I know!! I'm so sorry for not updating befote but I had a problem and ended up in hospital. Nothing serious really… So here's chapter number 7. I hope you like it and thanks very much for the reviews!! Love,. Euge

Troy woke up with a terrible headache. He was staring at a pink ceiling. Where was he? He felt something heavy on his chest and saw Sharpay's head resting on it. What was he doing in Sharpay's room and why was he half naked? OMG! Have we slept together? No. N. She couldn't have cheated on Aaron, could she? Then how come he was there?

He pressed his hand on his forhead "Ouch! It hurts so bad!"

"What did you expected?" Sharpay said waking up and getting off Troy "You had quite few drinks last night"

"How come I'm here?" he asked

"Well you told me I was the hottest chick you had ever seen and desperately asked me to sleep with you and I being a good girl pleased you" she said grinning


"I'm kidding Troy!" she laughed "OMG! You should have seen your face! Haha! You went all stiff!" she laughed like mad

Troy sighed in relief "What happened then?"

"Well, if you must know, your lovely cousin tricked you into drinking some alcohol and you got so drunk you almost made out with a cheerleader but I saved you and brought you here" she smiled at him

"And why am I like this?"

"Oh! I just wanted you so bad that I ripped all your clothes off and started kissing you all over and then you…"

"Sharpay! Seriously!" Troy interrupted her not finding it funny

"Ok. You were about to change into something more comfortable when you fell asleep" Sharpay explained

"Oh, ok then" he checked his watch "2 pm?! Oh shit! I'm so in trouble! My dad's gonna kill me"

"Want me to drive you home?"

"Sure. But let me put my clothes on first"

"Yeah me too"


"Bye Shar. Thanks for everything"

"No problem Troy" she smiled sweetly

"What time is your game?"

"6 pm"

"See you there then! Good luck!" he closed his house door behind him and Sharpay drove away


"Are you sure we can be here Troy?" Chad asked as they headed to the changing rooms

"Course. Jess brought me here once. I just wanna talk with her"

"Yeah smarthead but hasn't it occurred to you that they may be showering or changing and will start screaming when they see you there?"

Troy stopped dead in his tracks "You are right. you know, being so much with Taylor is finishing with your stupidity. You almost sound normal"

"Hey I was normal way before I met Tay, you loser!" he complaint

"Yeah yeah. Keep telling yourself that, Afro"

"I will! So now what do we do?"

"Let's wait for her to come out. How long can she take?"

"Considering she's a girl, she has to do her hair, nails, makeup, check herself in the mirror about 20 times… No! I don't think she'll take long" Chad joked

After what seemed like eternity they saw Jessica and some girls come out""

"Troy!" she said in surprise "I didn't know you were waiting for me"

"Who is he?" one of the girls asked "Have you ditched Ryan for him?"

"Of course not Lauren!" she said angrily "He's my cousin Troy and his friend Chad"

"I just wanted to know if you needed a lift to the afterparty" Troy said

"Oh no, it's ok. I'm going with them. Thanks anyway"

"What about Sharpay?" he asked eagerly

"I think she's still in, you want me to look for her?" she offered

"Yeah sure" he smiled at her and she left, returning almost immediately

"She says she'd love to. She's coming. Are you coming to the party Chad?"

"No I've got plans with Taylor" Chad said

"Good luck! See you later Troy!" she left smiling with her friends, as Sharpay appeared

"Sorry for keeping you guys" she apologized

"Don't worry" Chad said "Nice game"

"Thanks. Shall we go?"

"Yeah let's go. See yah Afro!" Troy said

"Loser!" Chad shouted back at him while he walked away

"You'll need to show me the way" Troy said as they got in his car

"Ok. Turn right and keep going" she said "Liked the game?"

"It was great CAPTAIN" he said emphasizing the last word

"It wasn't one of our best games but we won, WILDCAT" she said playing the same game he was

"Have you seen Aaron since last time?" he asked hoping to get a no for answer

"I haven't. turn left" Troy did as he was told "But I'll see him now"

"Cool" Troy said not meaning it

"Yeah. It's here. Stop the car" they got out and walked to the house, full of teenagers

"Troy! Sharpay!" Aaron shouted and walked to them. He hugged Sharpay "Nice to see you again Troy. Jess told me you won yesterday. Sweet!"

"Yeah. I guess I'll leave you guys to catch up. I need to talk to Jess anyway" he walked to her and Ryan

"What's up?" Troy said

"Hey Troy! It's weird to see you here" Ryan said

"I know. So" he turned to Jessica "don't you have anything to say to me?"

"Huh?" she said pretending not to understand him

"Let me help you. How about 'I'm really sorry for getting you drunk. I know I'm such an idiot and you are so smart'?"

Ryan laughed out loud "You got him drunk? Haha! Super!"

"No it's not!" Troy said angry "I almost made out with a cheerleader! And finished in your home Ryan!"

"You slept in my house? But I didn't see you there!"

