Heart of Discord
Summary: What happens when Kagome is used for Naraku's purposes?I suck at summaries...NarakuXKagome
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the InuYasha characters but Saki is mine. She appears in this chapter or the next. I promise you.
For information on Saki,go to my homepage. the Story.
Chapter Two
"Kagome...wake up." Sango's voice could be heard as Kagome gained conciousness. "What happened?" Kagome said, trying to sit up but only to be pushed down by Sango. "You need your rest, and InuYasha saved you." Sango said. Kagome looked around and spotted InuYasha.
"Thank you InuYasha." Kagome said,as InuYasha turned to look at her. "I only saved you because you're the only one who can sense the jewel shards." InuYasha said, turning back around. "Now now InuYasha, you shouldn't be so cruel to ladies." The wise words of Miroku spilled out.
As InuYasha started yelling at Miroku, Kagome ended up deep in thought. Is that really why he saved me? Kagome thought. I wish I knew. Kagome pulled her covers tighter around herself and fell into a deep sleep. When she woke up, she saw that everyone else had fallen asleep and Shippo was curled up next to Kagome.
Panic struck Kagome. She felt like something wasn't right. She felt like Naraku was here, but he wasn't. His icy glare that shot at InuYasha. That could only mean that he was either coming or sending someone. She didn't want to be awake to find out, so she went back to sleep.
"I need you to do something for me." An icy voice could be heard, echoing quietly through the castle's corridor. "Yes Naraku?" A young girl said, her arms crossed and waiting for him to talk. "I need you to help me kill someone. Will that be a problem?" He said, pacing back and forth. He was too weak to go himself, so he was sending a mercinary. "Yes Naraku." The girl said, fading away until there was nothing left.
Kagome woke up with Sango shaking her. "Kagome wake up.C'mon." Kagome's eyes opened and sat up. "What?" She asked. "We have to go before this fog gets any thicker." Kagome looked around and just noticed the fog. Everyone else was ready so she got ready. As soon as they headed out, the fog become denser and they couldn't see a thing.
"Damn it." InuYasha said, not even his senses could get them out of this. Kagome thought she saw something or someone emerging from the mist. "Look." Kagome said, pointing in the direction of the figure. They saw it too. "Is that a woman?" Miroku asked, noticing the ground-length hair.
She was dragging something along. InuYasha stood in front of everyone and whipped out the tetsaiga. "Who is it?! Show yourself!" He shouted angrily as a woman emerged from the fog. She looked about Kagome's age, maybe a bit older. What she was dragging was a huge sword, bigger than herself, but her carrying it made it look easy.
On the woman's face was the most twisted, insane, devilish smile anyone had ever seen. Her eyes showed lust. A lust for killing. She wore a black and white kimono that cut at the thighs and she wore black boots. "Hello." She said, whipping out her sword in front of her like InuYasha.
"T-that's Kyouki!" Sango called out. "Your Tetsaiga is no match for that, InuYasha!" InuYasha and the others looked at Sango in confusion. "Kyouki is a legendary sword known to wipe out anything. But your Tetsaiga will probably only last for a couple blows." The girl looked over to Sango. "Oh my, you must be the smart one." She said sarcastically.
"By the way, I doubt you'll be a live after this so I'll tell you my name. Kurosaki. Saki Kurosaki." After that, she faded away until she was invisible. "God! What kind of demon runs away after picking a fight!" InuYasha said, but was threw back into the air, his Tetsaiga flying out of his hands and onto the ground.
How can we fight an enemy we can't see? Kagome thought, but was cut short as she took another blow to the head. Falling unconcious, she heard Sango and Miroku. "Kagome!" She then faded into unconciousness.
I know this was kind of short and Kagome gets hit in the head too much, but feel free to flame me.