"Hello, my name is Edward Cullen," He said smiling."May I walk you to your next class?"

Truthfully I was in shock that he was actually talking to me. All I could was nod mutely and follow him. I took no notice of my surroundings. I was so focused on the god-like creature in front of that I didn't even notice us veering towards the forest.

When we wre under the shelter of the trees he turned towards me, much to fast for a human, disorienting me. He was leaning towards me, I suddenly started panicking what was he doing! Well this was just great I was probably going to get raped and killed on my second day in Forks, I though wryly as he put his lips on my neck. Suddenly all I felt was a burning pain in my neck, I cried out and my vison started blackening.

The last I heard before fainting was a furious, melodic voice yelling, "EDWARD!"

I don't know how long it lasted, all I knew was I must have died and had been sent to the burning flames of hell. I felt like all my bones were shattering and my skin was on fire all I could do was scream. It was a horrible agony I wouldn't even wish on my enemies.

After what seemed like an eternity it all stopped, a coolness was creeping over my whole body, I was starting to lose consciousness again. I heard a soft voice like chimes whisper,"It's almost over." Then it all went black.

As I sat up I felt..different, that was the best way to describe it. I could hear the breeze going through the trees, I could feel every small wrinkle in the fabric of the bed, I could see every groove in the wall it was amazing.

"Welcome back,"said a voice from the side of my bed. I whipped my head around and there was the pixie like girl from the lunchroom, Alice Cullen.

"What am I...How did...Aren't I dead?"I asked trying to sort out everything that happened to me. The last thing I remember before the burning agony was being in the woods with Edward.

Alice laughed, making it sound like bells were ringing. "No Bella you aren't dead, in the complete sense of the word."

"What do you mean?"I asked not missing the "in the complete sense of the word" comment.

"Well...I think Carlisle should explain it to you,"She turned away from me calling,"Carlisle, could you please come here?"

In a seemingly impossible amount of time a beautiful blonde heaired man walked,or I shoud say glided throught he door into the room. I could feel myself gaping, but it was hard not to this man looked more perfect than a model.

"Hello Bella,"he said politely.

I hurriedly closed my mouth and responded with a shaky,"H-Hello."

"Well Bella," he said calmly,"Whats the last thing you remember?"

"Other than the excruciating pain? I uh walked into the woods with Edward, and I could of sworn he bit me. Then I passed out.."

"Bella I am going to put this the gentlest way I possibly can so please let me explain without interuptions and the you can ask me all the questions you want, ok?"

I nodded.

"My son did bite you, and in the process he turned you into a vampire, like the rest of us."