Reid becomes careless with his using, but finds the one person he can use freely around: a peculiar painted named Iris, who finds Reid's aura fascinating and uses him as a muse. But as they grow closer her paintings become more and more revealing about Reid's secret, and she and her art catch the attention of a very dangerous crowd…

"Belgrave Blue…" The girl whispered, dipping her paintbrush in a pot of deep blue paint. She wiped excess paint off the sides of it, lifted the paintbrush until it stood straight in front of her nose and glasses, sniffed, and frowned slightly. She swirled the paintbrush in a cup of water for an instant, dried it off on a colour-spotted rag that was on her lap and she lifted the paintbrush up again. She smiled, satisfied, and streaked the blank canvas in front of her with the brush, leaving small gradient streaks of sky.

"I wonder what Belgrave is." She said out loud. No one else was in the park, by this wet weather. She herself was sitting under a parasol, conveniently transformed into a dry haven for her and her paints. "Sounds like a country. Maybe middle eastern…" She dragged her sentence on as she dipped a paintbrush in another pot, labeled Mandalay Ivory. She dragged this paintbrush across the canvas as well, sometimes overlapping the blue, sometimes not. She the moved onto Gypsy Grey, Pigeon Blue, and Albaster before a noise distracted her from her canvas and she was forced to break her concentration.

In a grassy patch of dirt in front of her four boys had decided to sit.

"Excuse me." She said. They didn't respond. "Excuse me!" she said louder. One of the boys looked up, that had messy blonde hair and a smirk on his face.

"What?" he said.

"You're sitting in front of what I want to paint." She said. The boy looked behind him.

"There isn't anything there."

The girl nodded fiercely.

"That's what I'm painting. I would really appreciate it if you could move yourselves somewhere else."

Reid looked her over curiously, then snorted. He was about to reply something crude, along the lines of I-can-sit-where-I-want before an older looking boy with dark eyes and hair stopped him.

"Sure, we'll move. Sorry, we didn't know you were painting it."

"That's ok." She said with a smile.

The four boys stood, one by one, Reid sitting on the grass the longest, just staring at the girl, who had returned to her painting, carefully streaking more Belgrave Blue on the canvas. Caleb gave him a nasty glare, and he stood grumpily. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and waltzed away, passing by the girl and glancing at her painting of the forest that they had been sitting in front of.

He stopped himself from laughing as he walked past. The forest, lush and green and glistening with droplets of rain, looked very different than the messy, blue, white and yellow representation of it the girl was so concentrated on.

She must be the worst artist in history.

"Reid!" Pogue called. Reid looked over at him and his two other brothers and grunted.

"I'm coming, jeez…" he waltzed around the painter girl and towards them casually.

A sickening crack sounded from above him, and he barely had time to look up when a branch from a nearby oak tree, weakened from the rain and wind, broke free and fell towards him. Barely worried, Reid just let his eyes turn black as he stopped the branch in mid-air, inches above his head, before he disintegrated it. A mess of wet woodchips rained on his head. He wiped them off, spun around to brush some off his pants and met the gaze of the girl, who had been staring right at him with a blank face the whole time.

An idea thats been living in my head for some time. Probably something really short, unless i get inspired.