llll The First Time llll

"You have nice hands."

"Thank you?" Luke answered with confusion.

Lorelai laughed and continued to hold his hand with hers. "They're pretty."

They lay naked in Luke's bed.

He looked down at his hand. "It's a hand, a manly hand. It's not pretty."

"It is pretty. It's perfect." She paused and inched his hand underneath the sheets. She placed it under her breasts, and she gasped as he took it from there. "Oh my god," she breathed.

"We can't do this again. You have to get up early, remember?" He still fondled her. He pulled his hand away and moved down to kiss her passionately. Finally, he pulled away.

"I don't care," she said going in for more.

Luke smiled as he avoided her lips. "It'll be a different story tomorrow morning, and I'll be the one to suffer when I try to wake you up."

"I don't have a problem with that," she said as she turned, almost moving on top of him.

He pushed her away gently. "I do, though because despite how thrilling it sounds, it's not fun dealing with your morning moods."

She fell back to the bed with a pout. "Why is it so easy for you to resist me?"

"What?" He asked shocked.

"You can reject my advances so easily. All you have to do is look at me and my clothes come off. This is not right."

"Easy is not the word I'd use to describe my resisting you. The word "hard" comes to mind and is a lot more accurate."

She smiled and turned to him again. "Then, we shouldn't have a problem." She started moving her hand down his stomach. He stopped her before she could get to her destination, though. "I just want to touch it," she said smiling.

"And, I just want you to give it up."

"I'm trying to!"

Luke sighed. "Lorelai, I know you're tired. Just turn around and settle down, and I promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow. We're both off on Thursday, so you can touch it all you want tomorrow night."

Lorelai turned her back to him and breathed deep. "Okay," she finally agreed.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and moved toward her to spoon. He sighed with contentment next to her ear sending shivers through her.

"Are you comfortable?" She whispered.

"Mm hm," he said with his eyes closed.

"I'm comfortable too."

"Good." He kissed her shoulder.



"Have you ever heard of that phrase olive oil?"

"That's not a phrase."

She sucked her teeth. "Have you heard of it?"

"Yes, I've heard of olive oil."

"When you say it, it looks like you're saying I love you. Have you ever heard of it in that context?"

"Nah," he mumbled tiredly.

"I always thought it was kind of stupid. It doesn't even look like I love you, really."

"I'm sure it doesn't," he muttered.

"I mean, if I wanted to say I love you, I'd say I love you, not olive oil."




"Olive oil."

"I love you, too, Lorelai." He wrapped her tighter. "Now, sleep."

Lorelai smiled. "That's the first time..."

He held her even tighter. "I know. Balloons, parade tomorrow. Promise."

Lorelai's smile stretched. "They better be big balloons." She closed her eyes.

"They will be."



Thanks for reading.