"That's because I was in your sister's room" he explained

"What?! You slept with my sister?!"

"Chill Ryan! I only slept! Just that!"

Ryan eyed him suspiciously

"You know this wouldn't have happened if you had let me drink my beer!" Jess said

"Well I'm sorry for trying to keep you sober!" Troy said angrily

"I never get drunk Troy! And Ryan knows it!" he nodded

"Whatever. I'll take a walk" he said and left. He grabbed a beer and kept walking

"Hey Troy" said the girl who had asked who he was earlier

"Oh, hi"

"I'm Lauren. You're Jess's cousin aren't you?"

"Yeah that's me" he said

"Do you live here?"

"No. I'm from Albuquerque"

"The same as Sharpay"

"Yeah we go to the same school. We're friends"

"OH. Are you enjoying the party?"

"Yeah it's nice" he said hoping she would stop asking so many questions

"Yes. Do you have a girlfriend?" She was totally flirting with him

"Uhm, no" he saw Sharpay running outside "I've just spotted someone I need to talk to. I'll see you around Lauren" he left her alone.

He saw Sharpay sitting in a bench alone, her hands on her face. She was crying

"Shar?" Troy sat next to her and put an arm around her shoulders "Shar what's wrong?"

"Aaron broke up with me" she cried harder. He hugged her tight and she cried on his chest

"I'm so sorry Shar" Troy said. He had wanted them to be over but couldn't help to feel bad for her

"He told me he didn't feel anything for me anymore" she sobbed

"It's ok Shar" Troy rubbed her back "Everything will be ok"

She cried for a while and then stopped "Troy?"


"Can we go?" she asked looking at him


"Anywhere. My house" she suggested

"Ok. Let's get out of here"

The ride was pretty silent until Sharpay spoke "Thanks. For being there when I needed you. For being my friend" she smiled weakly

"Uhm your welcome Shar" he said. Friends. Right. he was just a friend for her

"Can you stay with me please?" she pleaded when they got to her house

"Sure Shar" he said

"What do you wanna do?" she asked in her room

"I don't know. what do you wanna do?"

"How about truth or dare?"

"Uhm, are you sure?"


"Ok. Truth or dare?"

"Truth" she said

"Who was your first kiss?"

"I think it was Chad" she said thinking

"Wow wow! Stop there! You kissed Chad?"

"It was like five years ago. No big deal. Truth or dare?"

"Truth, duhh"

"Who was the first girl you slept with?"

"I haven't slept with anyone yet"

"Really?" he nodded "I thought that being East High's king you would have probably have had sex with at least three girls"

"Nah I haven't. truth or dare?"


"Who have you slept with?" he asked

"I have to say I'm still a virgin"

"You haven't done it with Aaron?" he asked surprised

"No. truth or dare?"

"I'll be brave enough to take the dare"

"Let me see then" she said with a mischievous smile "I dare you to take off your jeans and you t-shirt"

"No way!"

"Oh come on Troy. It's not like I haven't seen you like that before" she said

Once again she was right. she was always right "Ok" he did as told "I know I'm too sexy to stay in my clothes"

"You wish! I think I'll take dare too"

"I dare you to take off your jeans and t-shirt" he said mimicking her

"Don't even think about it!"

"I'm sorry but a dare's a dare"

"All right" she unzipped her jeans and pull them down. She grabbed her tank top and pull it up her head. He looked at her, taking in her beauty "You want a piece of it?" she asked in a sexy voice

"You wanna give me some?" he flirted back and she giggled

"Truth or dare?"

"This dare thing is getting interesting, you know? So I'll take dare again"

"I dare you to seduce me" she siad

"Ok" he got closer and put his hand on her back "I hope you like it" he whispered in her ear. He kissed her cheek then moved to her neck and to her collar bone and began sucking it. He then put his lips a centimeter away from hers and breath out hot air. He could tell she was enjoying it "Was it good?" he asked brushing her lips

"Definitely" she answered as he went back to his place "I'll take dare" she said at once

"I dare you to kiss me" he said without even thinking about it

She giggled "Ok" she licked her lips and sat on his lap. She wrapped her legs around his waist and put her hands on his chest. He was so hot. She leaned in and attacked his lips. She kissed him and he kissed back. He felt her tongue begging for entrance, which he didn't refuse. Both of them had been wanting this since they had kissed in Troy's house

"Was it ok Bolton?" Sharpay asked pulling away

"I don't remember. Perhaps you want to do it again to refresh my memory" he said

"You wish!" but before she knew it his lips were on hers. As soon as she responded he pulled away

"Yeah it was good Evans" he said smiling satisfied

"I'm glad" she went back to her place "Truth or dare?"

"None. I think I should get going cause after last night I can't ?abuse of my freedom' as my dad says"

"Don't go! Stay!" she pleaded

"I'm sorry Shar. I can't" he putted his clothes on

"Ok. See you then"

"Bye" he kissed the top of her head and left.