

"Nice to be here," I replied.

Michael, bug-eyed, said, "You're Gennai?"

Gennai chuckled and nodded. "You, I know from the Internet, are Michael Washington. I'm glad there weren't any complications of your virtualization. You're lucky Koushiro knew what to do." I glowed with pride as Michael did his best to mask his sour reaction. "But I'm also surprised Mimi isn't here."

Before I could give a suitable answer, Michael butted in. "She doesn't know about this experiment. Koushiro thought she'd flip if she found out?"

Gennai blinked, the only sign of disbelief he showed. It seemed like he was a hard person to read.

"She doesn't know?" he asked, looking blankly at me.

"Well…" I said intelligibly, "she knows about the League and everything."

He nodded but didn't look at me, causing more guilt to churn my stomach. I felt guilty about not telling her—about the experiment, about my feelings, about how much she means to me.

Gennai didn't push the matter further. However, I knew the subject would come up soon enough. He gave us a map of the Digital World and asked if we had any ideas as to how we could expand this world.

It was the beginning of the Digital World's expansion and our mission.

However, the whole ordeal was anti-climactic. It had me feeling guilty about blowing Mimi off for dinner, not telling her about this, and prolonging something…inevitable?

But back in the Digital World where Michael and I were away from the girls we lo—like so dearly…err, much, I proposed that we layer the Digital World how Earth was made of several cores. Gennai approved of the plan and was ready to send us plans of how to execute it.

Like modifying a program.

I insisted that I start on the layering. It reminded me of a cake Mimi wanted to bake—

Layering, right. That only took several hours after which Gennai told us that time means nothing between the Digital World and the real world, meaning when I go back, Willis would immediately ask what was wrong with the virtualization. I should joke and say that everything went wrong which was why we had to come back so soon.

I blew Mimi off for nothing.

"DAMN IT!" I yelled punching the rocky dirt ground. With all the pressure, the impact caused a bit of a rumble within the grounds around me and also caused Michael and Betamon to get up from napping. "Let's go home NOW!"

Rubbing his eyes wearily, Michael said, "So soon?"

Betamon, who had been pretty quiet this whole time, nudged Michael and mumbled, "Maybe he wants to get back to Mimi."

I whirled around to Gennai and quickly, albeit politely asked for the de-virtualization process. He nodded good-naturedly, brought up a dialogue box, and clicked 'OK' without another word.

But instead of de-virtualizing me, Michael's body separated into tiny particles and disappeared. Betamon likewise left the Digital World, leaving me alone…by myself.


Blinking rapidly, I turned to Gennai again and asked, "Can't you de-virtualize me, too?"

"I didn't de-virtualize Michael and Betamon. Right now they're surfing the Internet and—oh, don't be alarmed, Koushiro. Willis will de-virtualize them on the world wide web." Willis was probably sitting impatiently at the computer anyways, eager to see if the mission was a complete success. "Koushiro…Mimi gave me instructions for you to surf the Internet anyways."

His last statement just went in one ear and out the other.

And then it hit me.

"Wait, Mimi said what?"

"The code for the Internet is—"

I was too distraught to pay attention. Mimi had known all along that I would be here in the Digital World.


Gennai's face was contorted with worry and concern. By now he probably figured out that I didn't tell Mimi about the experimental mission.

Damn it all.

I stopped before I could finish the colorful expletive.

Begrudgingly I let Gennai sign me off for trip en route the World Wide Web that was like another obstacle instead of a detour.

The good man also told me that oh yes, Mimi is an honorary member of the League—another perfect reason to mentally kick myself.

I should've told Mimi. I mean, when I meant everything, I was supposed to tell her everything. Or was I just thinking this because I was farther away from her than I thought?

Why'd I have to make things complicated? I should've just told her the truth.

My virtual body was floating through the Internet. Well, I was really flying through. And once I uttered the name "Mimi", I was sucked into a message board that I really regretted reading.

It was the one about the time Mimi yelled at me in front of the paparazzi. Consequently, the paparazzi made it out to be Mimi and I fighting over who has Michael.

To make myself feel better I would look for comments that I found funny.

It proved to be a difficult task.

"Wasn't that redhead the extra who screamed like a girl?"

"Yeah, it is. Who woulda thought?"

"I did."

"Yep, so did I."

There was one about Michael…

"I thought the guy was straight."

"Yep, so did I."

I left the website in more annoyance than I'd admit and looked around to find why exactly I was stuck in virtuality rather than being safe at home. This penance was really unnecessary if you ask me.

Then I found Catharine's website that looked very different from when I last viewed it. On the homepage was a good photo of Catharine at Yamato's concert. She appeared to be playing the techno music expertly and gave a sultry smile to the camera. There were also some videos and song feeds that were impressive enough. It was amazing how the techno could really polish Yamato's music, but that didn't top what was really important.

On the left margin that listed off the tabs and links of the website I found the one on "My Current Relationship".

"…To be honest with fans of mine and of Michael's, this is our first genuine relationship for each of us. We've also been avoiding the paparazzi because of it…" I began to speed-read through the article until I found what was meant to be discovered: "…As for Michael, he appreciates a real deal. His last girlfriend, whose face she wished was never on the news, didn't genuinely like him. But for her sake let me say this—she did it to make her dense friend jealous… Can't say I blame her. Then again some things just spring back, don't they?"

