Thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed keep them coming!!

And still I own nothing, sad but true.

Chapter Seven: Wedding Gifts

"Mom, I don't even know these people I told you were trying to keep things small ya know, we aren't big fancy people we don't need a big fancy wedding." Lorelai said reading over her mothers guest list for the wedding.

"The number of people invited doesn't have any bearing on how fancy or not fancy the affair is, these people have known you since you were a child it is only polite to invite them." Emily insisted.

"These people." Lorelai pointed to the paper .

"Yes." Emily rolled her eyes.

"Have known me since I was a child." Lorelai looked at her in amazement.


"Mom if these people have known me since I was a child then why don't know recognize any of the names." She said handing her mother back her list.

"Perhaps you have early onset Alzheimers, I don't know but they have." Emily was trying hard to be patient of her daughter but there were times she felt like she didn't take a single word seriously.

"Tell you what lets send them all invites and three pictures two ringers and one of me and if the can identify me in the line up and send us back the correct picture as an RSVP they can come." Lorelai joked.

"Lorelai you're impossible." Emily said frustrated with her daughter.

"So I've heard. Listen take it down to 25, please mom 25 guests I am begging you." Lorelai said grabbing her mothers hand in a show of willingness to compromise.

"Well I suppose I can pair it down a little."

"Thank you."

"Welcome." She said with a polite smile, just as Richard came into keep her from starting round two.

"Lorelai, could I see you in my office a moment." He asked.

"Sure dad."

Lorelai followed her father into his office.

"Please sit down." He said taking a seat as well.

"Whats up dad." Lorelai said flopping onto the sofa.

"Well I just wanted to have a talk with you about the wedding."

Lorelais heart sank, the two of them had been doing so well she felt the moratorium from warfare between them coming swiftly to an end.

"Oh, ok." Lorelai said dreading where this conversation might go.

"Lorelai, you know that I am very proud of you. Raising Rory, opening your Inn, it shows your Gilmore blood. I may not have always agreed with your decisions Lorelai but I have always admired your will."

"Thank you dad." Lorelai felt bad for fearing this conversation.

"I know you and Luke have the wedding under control and don't need our support financially for it, and I admire your independence on the matter. But as your father…"

"Dad please don't give me the proper protocol speech."

"Lorelai please let me finish before you decide I am forcing social conduct down your throat. As your father I have always known there would come a day when I would take you on my arm down the isle and give you away to another man."

"I'm sure you thought that day would have come and gone by now."

"Lorelai please."

"Sorry dad."

"Since you were born I have thought about that day and planned for it. What I would say to you, and to him. But now that you are grown, I realize that you do not need any pearls of wisdom from me, you have done it on your own. In fact the fact that I am even giving you way is a formality, I do not have you give you to anyone, you are your own woman. But I am honored that you are allowing me this chance, I envisioned it since the day you were born."

"Oh dad." Lorelai said choking up.

"Anyway my point being, I know you and Luke have every aspect of this wedding handled and I respect that, but I would be honored, if you would allow me the honor of at least buying you your wedding dress, whatever you like, I don't request input, I would just like to buy my daughter her wedding dress."

"Wow dad."

"Please Lorelai, you are my only daughter and I love you, let me give you a gift for your wedding."

"Of course." Lorelai said standing up and hugging her father.

"You'll make a beautiful bride Lorelai."

"Thank you daddy."

"And Lorelai, I know he might not have need for owning a tuxedo, but would you mind terribly asking Luke to accompany me to my tailor, I'd like to buy him his tux. The wedding day isn't all about the bride you know a man should look his best. Think of it as an olive branch, a welcome to the Gilmore family."

"Dad that is sweet, I promise I will ask him, but Luke is a simple man I can't guarantee he'll be up for it."

"Every man should have a tailored suit. I know his father is no longer with us, but if I had a son I would do the same."

"I will ask him."

"Good. Now there is a small boutique here in Hartford, specializes in dresses that sort of thing, we insure them. Anyway, I spoke to her today and told her you'd be coming by, you just pick what you like and she will handle the rest. If you do not find your dress here…" He said handing her the card of the shop. "Do not feel obligated to use her, just find your dress elsewhere and get me their information, I will take care of the rest."

"Thank you daddy." Lorelai said hugging him and heading for the door of the study.

