Disclaimer: I don't own HSM or HSM2, only the story and OCs.
Caution: Mild language.

This was going to be dedicated to TimsQuerida for helping me with this chapter, and while it still is, it's also dedicated to all you loyal fans out there for waiting so long. Sorry about that.

Read, Enjoy, Review, get a Cookie!

"He he… About that," I laughed nervously. "I wanted to make sure Brianna didn't hurt you."

"Aimee," he put on hand on my should and said, "I know that I haven't been spending much time with you, but I've told you numerous times that Brianna wouldn't do something like that to me."

"Oh yeah? Well tell that to the guy she was making out with while you two were on the date."

Quotations in a story are used when a character speaks and italics are usually used when a character thinks something. Well that last comment I meant to italicize; only it came out in quotes. Oops? Well, at least I got it off my chest. I just wish I hadn't done it in such a harsh way…

He quickly took his hand off my shoulder and looked appalled. "Excuse me? We just made up and you're already insulting Brianna? I can't believe y-"

I cut him off. "No! Hear me out before you criticize." He raised an eyebrow and waited for me to continue. What a drama queen! "While I was there that night, Troy and Chad came over to record Chad singing a Cyndi Lauper song. While they were waiting for it to be their turn, I saw Brianna kissing someone that wasn't you. Now before you say anything, I have proof." I saw agony written all over his face. "I didn't mean to hurt you Shawn."

"Well, great job because you did." Shawn yelled before walking away while looking down.

"Shawn!" I called after him but he kept walking. I slid down the wall and hit my head while going down. You'd think I could be much less of a klutz but you're much too wrong. Oh well. I don't really care about the bump that's probably forming on my head at the moment; I care about the friendship that could have been with Shawn. Chad slowly walked by me. "Oh like you're one to talk."

Chad looked confused. "I didn't say anything…"

I gave him a "WTF look," as I liked to call it. As he walked away he mumbled something incoherent but something that sounded a little like, "People are always saying I'm so stupid. I get things it's just stuff other people don't understand."

Troy once said that he thought Chad was dropped on the head as a child, but wouldn't Chad's hair have protected him?

I couldn't spy on the date with Veronica tonight because Veronica had to go to the dentist; yuck! I couldn't spy with Shawn either since he was scornful towards me. That left me by myself. I decided to blast my radio since Troy was at a quick basketball practice before his date and no one else was home. The song that came on was Girl Fight by Brooke Valentine. Ugh, not in the mood for this song. I changed the station only to hear Misery Business by Paramore on. Geez, what is with all of these revengeful songs? Oh well; I shrugged. It's a good song, might as well enjoy it. I started dancing around, shaking my head as my long hair was flailing all over the place. I was about to change into my outfit for spying when the doorbell rang. I groaned and lazily walked down the stairs to answer the door. "Who is it," I pondered in an annoyingly hyper voice. I might have had a piece of candy… Or two pieces… Okay so three milky way bars, but can you blame me? Those things are good!

"It's Shawn," the voice reluctantly said.

I opened the door and crossed my arms. "What; came here to yell at me some more?"

He looked up from staring down at his shoes. Once I saw that he looked really upset, all my anger towards him just seemed to disappear. "Oh my… Shawn, are you okay?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Look, about before when I yelled at you, I'm sorry." He sighed and scratched the back of his neck. "It's just… Everyone said how much of a jerk Brianna was, but I didn't want to believe it, you know? After all, she was my first real girlfriend. " I nodded in understanding. Shawn and Gabby were always known to find, or at least try to find, the good in people. Wait a second…

"Do you believe it now?"

He slowly nodded his head. "I saw her… I walked into the gym for practice and the cheer squad was there, but I didn't see Brianna. I shrugged it off thinking she was on her way, but once I walked into the locker room I saw her making out with someone on the team and broke up with her." I clenched my fist. She thinks she can hurt so many people and just get away with it? Well, she is wrong! No more Miss Shy and Nice girl; time to kick some blonde bimbo ass! Shawn must've seen that I was seething because he asked, "Aimee; what are you doing?"