Without thinking, I jumped out of the website and into the web stream again.

I knew what I had to do.

I also had the guts to do it.


It would be rude and invasive if I just jumped out of Mimi's computer and into her room. I decided it would be a better choice to pop into my own room.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as I leapt from my computer monitor and colliding with unknown person or object.



The landing was faulty—I remember crashing into someone or something and hearing the faintest squeaking of my swivel chair. Well, at least I know the de-virtualization wasn't faulty. I was back in one piece.

But…oh SHIT.

"I'm sorry!" I jumped off of Mimi—yes, jumped off. (Let's just say I…landed on Mimi…and there was accidental straddling—ACCIDENTAL.) The abrupt movement only caused more embarrassment for me as I inadvertently slammed my head against the concrete wall.

I wonder how much worse a concussion feels.

"Koushiro! Koushiro, are you alright?" Mimi asked, her fingers tracing my face that was beet red by now. Her face was colored with the slightest blush, making her prettier and me speechless.

Afraid I'd stumble over my words, I nodded.

Why was she here? Probably waiting for me to get home to shoot me…

But she didn't explain why she was in my room and on my computer again without my permission. We simply sat on my carpet floor in front of my computer and looked at each other with mad grins. Why were we smiling so gaily? I guess because I was such a klutz. My throbbing head rested against the abominable wall, and I rested my stretched out legs next to Mimi's bent legs. She propped herself up with one arm and had this odd twinkle in her eyes.

"You came out of a computer," she said simply.

I suppose that is out of the ordinary.

"No, actually, it looked like you leapt out of the computer."

That would explain the collision—er, fall…

"I won't ask questions."

"Why not?" I blurted. I was curious about why she wasn't curious.

I did leap out of my own computer.

Instead of a shrug and an ordinary explanation, Mimi just smirked at me. It was a smirk that hit me like a ton of bricks. Doing my very best to vent any emotion, I let my eyes wander to my left where my monitor sat. It was just a blank screen.

Then she burst into laughter right then and there.

I blanched.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mipmon smirking at me from my bed. This is a conspiracy!

My fingers raked through my hair as I rushed to say, "Howlonghaveyouknownexactly?!"

Mimi looked down, sighed, and shook her head as if saying, "You should've figured this out on your own."

Here was the biggest surprise of all:

"You knew all before I had to tell you…" I breathed with wide eyes.

She nodded, and we both knew it was the truth. I couldn't fathom how she managed to keep it from me. Everything built up inside of me was swelling beyond any comprehension. Surely she would skin me alive for going into the virtual world without telling her…and blowing her off for dinner…and keeping things from her…

I didn't want everything to fall apart.

"Mimi, I—"

"Stop Koushiro," Mimi said seriously. She repositioned herself bringing her feet in front of her and hugging her knees to her chest. Looking back at me, she took a deep breath and let out a small chuckle. "I always found it funny whenever you just type half-awake on the computer. That morning when Mipmon was delivered"—she motioned to Mipmon who was now fast asleep on my bed—"and you were typing, I was just in time to see you type in your password…"


"…It was one of the few times I saw you type slowly. Anyways, after you hopped in the shower, I tested to see if that was really the password to your computer. It really did work, and I was looking at all the windows of data assistants on the monitor. Before I knew it, I clicked a pop-up and out came Mipmon's egg."

Curious, I instantaneously asked, "What did the pop-up say?"

"'This is not a virus.'" She chuckled and looked at me with a twinkle in her eye. "I pressed 'OK' since it said that it wasn't a virus." I'm lucky it wasn't… "At one point, Gennai e-mailed me and answered all my questions about Mipmon, including why he was here. But I still think of Mipmon as my own kid… I can't help it… But…I wanted to accept whatever was in store for you, Mipmon, and me."

Mimi paused and raked her fingers through her chestnut locks. "I suggested to Gennai that there should be an organized group for Digi-Destined. I proposed that you would lead and organize it, and that it would be up to you to let me in on it. In no way did I want to believe that Michael and Willis and even Jyou were in on it, too. If Michael wouldn't tell me about his involvement with Digimon and Catharine, why should I have stayed with him anyways?"

She went out with Michael right after we established the League…and I kept her out of it… I nodded numbly, not sure how I could tell the truth… I saw a flash of pink and realized I was blushing, so embarrassed about what I was about to confess…

"Mimi, let me just say something," I said what sounded like a plea. Taking a gulp, I looked her in the eye with the sincerest of expressions. "I know I should've told you sooner, but I didn't want you to get hurt or anything… And I…I…I li—love—OW!" I looked down and lo and behold, I found Mipmon who just bit my ankle. The pink blob got me to say I love… "I mean I don't love… Wait, I mean I do… I mean…no, I mean, I love…like…you…"


Mimi laughed good-naturedly and got on her knees to lean closer to me. "I love-like you, too, Koushiro."

And that's when she pecked me on the cheek—both of us wearing identical blushes. I smiled and gently took her chin to meet her lips with mine.

