Those things about you.

Chapter Five: Answer.

She stood there for about an hour. Just standing, just waiting, for a person that might not show up. Kakashi was always late, she knew, but this was annoying.

She didn't want to wait anymore. She wanted to know. Sakura was sick and tired of waiting for an answer she already know.

'No. I can't love you.'

What was she thinking anyway? She even didn't know why she was still waiting, standing here in front of the large cherry tree, the branches throwing dancing shadows on her face. She wanted to run away, she wanted to cry and just give up. She didn't want to hear him reject her.

If he loved her, he would've already told her. If he loved her, he wouldn't take so long to realise it. If he loved her…

No, he didn't. She knew, she knew so well it hurt.

He was going to lay his hand on her pink hair, like he always did when people where hurt or he was going to say something that might hurt their feeling. Then he would give her that sad smile he gave Naruto so many times when he told him he couldn't reach anything and he should just let it go. Then he would sigh, trying to find the right words to hurt her feelings as less as possible. Kakashi was a kind person. Kakashi knew about feelings, even if he always pretended like he could control them all. He knew people, he could analyze all their weak points. He would stare at her, while her eyes filled of tears. And then he would whisper her name, sigh again, and reject her.

And then she'd cry, she'd be dead. She'd die, she'd be rejected again.

It hurt and she didn't know why she wanted to know that badly.

Maybe it was because that little flame, that little sparkle of hope, that voice in the back in her head telling her that he didn't answer. He didn't say 'yes' but he never said 'no' either. And she just wanted to hear it, even if she knew she was going to regret it. Because if there was even the slightest, tiniest change that he might say that he loved her back, she was willing to take it.

She just wanted to be loved. She just wanted to be loved by him.

Shadows danced on her face, as her hand ran through her bright, pink hair. She sighed and leaned against the tree trunk. She was tired of waiting, but she knew he would eventually show up. He always showed up, he was always there. And for some things he never was too late. For some things he was there before anyone else was. If he really cared, or if he believed that his presence was absolutely necessary, he'd show up in time.

But now she waited. She closed her eyes, thinking about the moment she finally found the courage to tell him what she felt. She hated herself at first for doing so, but she had to tell him at some point. Love can't be hidden forever. It would've killed her even more then when he'd say that he doesn't love her back.

Even if he did, it would be okay. She was sure everything would be okay eventually. She would survive… or so she hoped.

"Hey" she heard someone saying.

She opened one eye, looking at the tall man standing before her. She smiled a little.

"Hey" she answered back, trying to sound as calm as she could.

"Ah, I'm sorry for being late" he apologized.

It all seemed incredibly awkward. It all seemed so incredibly wrong. They shouldn't be here. They shouldn't go against the world that much. It wasn't necessary, it shouldn't happen. She shouldn't look at him like she was doing.

But it couldn't be happened. It happened and Sakura didn't care about the world anymore. They didn't care if no one would understand, as long as he did, as long as she did, it was all okay. She could hear Ino yelling in disgust if she ever told her and she could see Sasuke's look of despise and indifference if he ever found out. She knew how Naruto would completely go crazy and act like he was going to die and she knew they'll all would whisper behind her back.

That is wasn't right, that it wouldn't last. That is was just disgusting, that it was just wrong.

But if it was, then love was wrong. Love couldn't be wrong, that's what the world thinks, isn't it?

Well, Sakura loved Kakashi. No matter what.

Kakashi looked at the little girl… no, young woman standing in front of him, her insecurity and doubts readable in her eyes. She shouldn't be here. She should find herself some rich guy of her own age and have a lot of kids. She shouldn't love him.

He lifted up his hand and laid it softly on top of her head.

Sakura's eyes immediately went to the ground. She couldn't help but to feel awful.

"Kakashi…" she whispered, no longer trying to sound calm, "did you think about it?"

"Hm, I did" he answered.

He sighed, searching the right words. He didn't knew how he was going to explain, how he was going to say this. He wasn't good with words, he never was. He just didn't get how people were able to express all their feelings into simple words. To him, it always seemed wrong, not enough, too less, to much. It didn't make sense, talking like that. He wish she knew without words, but he knew some things needed to be said.

I love you, was one of them.

"You know… even if we would love each other, no one will accept. I mean, everyone will gossip about us" he sighed.

It wasn't like he cared. He couldn't care less what people said about him behind his back. Half of it was probably true and the other half probably with an understandable reason. He wasn't a perfect person, pretty far from that, so he didn't care. He could say enough bad things about the persons who gossiped to most anyway.