I ignored him though and was walking towards Brianna's house. I only know where that is because I snooped so I can have a lot of fun on Halloween. I don't know what happened to my worried-about-what-other-people-think attitude, but it wasn't there anymore.

Troy was walking up our steps when he saw me. He started to worry. "Aims? What are you doing?" I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

Shawn spoke up. "I think… I think she's actually going to kick Brianna's ass."

I saw Troy face Shawn out of the corner of my eye. "What; how do you know?"

Shawn replied by saying, "Well I told her that I saw Brianna making out with someone and then she just turned into the Hulk or something." I was NOT the Hulk for two reasons. One, I'm not green, and two, I don't have any ripped clothing. Also I may be more confident right now, but that doesn't mean I'm not as nervous as hell about what's going to happen. "I never saw her like this before… Is she going to be okay?"

"I don't know," Troy replied. "I never saw her like this either." Oh wow, gee. Thanks for boosting my spirits guys. Glad you have all that faith in me.

I approached Brianna's house with Troy and Shawn following close behind while I knocked on the door. She opened the door and rolled her eyes. "What do you want," she spat.

I tried to be calm, but EVERYTHING just came pouring out. "Who the hell do you think you are? You think that you can just lie and hurt people and then get away with it? What's your problem; seriously! You only went out with Shawn so you could hurt both him and me and then you act like you're actually happy about it. I can't freaking believe you."

I must have sounded like an idiot just rambling on like that. She looked dumbfounded; probably because she didn't understand all the big words I said. Haha. "So," she questioned as if she didn't give a hoot.

You have got to be kidding me! That's it I can't take this anymore! "You mess with my friends you mess with me." And then I charged at her. I ended up smacking and I got a really good punch in there, which I think ended up giving her a bloody nose. Throughout this Shawn and Troy were trying to break up the fight. It was my second fight in less than a week with the same girl; if my parents find out about this I am so grounded.

"Friends," she shrieked. "Don't you mean crush? Because last time I checked, you were practically drooling over the guy!"

I blushed, but Troy finally lifted me off of her. "Troy let me GO! She totally deserves all of this!"

Troy rolled his eyes. "I get that you hate her guts Aimee, but is it worth getting in trouble over?"

I thought about it for a second. "Yes?"

He sighed. "Let's try this again." I blinked while trying to get out of his grip. "Say, 'Buh-bye,' to Brianna, Aimee."

"Bye." Troy sighed in content that I finally listened to him… until I said, "Bitch." Troy groaned and dragged me away while Brianna was holding her nose and looked as if she wanted to rip my head off.

Once we were about a block away from Brianna's house, Troy set me down. "Are you going to behave," he asked me.

"Yes," I answered honestly. You don't know how good it felt to give Brianna what she deserved.

Troy walked a little bit ahead of Shawn and me to give us some privacy, but to make sure I wasn't going to run back to Brianna's house. "I can't believe you," Shawn said loud enough for Troy to hear. I looked at Shawn in disbelief. However, Shawn was smiling so proudly and ended up giving me a high five, but made sure that Troy didn't see. He didn't want Troy to think he approved of my childish behavior. "Seriously though," Shawn whispered to me. "I can't believe you were that… that awesome, for lack of a better adjective. Thanks for sticking up for me. I really appreciate it." He gave me a hug and kissed my cheek.

I felt my cheeks heat up. Shawn smirked. "Look," he said. "I know you like me, but I just broke up with Brianna, so I'm really confused about how I feel right now." I nodded knowingly.

"Hey," I shouted abruptly. Both Troy and Shawn looked at me. "Troy's going on a date tonight, with Gabriella. They're going to kiss, and Troy will be a lucky fella'," I sang. Troy rolled his eyes and turned away. Shawn looked at me and we both nodded in agreement to spy on the date.