A/N: Ok so I lied my other stories haven't been updated yet but I've been really busy. This is just a small plot bunny that invaded my brain when I was writing another chapter enjoy and review because it really does make me happy.

It was where thinking became easier and clearer, where they could forget their problems. For Derek it was the elevator, for Izzie it was the kitchen, and for Christina it was the OR. The intoxicating smell of cookies, or sterile supplies melted the pain away working as a sort of anesthesia. For Meredith Grey it was the shower, her anesthesia the lavender conditioner. The scorching water and relaxing steam a refuge from her Dark and Twisty life, which seems to keep getting Darker and Twistier. It was her safe place, where nothing and no one could touch. All her walls were melted away to be replaced when she stepped out. The only one who was allowed in her safe haven broke her, shattered her fragile interior. She stepped out, the cold air causing her to shiver slightly. After getting dressed she towel dried her hair, and walked to her bedroom. After putting on her shoes and grabbing her bag she walked downstairs her growling stomach leading her straight to the kitchen. A stack of blueberry pancakes sat on the island but their maker was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey" Meredith said making her way over to the pancakes which were calling her name.

"Hey" Alex replied his mouth full of pancakes.

"So were you enjoying your safe haven?" it more like a question than sarcasm.

"Yea, how did you know about that?" she questioned sitting down across from her.

"Mer, you are either at the hospital or in the shower it's not that hard to figure out." He said with a smile standing up and placing his plate in the sink.

The nickname flowed so easily out of his mouth that she almost forgot it was associated with Derek.

"Should we wait for Izzie?"

"No Sloan came and picked her up while you were in the shower."

McSteamy and Izzie had gotten together a couple weeks after Addison left and Izzie seemed truly happy. At first everyone thought she was just a replacement but after a few weeks it seemed that he was truly happy with her too.

Pulling out of the driveway, she decided to take a risk.

"So… where's yours?"

"My what?" his eyes focused on the radio dial.

"Your safe haven, where is it" she laughed quietly, expecting him to say Joe's or in bed.

He was silent for a couple of minutes, then finally settling on a radio station he sat back and turned his head to look at her.

"With you"

A/N: it started out just a short little thing about Meredith's showers and developed into an Alex/Mer. I know it seemed a little OOC for Alex to say something like that but it just seemed to fit. Oh and yea I realized that I didn't have a smell for the elevator but I couldn't think of one.