He was just scared she cared. She would hate it that people said such things. She was too innocent to weapon her against the power of gossip. It would break her, for sure. It would kill her if her friends suddenly thought she was a sick, twisted person. Of course, they always told her that love was never wrong, but that didn't mean they would okay with it if she fell in love with her teacher.

People say a lot of things they actually don't mean. Love can be wrong, for sure. Sometimes it should just be ignored. Sometimes you should just forget it and move on. Everything could be wrong, and so did love.

"I know" she answered. "But I don't care."

"Sakura-chan…" he sighed. "You know what you're asking, right?"

"I'm asking you to accept my love."

He sighed.

"I… I…" he didn't want to say it… he couldn't.

She looked up and her eyes widened a little as she saw the sad smile on his face. She clenched her hands to fists and swallowed.

He was going to reject her. He was going to say no.

"It's wrong" he said.

Tears filled her eyes.

"No, it's not. Love is never wrong" she answered, trying not to cry.

Love couldn't be wrong. Love was right, love was what everyone was searching for.

"Is that your answer?" she said.

"No…" he said. "That was just a statement."

He kept silent for a while.

"Sakura-chan… We… you and me…" he looked to the ground, searching for the right words.

"I'm really bad with words" he explained.

"I don't care" she said. "I'll wait for ever if that's how long it's going to take me to say that..."

"Sakura… I…" he sighed again. "What I'm trying to say is."

"Kakashi" she said firmly. "I love you."

"You already said that" he answered.

"No, please hear me out" she said.

She took a deep breath, whipped her tears away and looked him in the eye.

"I love you. I love you no matter what. I know it's wrong, I know you're fourteen years older. I know no one will ever understand. I know they will gossip. I know it won't be a fairy tale. But fairy tales don't have to go like they always do. I love you, and if you love me too that's enough. Then I just don't care if Ino-chan tells me that I'm sick, that Naruto-kun will stare at me like I just told him the sun is purple. I just don't care if everyone will think we're wrong, because I honestly believe we will be right. I don't want to be alone for ever. It hurts. Being alone hurts."

Kakashi stared at her. He kept silent while Sakura told him. Her words stumbled in his head, dancing, hopping around.

"They will understand eventually. They will know eventually. I believe that if we just love each other everything will be alright. If I'm with you, I just feel better. I just feel like I'm being myself. You're always there, you'll never leave me. It isn't that weird if you think about it anyway. You're the only one who never betrayed. Sasuke-kun left me for his stupid revenge. Naruto-kun is only busy with his own dream, surpassing everyone and leaving me all behind. And well, Ino-chan is just Ino. She's a good friend, but she isn't there like you were."

He couldn't believe she could talk that much. She was so good with words. She could tell what she was feeling and she could say those things without hesitation, without doubts.

"This isn't just a crush. I tried to get over it, too. I was afraid first, too. I couldn't believe I let it come to this. But if I think about, I'm sure it can be a good thing too. I'm not a little girl anymore. I know I love you. It isn't wrong. Should it be wrong just because you're older? That's stupid, isn't it? People would die for love, people would kill for love, people would betray for love… and we can't be because we're not of the same age? That just doesn't make sense."

But her words did. To him, her words sure did. He didn't know she had thought that much about it, but her eyes stood so certain, and all the insecurity was gone. She was just telling him her thoughts, without being afraid, without hesitating.

"I love you, Kakashi. Just because of everything you are, and honestly, I just don't care about the rest of the world anymore."

She sighed and kept silent for a while.

"Thank you for hearing me out" she finally said.

His eye still stood unaffected, like nothing happened. She couldn't tell what he was thinking, how he was feeling. Even when she said those words so certain, doubt still consumed her. It wasn't because she thought about it that way, that he did too.

If somebody doesn't love you back, it isn't a crime. It just hurts. It just hurts like nothing you could ever imagine did.

"I'll always be late" he grinned.

"I don't care" she smiled. "I can live with that."

"I'll read those 'dirty' books like you call it" he said.

"I can survive that as well" she smiled. "Maybe I'll even read with you someday... If you let me, that is."

She didn't get what he was trying to do. She honestly didn't know why he was saying those things. She already knew, because those were things about him she couldn't change. She didn't want to change either. It was just those things about him, and after all, she fell in love with him, which concludes the dirty books, the lazy attitude, the cold stares.

"Well, then… If you are willing to live with those thing… if you are willing to live with me. If you're sure about that…" he smiled and he took a step closer.

He grabbed her hand, laying his hand in hers. He slowly spread her fingers, gazing at their hands, and laid his between. She looked at their hand, entwined in each other, holding tight.

