I am back with chapter 2!! I am on a roll!!

disclaimer: see 1st chapter...

Previously on "And Yet There Were Fireworks":

Moze sat confused, worried about what is coming over her. Did she like Ned as more than a friend? Or is she just losing it? These sorts of questions puzzled her mind, and began the slight form of a headache.

"Cookie, I need some tips..." Moze trailed off.

"Why don't you ask Ned? He is the creator of the guide of TIPS ya know..."

"Because I don't think the guide has any tips on what I'm about to ask..."

"Well, I'll see what I can do, what's the question?"

"I wanted to know if..."

-General point of view-

"I wanted to know if Ned likes anyone in particular right now..."

"Well, you should know that Ned likes Susie...duh." Cookie replied instantaneously.

"Right, I knew that..."

Moze then got side tracked. 'How could I have been so stupid as to ask one of my best friends if Ned likes someone at the moment...I mean, come on! I knew that he likes Susie Crabgrass. I knew that!! I am just being naive. There's no way that Ned could like me as more than friends. I must be losing it.'

Cookie had long left the lunch table in search of Lisa Zemo, and was replaced by Ned who, was at the current moment, trying to get Moze's attention.

"And I thought I daydreamed alot..." Ned said quietly to himself..."Moze!! Snap out of it!!"

"Whoa...wha? What is going on?? And where'd Cookie go?? I thought he was right here?"

"Shows how much you miss when you daydream..." Ned replied, sarcastically.

"Sorry...I was just thinking about a few things."

"Like what?"

"Just some things about...about...umm...our homework! Yeah, just some things that we have to do on our homework!" Moze exclaimed.

-Ned's point of view-

'She sure is acting weird today...I mean, homework? I know Moze can be obsessed about our assignments and making the best grades, but I know she is definately is thinking something else. But what?'

"So Moze, I was wondering...you comming over to my house for movie night? It's your turn to pick..." Ned pondered.

"Yea, sure...is Cookie gonna be there?"

"No, he has to go with his parents to some kind of convention thing..."

"Hmm...sure I guess...but you better like what I pick."

"Is that a challenge?" Ned joked.

"Sure is!"

"Bring it..."

Just as Ned was about to finish his sentence Missy came up and snatched him away from the table.

"Just what do you think you are doing??" Moze declared.

"Whats it to you Mozely? You're not going out with Bigby so he's mine. So that means that he's with me, so get over it!"

'Why does Missy want me so bad, I thought me and Moze had fooled her when we were fake going out a couple of weeks ago...'

"Missy, why do you want me so bad?"

"Because you have a really nice butt. And...because everyone else likes you, I didn't see the harm in giving it a chance." Missy inquired.

"Thats not a reason..."

"Noone cares about true love and all that crap! It's all about the here and now."

As Missy leaned into kiss Ned, Ned looked over at Moze for help, even though he never got her attention, he was able to avoid Missy's kiss.

'Why is this happening to me, I like Moze!! Wait...the question is not why is this happening to me, what is happening to me?' Ned blushed at the thought.

-General point of view-

Missy dragged Ned off to parts unknown while a bewildered Moze sat back pondering on her thoughts for a certain blue-eyed boy.

'I am going to be at Ned's house, alone, watching a movie with him, alone...'

Moze blushed heavily at the thought of being alone with Ned in his room on a Friday night.

-After school-

Ned called Moze on her cell, to see how she was after the whole Missy incident. He was worried about how she reacted about Ned sadly becoming Missy's boyfriend, no matter how much he doesn't want to be with her. He sits confused in his room thinking about how Friday night would go when he suddenly remembered something.

"Hey Moze! My parents have to go out of town this weekend...my mom said it was still cool if you came over for movie night, she said that she's not worried about anything happening while you're there so she said you could stay the night to keep me company. I even told her that Cookie was unable to be there but she shrugged it off. That doesn't bother you does it?"

"No not at all, I was just about to ask if I could because I hate being in the house cooped up in my room. My parents never get out and do anything so yea, that would be cool."

'Things just got more complicated.' Thought Ned and Moze at the same time.

a/n: hey there, cliffy again!! don't worry there will be no lemons in this fic, however i can promise some limey goodness, it wont be for a while though, or will it? if everyone thinks that lemons and limes are the same, lemme explain my method of thinking:

lemon- full out sex; heavy details of sex; anything and everything that has to do with sex. lol

lime- on top of eachother stuff; light fondling; touching eachother; no sex though...that sort of thing.

if i have to i might change it to the M rating, but limes like the way my story will be, would most likely stay a T rating. So don't worry my Ned/Moze fans this story will get good!