Chapter 7: An Ending of Sorts
Yes, I know you are in awe of my chapter naming skills right about now, but we must wave those aside for the time being, because you probably want to know how the story ends. :D
After a minute or so, I left the window and turned back around to face my mother. She stared at me with a mix of feelings, but then she said, "So…you're in love with James Potter after all, are you?"
"I don't know," I confessed. "I thought I hated him all evening. Sometimes, when a girl likes a boy, she'll be in denial; she'll say that she hates him while there's actually a yearning for him inside of her. I know that. But this time, it didn't work like that way; it was a clear-cut hatred up until the point when he tried to kiss me. Then…then I don't even know what happened. It was just a matter of urgency that he kissed me. I'm glad he didn't though; thank you for walking in when you did."
My mother hugged me tightly. "Poor little Lily," she crooned. "Would the money I promised you make you feel a bit better?"
"No," I said with yet another sigh. "I don't want the money. I was rather rude to them when you were gossiping anyway."
"I guess." Mum though for a moment, then kissed the top of my head. "Are the joys of your very first love confusing you again?"
"Yes," I said. "I've never felt this way before; is it really love? It's so strange; I never had any positive feelings for him until I let him nearly kiss me."
She laughed. "That's how I felt when I first met your father. He was a little like James is; charming when it's necessary, infuriating when he's alone with you. But eventually, you just know how you really feel; it only requires a bit of patience and honesty."
"I can't do that," I told her. "James is the most perplexing person I have ever met."
"Just hang in there," she said, laughing again. "It'll work out in the end – for the better or for the worse."
With that, she went into the kitchen, leaving me by the door. I sighed for the third time and stood there, thinking about James. What had that feeling been, right before he nearly kissed me? Had it been a longing for him? It might have been, but at the same time, it couldn't be; I had never felt that sort of thing before, and love for another was supposed to grow over time, rather than jump up all at once.
My deliberations were interrupted then, however, by a knock on the front door. Curiously, I opened it, and James was standing there, panting.
"It's insanely difficult to get rid of my parents for a few minutes, but I had to do it; I had to say good-bye to you properly," he said, smiling up at me.
"And what does saying good-bye properly require?" I asked, my mood immediately improved.
James's smile widened as he leaned forward again. I stepped outside in my bare feet and began to kiss him softly.
It was far too wonderful to be where I was; I had to be dreaming. I continued to kiss him, but I didn't let him run away with it; I had to keep it simple, otherwise I would be too frightened to do anything ever again, which would, of course, be awful. After an immeasurable amount of time in heaven, I pulled apart, and his eyes were strangely glistening. I gave him a half-smile and whispered, "Good-bye."
"Thank you," he breathed, his voice nearly inaudible, even though he was still only about an inch away from me. "For…everything."
My smile became full as I said, "You're welcome."
He beamed back at me before turning to walk away, but as he went, he asked me, "Do you still hate me?"
"Of course!" I said back. "You are still the most intolerable cockroach that I have ever had the misfortune to be acquainted with."
James laughed. "And I still happen to have that monstrous crush on you."
"I hate you!"
"I love you!"
I was in fits of laughter as I closed the door; my happiness was far too cosmic to be described. I ran up to my room and danced around it, squealing like I had when I had first received the letter that accepted me to Hogwarts. I had gotten my first kiss! The fact that it was from James Potter was, of course, a bit of a dampener, but I was excited nonetheless. And though my feelings for him are always wildly varying, I wanted my chance to celebrate; I knew that later, when I got more time alone with him, I would probably not have much to celebrate, and I wanted to get the most out of the moment.
I did ultimately have to stop squealing though, because Petunia snapped at me to shut up, but I was still giddy as I changed into my night clothes and got into bed.
James Potter.
I definitely hadn't seen that one coming.
Fate was such a bitch sometimes.
Yay! I'm done:D And as for Lily's sudden mood change near the end: to clear things up on that, she's just excited because she got her first kiss. She still sort of loathes James, but she's more celebratory for the kiss right now. Did you like it though? Please let me know. –Pokes the review button- You know you're just dying to press it. :D Anyway, so thank you for reading, and I hope you smiled at least a little bit at the antics of James and Lily.
Ooh, yes, and if I get enough requests for it, I may possibly be planning a sequel. :D Hehe.
Final, Ending Disclaimer: Regretful though I am to say it, these wonderful characters and this fantastic school of magic do not belong to me at all whatsoever; everything in the Harry Potter series is in the sole ownership of the ridiculously talented J. K. Rowling, and I am but a bored, humble teenager who wants to play around with her story. Remember that.