Disclaimer: I don't own Saiyuki.

Warning: Angst

Pairing: Sanzo x Goku


Chapter One: Questions Unanswered

The cloud fogged sky spread through the horizon as the winter sun disappeared, making room for the infested night and its crescent moon. Blunt raises of white shred through his prison bars of stone and torment, his eyes stared a blank and hollow, hollow stare; looking out into the infinite black sky which was dimly lit by the twinkle of starts and that moon in which he loathed. The sprinkle of ice white was made invisible due to the darkness of the night but that didn't make the blanked of snow disappeared. It only took away the pain of the sight of that pretty, pretty white but the sound of the deafening silence, the smell of the frigid air, the taste of bitterness and the feel of the burning cold was still painfully present.

Goku sat, hugging his shines and pulling his legs deep into his rattling chest. In this prison he could still see, hear, smell, taste and feel but the luxury of sleep was never blesses upon his eyes, the call of another was never dubbed into his ears, the essence of life was never breathed by his nose, he never had hunger to call for the taste of food and never felt the touch or warmth of another's skin. In this prison he was made to watch the world pass by, change and move on with out him. It was as if the world had gotten onto the train of time and left him behind; never coming back for him.

He was never able to feel the sting of betrayal but neither did he feel the comforts of love. Did he even know what love was?


An aching question begging, dieing, for an answer to satisfy his empty, empty heart.







"If… I asked you to do something, would you…never mind"

"If you're going to say something then say it. If not, don't talk at all"

"Errm…would you… would you do something for me?"

"Do what monkey?"

"First, promise me that you'll do it and then I'll ask you"

"What is it?"

"You have to promise first"


"But Sanzo"

"No means no! Do you not understand human language?"

"Please Sanzo"

"Didn't you hear me?"

"Sanzo, it's important"

"I said---

"Sanzo, please, it really is important"



"If it's anything to do with food, I'll kill you"

"No, nothing to do with food. So do you?"

"Like I could ever win over your powers of annoyance"


"So… what is it?"

"Hn… I can't tell you cause it's a secret"

Sanzo's heart was drumming beats of fear into his ears and his breath became labored, as his feet crushed the dull leaf littered floors of the ominous forest. The trees became a blur of green and brown as his feet slapped the ground, running as fast as they could. He was trying as much as possible to stay up right and dodge the rooted hands of trees trying to send him into a fall; a fall which could make the difference between him and his predator only mere centimeters. He was running a marathon for the escape of death.

Fuck, I can't believe this… I'm running away… from him of all people.

Then he stopped, his feet standing still and his body motionless; he was running away. His teeth started to grit out of frustration.

I'm not afraid, am I?

The roof of dangling leaves that weaved above him cracked in a messy fit of green; twigs falling, then cracking as Goku, no, Sieten Taisei crushed them in his fall. Standing up, the sage eyed him with diligence and murder. The beast wanted to kill him in a one man massacre of haste and of grace. Sanzo found his fears -which until now, would only come true in nightmares- bolt up inside him, consuming him. He was afraid but…

Of him? Ch, give me a break… like I could ever be afraid of something so feeble

It was not Sieten Taisei that made him want to drop into unconsciousness, run into oblivion and just say "no" to everything that was real. It wasn't him that made Sanzo force every breath and every heart beat. It wasn't what he was afraid of; it was what he was afraid of doing.

He held onto his Smith and Weston, tighter than need be.

Fuck, bringing him back isn't an option anymore.

Violet crossed gold. Sieten Taisei was still assessing his prey. Teasing him with the time he was taking. The beast stood there in Goku's body. The diadem was still in place, making his movements lag but it was still there; the intense insanity, the sickening smirk and that malicious aura, it was still there. The sage's grin grew to his eyes and his claws gathered.

And on instinct, Sanzo had his gun in the perfect aim. All that was left was the pulling of the trigger. His heart was frantic, beating, thumping in his ears, mind and chest like a waiting bomb. He set it of as the trigger was triggered and then all was swallowed by the emphasizing and tormenting silence; leaving only the bang and the ghost of its echo.

I just---

Seiten Taisei felt the thundering explosion of his chest and fracturing crack of his ribs as cold silver pierced into his flesh; blood rained, crimson spilt. His airless gasp was thrown back up as blood was chocked out of his once smug mouth. A light earthquake of leaves was brought up as knees hit the red stained ground. His fangs grit in burning pain.

Violet pupils grew small in a sea of white and tears. Water rimmed his bottom eye lid but he would not blink in apprehension that if he did, when he opened, to see again, his nightmare, his actions, his fear would still be there, would still be real.


His hands grew weak and his body started to tremble in constant shakes of horror; the Smith and Weston was pillowed by dust as it hit the ground.


A/N: hope you all like! I'll continue soon but on a note; this is a very short fic and it is quiet dark. This will go on to be two maybe three chapters; depending.

Reviews would be great! Thank you for reading 3