Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy X or Final Fantasy X-2 or any of their characters. This applies to the entire rest of the story. That way I don't have to write it over a million times. It gets really boring. Anyway all the characters, settings, and etc belong to whoever it was that made Final Fantasy X and X-2…I think it was Square Enix but I'm not sure.
A/N: This is my first Final Fantasy X/X-2 Fanfiction so Reviews (and flames) craved. I am a firm believer in corrective criticism. Anyway the beginning of this story is simple. It starts before Final Fantasy X-2…Rikku hasn't showed Yuna the sphere yet. ENJOY! Oh and by the way, this is my last Author Note unless I absolutely have to. Later!
Chapter one: Everything Changes
Everything's changed. It was the first words that seemed to register to Yuna in a long long time. Everything had changed. From the day she was born she had been forced to believe that she was special, that it was her summoning that would bring Spira peace…that would finally defeat sin. Her whole life had revolved around that belief, from learning from her father, and those who raised her as an orphan such as Kimahri…her Ronso guardian, to traveling with her guardians to defeating sin. Her entire world had revolved around defeating sin and saving Spira. Her life had been about her teaching…nothing more.
But her beliefs never helped her. They had all been prove false, eventually shattered. She had been so naive to believe that the Yeven belief was all there was. None of her teaching had ever prepared her for her travel…not properly. None of them had taught her about love…or the heartbreak that would follow.
Slowly, Yuna leaned back on her bed, her one blue eye and one green eye staring at the ceiling, but not really seeing it. Her mind was not in the small room she occupied on Besaid, but in the past. It always seemed to be in the past recently. Her mind ran over everything again and again in her head, the pain in her heart never easing.
Clearly she saw everything. Her mind seemed trapped in repeat, always starting at the beginning. Not the beginning of her life, but when she truly began to feel alive. When she had first met him. He had been with Wakka, a newcomer, not only to the Island but also to all of Spira it would appear. Wakka liked him from the start. And swore that he was a good blitzball player. Everything had been alright back then. Or so she tried to convince herself. But then again, she had been walking to her death back then.
It wasn't until later, after her guardians had saved her, that Yuna began to realize she was more than attracted to her newest guardian. He was captivating, not just because of his athletic build, his beautiful blue eyes, or his blonde hair that seemed to stick out in ever direction.
Her memories swirled around her and shifted suddenly away from Besaid Island, where it had all began. Whistling echoed in her head and a single tear rolled down her cheek. The swirls of images stopped at another moment she held dear. They were in the water, and she had been…overwhelmed by emotion. He had shared everything with her, telling her of his home, and toys and anything he could think of. She had cracked and sobbed to him. And in comforting each other, they had kissed.
Again her memories shifted, she recalled the video sphere she had been recording…for when she died. She was supposed to die not him. Even then she had claimed she was afraid of not being with him. If only she had known how it would have felt…how she felt now. It had been him that changed her mind about everything. He had convinced her there was another way to kill Sin. It was his persuasion that caused her to believe they could defeat Sin permanently.
Finally her mind rests on the final image, the image that had haunted her these two years as she and those closest to her helped rebuild what was left of Spira. No matter what task she threw herself into it was this final memory that woke her from her sleep nightly. When he had vanished.
He had been walking away from her, walking out of her life, ready to dive off the ship into oblivion. The realization had hit home hard and she had run to him, and he had turned, opening his arms. But what happened next was what scared her the most, she had fallen right threw him to the ground.
She had risen slowly, then without looking at him, she spoke. She had finally told him, finally admitted that she loved him. But it had been too late. All he had been able to do was wrap his arms around her one last time. Or at least try. He hadn't been able to touch her, only hold the air where she stood. And then he had leapt off the ledge. She had lost him. It was that feeling that caused her heart to tighten in pain.
Slowly she shook herself out of her daze and wiped the tears from her eyes. What happened now? Now that Sin had been destroyed? Now that everything in Spira was back to normal? What happened to her?
A knock shook her out of her ravine and she leapt out of her bed. Slowly she opened her door, barely glancing to see who it was before opening it wide enough for her visitor to enter. "There are more visitors Lady Yuna…tourists most of them. Should I show them in?" Yuna didn't even look at the young girl. She simply shook her head.