It was such a simple thing. It was such a common thing. It didn't need any fancy words, it didn't need carefully thought trough actions, it didn't need any explanations to tell the meaning. In all it's magical simplicity, it told her more then his words could. Her grip tightened and her eyes filled with tears again, but not from fear. Magic danced around them, whispering words of love, words of tenderness in their listening ears. Leaves and branches danced along, as the wind played with her hair.

She looked up, staring at his face, at the messy, silver hair slowly moving in the wind. She looked at the black mask, at the one eye that gazed at their hands. She looked at him, without being afraid of being hurt.

She never stood so close to love, she never felt it dancing around her so gracefully. She smiled a little, she already knew what was his answer, but still, she wanted him to make it clear.

"Then I'll gladly be yours. For ever."

Her eyes widened as he pulled her in a tight, loving embrace, their hands still interlaced.

"I've never cared about wrong or right, because then I probably have to change too much things about myself and I'm too lazy to do that" he laughed.

Sakura pulled him even closer and laid her head on his chest.

She couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe he said that.

"Saku-chan… I… honestly… really…" he kept silent for a while, "love you. I really love you."

The world didn't matter anymore. Who cared about wrong or right if they could have love? Who cared about the lies and the gossip if they knew it wasn't true? It didn't matter, it didn't count.

The world faded and only they existed. It didn't matter what others thought. This wasn't wrong. Love couldn't be wrong. This magic, this sweet simplicity wasn't wrong. It was right, so very, very right.

"I'm sorry for being such an idiot and not noticing any sooner" he whispered in her ear.

A smile crossed her face.

"But that doesn't matter, because you know now, don't you?" she answered, trying to hold back those tears that threatened to overflow.

"I know I love you" he said. "That's enough for now."

Reasoning would come later. For now, it was enough to hear those words, to hear them whispered back. It was enough to be so close to him, not being afraid of what might happen. It was enough to know. The world didn't matter. Only they did.

They crossed the fine line between friends and lovers, between wrong and right, between reality and magic. They crossed it and knew they could never go back. They didn't want to ever go back. Because who would turn away from the best thing in their life, just because they would come problems?

Problems would only prove their love. It was real and it wasn't wrong. It couldn't be wrong. It was too beautiful to be wrong.

Kakashi lifted up his other free hand.

"I think there's something else that still needs an answer…"

Sakura looked up and he slowly took off his mask. He placed his hand on the back of her head and pulled her closer. Sakura only smiled and closed her eyes.

His lips touched her so magical she couldn't believe it was true. He pulled her closer and her hand ran trough his hair, her other still interlaced in his, like nothing could ever break it.

No, now they were together they wouldn't let anyone break it. This wasn't just a phase, this was for ever.

This time the kiss wasn't from one side, as she kissed back. She couldn't ask for anything more, she wouldn't dare to beg for anything else. Just his love, just his smile was enough.

Kakashi caressed the back of her head carefully, almost like she was breakable. Her soft kiss back made him happier then he ever thought he could've been.


He felt stupid for not knowing sooner, if it was all so obvious. All these times, it was just their love, slowly growing stronger, slowly begging to be released from its dark hideout. It was all so obvious, but it was okay now. She loved him, he loved her.

And that was enough.

I think I know.

Sakura slowly broke the kiss and smiled happily to Kakashi. This was what they both wanted.

This was their answer to all the questions the world could ever ask.

I just fell in love with you.



"Don't ever leave me" she begged.

"I won't. I'm not that stupid" he said.

I just love you.

Sakura smiled again and Kakashi smiled back.

"Ne, can I ask a question? A stupid one?" Sakura asked, laughing.

"Only because it's you" he answered.

"Why me?"

Sakura's green eyes asked.

And for the first time he could answer without any doubt.

"It's just one of those things about you."

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! GIVE ME A COOKIE, FLOWERS, A MEDAILLE OR SOMETHING! I... I just... just...

FINISHED MY STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-calms down-

No really, that's amazing. I almost never end my stories. I start them and then at the last few chapters I just start a new one and forget about the other until I completely forgot what I was trying to do with the story. And then I start a new one, and a new one, and a new one. Waaaah! But, But I really finished this one! And I don't even think the end sucks completely! I kinda like it. You know, it gives my title a little more meaning. And really, writing a chapter with nothing more then a love confession is difficult. And I already smashed Kakashi completely out of character and I didn't want to do it again by giving Sakura a suuuuuuuuuuper long confession. One OOC-moment in each story is allowed, ne? XD

I hope you enjoyed my story. I hope you'll review and tell me what you think. Please read my other stories as well.

I already have an awesome idea for a new KakaSaku story! If you don't want to miss it, put me on your author alert list!

Ah, well, I'm leaving now. School is starting again.

I hope this story made you like KakaSaku more, or just gave you a good time reading it. Please tell me what you think.
