Twilight Meetings

By Vampyra142001

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy characters.

A/N: In some ways this is softer that the last chapter, but in some ways it's rougher ... You'll see. Takes place in Twilight Town. Unlike all my other KH stuff this has nothing to do with Sora or Riku; it is pure LeonSeifer and hints at LeonCloud. If you've never played FFVIII or at least researched it, then you may miss a few things - nothing really important, but it helps to know. Like I've warned before: This is M-rated, if you don't like something I've written press the back button. I don't care how much people dislike it. Non-flaming comments and reviews, on the other hand, are embraced.


"Something's not right. Vivi, alert Hayner's gang. Raijin, Fujin, search the other side of town," ordered Seifer. "It's probably those creeps in white again, but I want to be sure."

"We won't let 'em get the drop on us, ya know?" Rai stated, following Fuu off to the train.

"You'd be wimps if you did." Vivi headed off through the back alley and the other two passed through Market Street that left the Tram Commons and the woods. The blond confidently strode over the rooftops looking for invaders. He knew that if it was Nobodies again they'd have to run, the creatures had already proven themselves stronger than his gang.

If he and his Disciplinary Committee had appeared in just about any other world they'd be at full strength. Or if he had his gunblade he could do it all himself. Absently, he touched the scar crossing his face.

"So it is true: Seifer Almasy is alive," said a familiar voice. "I'd hate to think what it would be like to go through puberty twice."

"Show yourself!" Seifer ordered, his Struggle bat clenched tightly in hand.

"That scar makes me wonder how much you remember."

"Who are you?"

"They call me Leon now," said the brunet, stepping onto the roof Seifer was currently standing on.

"Squall Leonhart. Still holding a grudge?"

"And if I were? What would you do about it, beat me to death with a plastic bat?"

"My fists."

Leon had to laugh at this. Seifer's youth would not improve his odds.

"Shut up Squall!"

"You're being the Chicken-Wuss now. I'm not going to kill you. I thought that was clear the last time we met?"

"Then why are you here?"

"After losing Rinoa and the Heartless destroying our world I changed Seifer. And being surrounded by strangers makes one long for a familiar face, even a traitor's. Naturally, when Sora mentioned that you and your posse lived here, I had to come," Leon explained. He leaned against the building he had originally been hiding beside.

"How sweet. You came to reminisce with your old classmate," sneered Seifer.

"That's what brought me here, but I changed my mind." His hand snaked around the corner and dragged his gunblade into sight.

"I thought you didn't want to fight!" The blond pointed his struggle bat at the man advancing towards him.

"I only said that I wasn't going to kill you."

Seifer woke alone in an unfamiliar, dilapidated room with what felt like a bruise on the back of his head. While rubbing his sore skull he noticed he was only wearing his hat and pants. His shirt and jacket were rolled into a pillow and his boots were in the far corner, the Struggle bat next to them. A potion sat next to his pillow.

He used the potion and got to his feet. Padding to the door, he peered out. This room was shabby and falling apart too. The teen realized he had to be in the abandoned mansion.

"About time you got up," said Squall, walking down a set of stairs.

Seifer half expected (more like 'hoped') one of the old steps to collapse and send the man sprawling. Sadly, nothing happened to the gunblade toting brunet.

"What do you want?" Seifer demanded, backing away from Squall.

"Sometimes you're as dense as Raijin." He set the gunblade against the wall and shut the door.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

He didn't reply as he peeled his jacket and shirt off, tossing them onto Seifer's makeshift pillow. The blond nearly tripped over the broken table in the middle of the room. Three belts joined the pile.

"Back off Squall," growled Seifer, trying to sound tough even as he backed into the wall.

"That's Leon," the man stated, calmly removing his boots and socks. They landed next to Seifer's boots. Seifer decided to try for the gunblade. He lunged toward the door, only to be grabbed and shoved roughly against the wall. He unsuccessfully fought to free his wrists from the man's grasp.

"Thought you would escape?" asked Leon, giving the boy a heated look.

"No, I was going to stab you with your own sword."

"Really? You forget the limits of this young body - You could barely wield it at the Academy." The blond just shot him a dirty look. He leaned in to kiss the blond, who turned away sharply.

"Leave me alone. I'm just a kid," Seifer pleaded angrily.

"We both know you're an adult inside this teenage body. And I'm certain you haven't abstained while you've been like this. If you used any kids other than Fujin and Raijin that would make you a pedophile."

Squall transferred both of the boy's wrists into one hand above his head. The other hand cupped the back of Seifer's head, keeping him from turning out of the next kiss. The brunet forced his tongue into the teen's mouth. In retaliation the boy lashed out with his knee. Feeling him tense, Squall turned enough that the blow harmlessly struck his thigh.