"Tell them I am…" she huffed and finally said, "Tell them whatever you want. I don't want to see anyone anymore." The girl nodded but before she left she added, "The elders have been talking again, Lady Yuna. I thought you would like to know." Then she closed the door.
Yuna threw a pillow at the door, and then sat down on her bed. "Let them talk." She mumbled. "It's not going to change anything." They had been talking for the past two years. Wasn't it enough that she had slaved and worked along side everyone else to help restore Spira? Wasn't it enough that she aloud those annoying tourists to come see "the great high summoner Yuna?" Of course not. Because it was never good enough for the elders. Now they wanted her to get married, settle down, continue Braska's line. She wanted to scream.
What is she wasn't ready to move on yet? Two years wasn't that long…it wasn't enough time. She had pretended and pretended that everything was fine. But didn't they understand. Her heart had faded along with him that day. It was his, always would be. Was that so hard to understand? Couldn't they just leave her alone, let her live the way she wanted to.
She sighed. It was getting dark outside. She should probably go see Wakka and Lulu. They would be expecting her for dinner again. Slowly she rose and glanced at herself in the mirror. Another sign that the Elders still held control over her was her appearance. Nothing had changed, except that her hair was now down around her ankles. She braided it evenly into different designs down her back. There was too much of it for her. Eventually she would probably cut it all of again to the length it used to be…maybe leave just one ponytail. That might be interesting.
She ran a hand down her blue skirt, her pink sleeves brushing gently against each other as she moved. She looked the part of a summoner, even if she was an ex-summoner. Her eyes found the staff against the mirror, her hands itched to grab it again, but it was pointless. There were no more Aeons to summon. No need for summoners.
Sighing she turned toward the door and opened it slowly. If she went out now would she be able to avoid the tourists? She seriously doubted it. But it was already getting late. Besides, she knew this temple, and the Island, better than any native…she could outsmart the tourists. Wakka and Lulu didn't live that far away. She took a deep breath and stepped out into the corridor, closing the door slowly behind her.
Why was it that when things were at their worst with someone, their friends were at their best? Yuna couldn't help but envy the joy written across Wakka's face as he and Lulu discussed baby names. Sadly Yuna looked away from the happy couple. She would never have that…not with him at least. A tear slowly streaked down her cheek, one of many she had been crying lately. She whipped it away as if it was a gnat, to use to the tears for it to bother her.
Lulu must have realized Yuna was distracted. She raised her hand, cutting Wakka off gently before asking in the soft voice that characterized her, "Are you alright?" Yuna glanced over her shoulder and smiled, nodding her answer. "I'm just a little tired. I think I'll just go to bed, if it's alright with you." Lulu nodded.
"Ya, I'll walk you." Wakka said, leaping to his feet and kissing Lulu's cheek before opening the door of the hut for Yuna. She smiled and walked threw, waiting for the soft sound of the door closing behind them. She didn't wait for Wakka to walk beside her; he was taller than her and would be able to keep up without a problem.
"So tell me what's really on your mind," he said, putting his arms behind his head in a relaxed manner. She forced a smile and repeated, "I'm just tired." Wakka stopped her and sighed. "Lu said you'd be this way. She also thinks it's time you moved on."
Yuna continued walking, not trusting her voice not to crack if she said anything. Wakka continued. "Tidus ain't coming back." She froze, the impact of his words hitting her harder than any fiend or foe she had faced. She didn't move, hardly breathed. Wakka seemed to realize his mistake and tried to correct it. "I mean, you know he couldn't have stayed, it wasn't right, ya know. He uh…he…" She shook her head, refusing to cry in front of Wakka.
"Look…" he tired again, changing directions. "He cared about you. I think from the moment he laid eyes on you. Ya know, when Kimahri caught you…he wasn't the only one who moved to help you. Tidus didn't even know you then."
Yuna nodded, her eyes traveling slowly around the area they were standing in. It had all begun here. All of it. "Ya know he asked about you…when you first talked around the campfire. I kinda…well…I didn't think he was good for you. I told him to stay away from you. Lot of good that did, right?"