"Oh and Lorelai, I took a look around the other day, now again, don't take my word for it, but there is a dress there kind of a pale blush color almost champagne, I could see you in it when I saw it. If you care for an old mans thoughts on the matter."

"I will keep it in mind dad."

Two days later Lorelai, Sookie and Luke were on their way to Hartford. Lorelai and Sookie were headed to the bridal shop and Luke was meeting Richard at his tailor. After minimal coaxing by Lorelai he actually agreed to let Richard buy him his tux and to Lorelais surprise Luke seemed to be looking forward to it.

"Ok so you'll take the Jeep and meet dad, we'll be here looking at dresses and you'll call when you guys are done, and come get us." Lorelai said reviewing the plan.

"That is the idea yes." Luke said.

"Ok hon, now remember we nixed safari theme and no real man wears a white tux." She said kissing his cheek.

"Got it." He said. "Love you."

"Love you." Lorelai said as he drove away.

"Shall we?" Sookie said pointing towards the boutique.

"Lets." Lorelai said starting off towards the shop.

The women walked in and Lorelai quickly realized this wasn't just a dress shop this was a high end shop, that her father more than likely made an appointment for her to shop in.

"There are no price tags on these gowns." Sookie said looking around.

"Yeah, Sookie this isn't the kind of place where people look at prices." Lorelai replied and then she saw it, dressed on the mannequin near the back, a pale pink champagne color dress, a delicate pearl beaded bodes that cascaded down to a beautiful satin with a long train.

"That's it." Lorelai said walking to the dress and feeling the fabric under her fingers.

"May I help you?" A small white haired woman came up behind Lorelai to ask.

"I'm Lorelai Gilmore, my father said you'd be expecting me."

"Ah, yes, so you'd like to try on the one he picked out?" She said nodding to the dress.

"This is the dress my father picked?" Lorelai couldn't believe it.

"He said it was unique just like you. Shall I get it off the mannequin?"

Lorelai nodded.

"Your father?" Sookie said.

"Picked that dress, Sookie, that is it, that is THE dress, that's it."

"Well that was far to easy." Sookie said. "But you're right, that's it."

Luke came out of the dressing room and looked at himself in the mirror. He couldn't be sure he'd ever actually worn a tux, but something told him the fact that he was now buying one meant that Emily and Richard would expect him to wear it again, to some function he'd rather not attend. A price he was willing to pay, he was going to marry Lorelai and an insufferable function now and then wouldn't matter for all the days he would have just being with his wife. His wife, just thinking it made him smile.

"Well Luke you clean up quite well." Richard said placing a hand on Lukes shoulder.

"Thank you sir. So you think she'll like this one?" He asked.

"I think she will, but perhaps black is too much? Have you considered grey?"

Luke didn't know tuxes came in so many different colors, as they went through the racks he was overwhelmed. Finally he couldn't take it anymore.

"I don't know what I'm doing here Mr. Gilmore, maybe we should go get Lorelai and Sookie and just let them pick it out."

"Nonsense. Phillip has put one more suit in your dressing room, I think it will be just the ticket."

A few minutes later Luke was standing in front of the mirror examining himself in a charcoal tux.

"I'm not sure about this vest Richard." Luke said turning.

"Well, I understand it isn't the most manly of colors but if I know Lorelai I think it will compliment her dress splendidly." Richard said with a smile.

"You think?" Luke said looking again.

"Well actually I know, I had Phillip call over to the boutique and find out what she had picked and this color will match her perfectly."

"Its pink." Luke said.

"Its pink champagne and you look good in it." Richard said adjusting Lukes tie.

"Ok then, I guess this is the one."

"Very well then, Phillip put these two on my account." He said pointing to their tuxes.

"Richard are you sure I can't pay for this."

"I'm very sure son, you are becoming part of this family it is the least I can do."

"Thank you sir."

"I think I should actually be thanking you." Richard said with a smile.

"Thanking me?"

"I know I haven't always been the most supportive of your relationship with my daughter, and I hope we can let bygones be bygones as far as that goes. But over the last few years, I have seen it. I understand now what my daughter sees in you, you are a good man Luke, you have always been there for my daughter and granddaughter and for that I thank you. I won't always be around to protect them, I know you love them and will take that over when I'm no longer able to." Richard said.

"Thank you." Luke said. But he didn't like the way Richard was talking, he wondered if there was something he wasn't telling him.