Wow I'm really treating you guys. I'm updating really quickly for some reason lol this has never happened before tehe well here's the next chapter :

Chapter 5: New Friends Old Foes

"mission failed. Retreat to area 3" said a voice in the ear piece Tala was wearing

Tala held up his hand and the other 2 nodded. Their blades quickly returned to them and they ran off

"now wait a minute!" yelled Tyson running after them but was blown back by a huge gust of wind

"what the hell?" he asked as a helicopter emerged from behind the trees and flew off

"I never will understand those people" sighed Ray as Driger returned to him

"Hilary!!!" yelled Kai as she come up out of the water

"hey are you okay? What was that bright light?" asked Max

"there was a bright light?" lied Hilary

"yeah and some pink thing floated down there as well" said Ray

"I never saw anything"

'still trying to hide it then' thought Kai noticing her grip something in her pocket

"well I suppose if it was a bit beast she wouldn't of seen it then. Only people who love be blade with all their heart can witness bit beasts" said Tyson

Hilary froze for a second before letting it go "yeah that's probably why. I just don't love it enough" she lied, her inner self laughing her head off

"well we're just glad your okay" smiled Tyson walking over to her

"yeah me t- OH MY GOD! Tyson what happened to your face?!" asked Hilary feeling his face where it was going slightly purple

"ah it's nothing. Tala just managed to smack me back after I punched him" sighed Tyson

"oh Tyson I'm so sorry. This is all my fault" sobbed Hilary hugging him tightly

"no, none of this is your fault" he said hugging her back

Kai felt something snap in his mind, making him turn away from the scene

'he gets punched and gets a hug. I nearly drown and feck all' he growled inside his head as he stood up

"I'm going home" announced Kai walking off

"see ya around" called the other boys

Hilary stared after him and gripped the blade within her pocket

"Kai…." she mumbled

"come on then. Let's go back to mine" said Tyson

"oka-- EEEEK! Can I have another shower?!" squeaked Hilary realising she smelt like river for the 2nd time that day

"you sure? The floor isn't gonna disappear?" asked Tyson

"nah. I have a feeling I'll be fine from now on" she smiled

'I have no idea what she mans but damn she looks hot' thought Tyson

"that's good but I want an answer. What was with the Blitzkrieg Boys?" asked Max

"I'd like to know too" said Ray


Everyone looked at Hilary and said "bless you"

"uh, thanks" she blushed

They all laughed and went back to Tyson's


While Hilary was in the shower, the boys sat down in the living room and waited for her. A few minutes later she came out fully dressed with a towel on her head

"now about Tala etc" started Tyson holding an ice pack to the right side of his face

"I thought they were your friends?" said Hilary

"apparently not anymore" sighed Ray

"I wonder what could've happened" wondered Max

"can I see your blades for a minute?" asked Kenny

Hilary instinctively went to grab hers but stopped

"what's wrong?" asked Tyson noticing her movements

"uh… nothing. Just an itch" she laughed scratching her back

"um okay" smiled Tyson as he, Ray and Max hand Kenny Dragoon, Driger and Draceil

"hey shouldn't Kai be here too if your gonna upgrade their blades?" asked Hilary

"how'd you know I was gonna upgrade them?" replied Kenny

"oh please, I've been on this team so long I know when your gonna upgrade their blades or not" she giggled

"she's right thought. Kai should be here too" agreed Tyson

"I'll call him" volunteered Hilary going over to the phone

"you've reached the Hiwatari residence. Please leave a message after the beep….beep"

"it's no good. I keep getting the answering machine" sighed Hilary potting the phone down for the 25th time

"maybe one of us should go get him?" asked Max

"I'll do it. I need to do something anyways" smiled Hilary pulling her jacket on

"you sure, I can come with you if you want" said Tyson standing up

"no, no, no., you've done too much for me already. I'll be fine" replied Hilary giving him another hug and sitting him back down

"I'll be back soon" she called as she shut the door

"Yo dude you okay? Your face is all red" grinned Max

"is it?" asked Tyson

"yeah. And you melted all your ice" chuckled Ray

"oh, so I have. I'll go get another packet" said Tyson walking into the kitchen

"he like Hilary right?"

"oh yeah"

Max and Ray sat there laughing while Kenny was oblivious to the whole situation


"I should get Kai something. For everything he's done for me" said Hilary walking down the road

"I know. I'll get him some flowers"

With that, she turned the corner and walked into a flower store. She came out a few minutes later with a bouquet of red and white roses. She then set off for Kai's house


"for fuck sake! Why can't I think straight?!" yelled Kai losing to an amateur blader for the 5th time

"hey mister, you okay?" asked the kid

Kai was about to answer when something caught his attention

"Hilary? See ya around kid" replied Kai walking out of the alley

He saw her again. And he saw she was carrying flowers

'more gifts for Tyson I bet……but she's going the wrong way/ what is she up to?' thought Kai as he silently followed her

He gasped quietly as he arrived at his won house. Hilary went up to the door and rang the bell. Kai watched as she stood the patiently then ran the bell again.

"I guess he's not home after all" she sighed her hopes dropping

But when she turned round, she came face to face with just the person she wanted to see


"you rang"

"uh…yeah…um, well….uh, these are for you" she stammered pushing the flowers at him

Kai took them surprised, but grateful all the same

"uh. Why me?"

"because Kai, you give me the strength to keep going"

There was a long pause

"you wanna come inside?"


As Hilary sat in the living room, Kai went to find a vase to put the roses in. he stared at the flowers for a long time

'she got these foe me even though I didn't do anything. That girl is one of a kind" he thought as he walked into the living room with 2 cans of coke

"thank you" smiled Hilary as Kai gave her a can

"so, lemee see it then"

"see what?"

"your blade"

"oh right, here" she said handing him her blade

Kai instantly looked at the bit chip, it was no longer blank. But it didn't hold the creature he thought it would

"it's not a mermaid?"

"what? No. it's a fox"

What happened to the mermaid in the lake?"

"I assume you talking about Watora?"


"the water bit beast in the river"

"how'd you know it's name"

"Fiora told me"



"okay, okay no need to shout"

"but your asking me so many questions"

"okay I'm sorry"

"it's okay"

"so does Watora belong to anyone?"

He then witnessed a vein pop up on Hilary's forehead but it soon disappeared

"I don't know. But it obviously belong to someone who wants either of us dead"

Kai's hand turned into tight fists 'Voltaire'

"Kai what's wrong?"


"um ok. Oh yeah, Tyson wants us back at his pretty soon" said Hilary standing up

Kai grabbed her wrist

"Kai what are you do-"

But she was cut off as his lips crashed on to hers

Ooooooooooooh he kissed her!!!!! I wonder what's gonna happen now lol might be something good or it might be something bad. All will be revealed in the next chapter so I'll see ya all then x.x.x