Yuna barely even nodded. Slowly her eyes looked up at the man who had recently become more of an older brother than friend. He always seemed to be…well protecting her. From everything. Ever since the tourists and visitors became coming, and those messengers from New Yeven and the others like them, he had become even more protective of her.
She sighed and nodded. "He loved you, you know." Those were the words that hurt her the most. She knew he did. Or at least she prayed he did. "You could tell by the way he talked about you." She nodded. Wakka wrapped an arm around her and tried again, "Cheer up, it could be worse." Yuna forced a smile. Some things…like Wakka…never changed. She glanced down at his gut and smirked to herself. Then again…it would appear that everything changes.
"Now get some sleep. You got appointments for the next three months, ya. Everyone wants to meet you." Yuna nodded. That was just what she wanted. Three months of meeting people she didn't want to meet. Was this really how she was supposed to finish her life? Living in the same small town. Was her adventures really over? She closed her eyes. His face came to her mind and she opened them quickly. "Good night Wakka." She said softly.
"Night Yunie."
They were running, from what she didn't know. He was in front of her, leading the way, pulling her along as fast as he could. She tripped, stumbled, but his strong arms hefted her back onto her feet and pulled her away from…from what? They were running down dark corridors, not knowing where they were going, but desperate to get there. His blonde hair swished as he looked back at her then turned another corner, pulling her around it, but never hurtfully. Urgently perhaps.
But his urgent running came to a sliding halt as they stared up at the wall before them. Feet echoed around them and as one they turned to the door they had just entered from. Soldiers rushed in all around them, guns pointed directly at them. He turned her toward him, forcing her to look him in the eyes. His perfect lips formed the words I love you. The sound of many guns being cocked echoed in the room. BANG!
Yuna shoot up in her bed, panting heavily and searching her surroundings desperately for something familiar. She was in her room. BANG! There is was again. Slowly she slipped out of bed. TAP! As her mind left the fog of sleep she realized the banging was really soft tapping…on her window. Cautiously she moved toward it .Should she open it? Or ask who it was?
She was saved from having to make that decision when a voice called, "Yunie, its Rikku let me in."
Yuna sighed in relief as she opened her window. Without warning her cousin slipped through, using the top of the window to swing herself into Yuna's room and land standing on the other side of it. Yuna closed the window quickly and turned to face her cousin. She gasped at what stood before her.
Rikku had changed, not just in age but her style of clothing as well. Her old shorts were still there, but her boots had been replaced with shorter blue and white ones. Where she had once wore gloves and weapons she now wore what looked like millions of cream ribbons tied around her arms. The modest orange shirt had been completely replaced with a yellow string bikini. Her goggles were gone, replaced with an orange scarf that turned yellow at the tips and fell down around her ankles. Her hair had grown longer, and had been pulled into a messy pony tail. Her bangs were kept out of her face by a blueish purple bandana.
Silently Rikku looked around the room, dancing from foot to foot with whatever she was dying to tell Yuna. "How have you been?" Yuna asked, sitting down on her bed and smiling softly at her cousin. Rikku cocked her head to the side and sat down Indian style on the floor. "Better than ever. What about you? How's Wakka? When's Lulu's baby due?"
Yuna's giggled at the energy of her cousin. "One question at a time," she begged. "Wakka's nervous about being a father…although I think he's practicing on me. We don't know when the baby's due yet."
Rikku nodded. "And you?" she asked. Yuna looked away. "I'm okay." She replied. Rikku jumped to her feet. "Well I've got just the thing to turn that frown upside down. Kimahri gave me this. He found it and thought you might wana have a look at it."
Rikku removed a sphere from her bag hanging off her hip. She handed it to Yuna and said, "Watch."
Yuna glanced down at the orb in her hand. There was only static at first. But when the picture finally focused, Yuna gasped.
A/N: What did Yuna see I wonder? Actually I know but don't you wonder? No this is not the same Sphere that Rikku found and showed Yuna. It's the same idea though. This isn't going to be Final Fantasy X-2 people. I'm just using some of the ideas. That's why I had to disclaim everything. Interested? Keep reading. Hope you liked.