The moment was perfect.

"It's about time!" growled the pink Mipmon.


"Guys, we need more chairs!" Jyou exclaimed.

Sooner than later, all of the members of the League of Digi-Destined sat in various seats in a wide circle. Michael was included in said various seats with Catharine comfortably on his lap. There were twenty of us in all so far. Willis did a lot of recruiting, and because of the successful mission to the Digital World, more people decided to join. Apparently there would be no demand for people to manually layer the Digital World.

As President of the League of the Digi-Destined, I sat on the high stool and would speak with a bit of authority. I didn't extend a firm hand since we were all the same age, and eager, intelligent people aren't that rash. Mimi sat on my right and would occasionally speak up—Mipmon snoozing in her arms. If anything went wrong, I would step into transfer the rogue Digimon directly into the Digital World, and Mimi would stay behind to coordinate with Willis. At least in theory.

After the first three battles with rogue Digimon that were carefully directed, I decided to hell with getting in the crossfire when there faster Digimon on the force.

And Mimi had the chutzpah to join in one of them. She actually took Mipmon with her and also the Digi-vice. Mipmon was able to Digi-volve with Mimi, not that we were surprised. But after that occurred, I gave into the coordinating anyways.

That was exactly why I didn't want Mimi to join at first.

Still, Gennai was pleased that Mimi was more involved with League and the League in general. He like Willis would recruit and enroll more members for the League of Digi-Destined.

"Koushiro," she said looking at me, "you're just annoyed that I could do better."

She didn't… Then again, she did avoid those news cameras…

We were finally together. It took her a while to fully forgive me though. I can't say I blame her.

After the forty-five minute meeting ended, Mimi and I sat comfortably on the loveseat in front of the plasma screen. Mipmon snoozed on Mimi and my laps and had soft snores.

I kissed Mimi lightly on the cheek.

She laughed and did the same for me then said, "You smell like cookies now."

"Not software dust?"

"That, too…but I think the cookies I baked yesterday are still lingering with your natural scent or something…"

Perplexed I asked, "Is that a good thing or bad thing?"

"I guess it's a good thing," she teased.

We looked down at Mipmon taking yet another nap. Being so inactive, he did a lot of sleeping.

"He has the cookie and software dust scent, too," Mimi mused.

"How is that possible?"

"Well, it's possible because it is."

"Hmm…" I gave her a look.

"Well, Koushiro, I clicked a pop-up, and we were given a Digimon to take care of."

I stared at Mipmon for a long while, and then relented. "Okay, I see what you're saying."

Ring! Ring! Ring! My Digi-vice echoed through the empty warehouse and flashed with Yamato's name in bold.

"Yo Izzy! I haven't heard from you in—"

"Don't call me Izzy."

Mimi just laughed and poked me in the shoulder.

"Sora told me that you and Mimi are finally together!"

"Yeah…I'll have to call you back because yes, we are at the moment together. Call me later. Oh and Catharine said that there might be some complications if she toured with you this fall. I'll see ya later. Okay, bye!"

"But Koushiro! Wait, I need you to fix my—"

I hung up without a care as the garage door opened for a few of the League members to enter the warehouse. Catharine, Michael, and Willis kept to themselves and immediately helped themselves to snacks in the pantries.

"I thought you liked fixing computers," Mimi said with an eyebrow raised.

"I prefer hacking them, programming, and repairing software than fixing a computer."

"I can hack computers, too, ya know."

"Since when?"

"Can't tell you. But I can tell you that your password is—" Mimi slid off the loveseat and darted out of my reach.

I laid Mipmon who was now half-awake and asleep on the loveseat by himself and then sprinted after Mimi who was threatening to leak my password to anyone who had two ears. Running with adrenaline, I could easily catch up, but then I tripped and crashed into her sending us into an awkward spiral and crash to the ground.

Snap! Snap!

"Oh, how cute!" Catharine squealed looking at the screen of her camera. "I think I'll post it on the League's website. President and girlfriend on the dirty floor…"

I tried to help Mimi up, but that just led to further embarrassment as I fell again to the ground. She laughed at my clumsiness and I couldn't help but smile back.

Another blush creeping up our cheeks, I kissed her full on the lips.

We broke apart simultaneously and looked back at Mipmon, in red and orange, who gave us the most mischievous smile…

I guess the kid was happy his parents were finally together.



A/N: WHEW! Sorry for a long wait, but I wanted to make sure that this chapter was polished and such. It was nice writing a Koumi fic 'cause there aren't a lot out there, and not many even think about the canon pairing. So if you're kinda new to Koumi, that's great! Writing this was how I fell deeper in love with couple.

I hope you enjoyed the fic as I did. For those of you who stuck through the story, I appreciate all your support. For those of you who found my story later, I love hearing from you, too. For my silent readers, I hope you liked it.

Send me some love by pressing the Go button down at the bottom, and I'll happily reply to you.

What's next for Dragontune172? Hmmm, I am considering writing a really intricate story with Takari, Koumi, Sorato, and Kenyako. When that will be? I don't know. I'm still planning through it.


Much love, Dragontune172