These are 11 ficlettes for Cedric/Luna. Because I think there needs to be more Cedric and Luna out there.


Cedric saw her first. She was waiting to be sorted, standing with the other first years. She didn't look like a first year, she looked older. She wasn't paying attention and she didn't look nervous. Cedric tried to catch her eye, seeing as he could almost touch her if he wanted. Professor McGonagall was calling out names, but stopped when the Weasly boy's started catcalling a first year: a red head, whom Cedric could only imagine was their sister.

He took the opportunity to reach out and touch the girl's sleeve. She jumped, surprised, and looked at him. Her silvery blue eyes stared into his gray ones curiously.

"Yes?" she whispered. Cedric gave her a grin.

"I'm Cedric," he whispered, she smiled back.


"Lovegood, Luna," Luna turned as McGonagall called her name. Luna glanced back at him and took a breath.

"Wish me luck," she said and almost pranced down towards that hat. Cedric leaned forward, watching her go.