"That wasn't very nice," said Leon, his voice had dropped to a deeper tone.

"Get. Off. Me." Seifer ground out furiously.

"I don't think either of us really wants that." He moved his leg forward to grind against the bulge in the boy's pants.

A trace of pink colored the teen's cheeks, not matching the anger in his eyes. He wouldn't mind having sex with the man, but his pride simply wouldn't allow his old rival to dominate him.

Leon swung Seifer to the floor and straddled his hips. His free hand trailed down the boy's chest, leaving behind streaks of the blonde's hair gel. One little tug untied the string holding the boy's pants in place. Seifer bucked and thrashed violently in an attempt to throw the man off. Squall calmly held him down until he tired, breathing heavily.

The brunet quickly stripped off his own jeans and underwear, then the other's while the boy rested. He positioned himself between the blonde's legs. Still tired, Seifer fought Leon, squeezing his knees together, pinching the man's hips and preventing any forward movement.

"No," Seifer hissed through clenched teeth. Instead of waiting for the boy to tire again Leon moved his free hand between their bodies and slid two hair gel coated fingers into the blond. He moved his fingers around inside the teen, probing for his prostate. Seifer's legs tightened around him suddenly, informing him that he had found it. Leon prodded the spot until the boy's legs forgot their grip and he thrust into the man's hand.

Knowing he had won, Squall released the boy's wrists and slickened himself with hair gel. He slid into the blond easily. Several thrusts to that same spot finished driving the teen over the edge.

The brunet waited for Seifer to recover, absently stroking the boy's soft, wet member.

"Enough Squall," said Seifer weakly. His body betrayed his words, hardening with the man's caresses.

Squall leaned in for a deep kiss and was actually kissed back. When they drew apart for breathe Leon angled the boy's hips so that he could strike hilt deep. The room filled with the sounds of flesh pounding into flesh, Leon's groans, and Seifer's throaty noises. Expertly, the man rubbed every surface inside the teen as he moved. The boy's nails raked up his back, making him moan.

"S-Squall!" the blond growled a second before he spilled out again between their bodies.

This time Leon didn't wait, he kept slamming into the boy limp beneath him, slowly building up to his own orgasm. Seifer joined back in before he reached his climax, their movements synchronizing. They fell moaning into oblivion.

Distantly, the brunet felt the teen trying to get his attention and something hot and hard pressed between their stomachs. His world still drifting into focus, he slid out of the boy's body, causing the blond to arch in response.

"Finish it," begged Seifer, his cock aching and throbbing with the need for release. The man considered him like that.

"Squall, please!"

"It's Leon," he corrected, holding the boy's hips down as he lowered his face towards the teen's crotch. He drew his tongue between the boy's testicles and up the underside of Seifer's shaft. Leon sucked on the very tip, tasting the fluids already coating it. The boy's hips attempted to buck, trying to delve deeper into the warmth. Squall drew back, swirling his tongue across the slit, before taking the teen's entire length into his mouth. He softly bit the base of the boy's shaft, causing Seifer's hips to flex again. The man pulled away, lightly dragging his teeth over the blond, then deep throated the boy again. Seifer's hands gripped Squall's hair tightly. Sucking hard, Squall slid two fingers back into the teen. The combination threw the boy over the edge.

"S-S ... Leon!" screamed Seifer, releasing himself into the man's waiting throat.

Leon swallowed the last of the teen's seed, then drug himself into a standing position. He fished a potion out of his clothing and set it next to the panting boy. He started dressing himself.

"What's this for?" Seifer asked, referring to the potion.

"Your wrists," answered Squall, buckling his belts.

"Thanks." He watched his bruises disappear.

"Maybe next time we'll actually talk." Seifer ignored him.

"I could introduce you to my 'friend', Cloud," Leon suggested, adjusting his leather jacket. "Though, I think the two of you would get into a childish argument." Still the blond said nothing.

"See you soon Seifer." He walked out, leaving the teen naked on the floor recovering.

"I look forward to it Leon," whispered Seifer. He decided to lay there a while until he remembered how to walk.


A/N: Like I said - softer than last chap, but rougher. Last chap the sex was very rough, but Riku consented. In this chap the sex wasn't too rough, but Seifer said no and fought back, even though he wanted it. And before any of you attempt to condemn me - I DO NOT condone rape, at all. This is just a story written from a darker part of my mind, so leave it at that.

To those of you that don't have any serious problems with my writing: I'm sorry for having to be so defensive in my comments. You shouldn't have to be bothered by me avoiding flamers.