For You

Abby Ebon

Together they lay, silence enveloping them in soft wings, the only sounds were the soft drizzle of rain outside- echoing on the tin roof and occasionally the rasp of a tongue against soft flesh.

Hiei's tongue darted out, licking the sweat from his younger lovers' shoulder, Harry shivered under his talented tongue. Even as he knew demons did this, not to arouse one another- though more often then not, it did serve to do so, but to clean and calm one another.

It was a reassurance, and at the moment, Harry couldn't care less what other excuses demons used, it was just what he liked after a good round of sex. Outside, thunder rolled, lighting struck blodly across the sky – Harry tensed curled around Hiei, the older demon chuckled reassuringly.

"Why do you fear it?" Hiei asked quietly into his lover's inky black hair. Harry moved, so one green eye peered up at him.

"Fear what?" Harry mumbled into his arms, reluctant, pouting. The roll of crimson eyes was practically felt.

"The storms- Harry, why do you fear them?" Hiei asked directly, he felt Harry shrug – reluctant to speak of it, above him, Hiei felt the tensing of the bunched muscles he had attempted to relax.

Hiei got a wicked look in his eyes, and without pause settled himself astride Harry's waist, his fingers pressing firmly into Harry's tensed back. Below Hiei, Harry took a shuddering breath, but otherwise, he allowed his lover to work on the knotted muscles.

The cry of a child – theirs, echoed in the tower; it was shushed and sung to by its nurse – Harry had strained to get up, but Hiei wouldn't let him, he only had this promised night with his lover, the infant would be well cared for by the nurse for one night.

When the cries ceased into soft cooing, only then did Harry relax and let Hiei have his way.

"Now, Harry, you are to tell my why." Hiei ordered Harry, now at his mercy, he heard his lover's soft grumble, but Harry allowed himself to be lulled into comfort, drifting away from the memories, to recall them in a haze – which, Harry supposed, was for the best.


The storm let loose just on the ebb of the first night of the mating season. Harry, blurry eyed, stared into the darkness, around him the carnal sounds of fighting for a mate – the guttural cries of release.

Harry could see none of these things – and what he heard was far off – so, perhaps, he did not hear what he thought he did.

Perhaps it was his mind making up things to fill the silence.

Harry had huddled inside a rotted tree that formed the perfect hidey-hole, and there he had stayed – his heart pounding, made vigilant with adrenalin, even as the night wore on him.

Harry didn't know how he had gotten into the forest – he knew he had ran, he didn't know for how long – nor where or in which direction.

Logic, he knew, told him he was safe even among these foreign woods – territory was forgotten during mating, even so – he was among Lesser Demons – they, at least, could not attempt to take him.

Behind him, the tree stirred, its low branches bending to enfold him, nurturing – and Harry let the earthy smells lull him to security- where sleep claimed him with a vengeance.

In his dreams – he had not run.

He was back in that hall. When he had seen Jin and Touya were licking at Yuusuke's neck and hardening length, for Yuusuke sat, his knees apart – and pants down to his ankles, and his neck arched; Harry had seen Yuusuke motion him closer.

As if he was a sleep walker – or puppet, Harry had not been able to resist going to Yuusuke.

Jin crawled toward him, taking his clothes from him even as he watched in a daze.

He wanted to ask why, but Jin had pulled him into a kiss – Jin's warm tongue probing into his mouth, slicking the sides, and playing with Harry's own tongue.

When he was let to breath, he knew by the look into their eyes he looked perfectly fuck-able what with his tussled black hair – from where Jin had grasped the back of his neck, and reddened lips, bruised from the heated kiss.

Touya, pleased, pulls Jin to him, both of them are naked, Harry realizes, suddenly, in a way only a dream can make you see.

Touya's hands play over Jin's body, one holding the back of Jin's neck in a kiss – the other…the other playing with Jin's length, making Jin whimper and rub his arse against Touya's hardness. Jin's own arms are around Touya's shoulders and neck – locked in an endless embrace.

Harry is suddenly aware of Yuusuke touching his hips, making his lower stomach tingle in a way that is frightening and heady with pleasure, at the same time.

Yuusuke's other hand starts to rub his lower stomach, only brushing his length occasionally, content to nibble at his collarbone and feel Harry's arse.

Harry can't stand it- he whimpers, letting his head fall back on Yuusuke's shoulder – giving up control.

Yuusuke snarled, and in a dream where things happened without reason, Yuusuke was suddenly inside him, taking him, filling him with his length, Yuusuke's fanged teeth biting down and marking him as he took him.

Jin and Touya watched them with lust and greedy in their eyes, and Harry found he didn't care.

Jin knelt between Touya's thighs, licking and sucking Touya's length, Harry swallowed, shivering and whimpering as Yuusuke took him harder and faster- giving in to his demonic side.

Suddenly Yuusuke cried out, hot silky release filling Harry – even as Yuusuke rubbed his still hard length.

Jin's lips were wet with Touya's release; Touya groaned at the sight of his own release on Jin's lips and lent to kiss Jin – with tongue. Yuusuke watched both with a pleased expression.

Jin glanced at Harry- and smirked, and crawled to Harry – looking to Yuusuke for permission, which he got as Yuusuke's hand moved away from Harry's length - both Yuusuke's hands now resting on Harry's hips- keeping him still for Jin.

Jin licked his lips- and Harry thought he saw some of Touya's release go into his mouth, it was all the warning Jin gave Harry before enveloping Harry's length in the wet heat his mouth.

Harry cried out- and he couldn't help releasing his seed into Jin's mouth; knowing as he did so that the bond between the three of them was complete- for he felt Jin shudder around Harry's length as Jin came.

Harry woke to the sound of thunder booming in his ears. He was unsurprised to find he was hard – or shuddering, near orgasm.

The air was filled with his scent- his sweat, and pre-come, and the noises of the night before had ceased altogether, Harry felt that there were only a few warm-blooded things around him.

Harry felt one of the warm-blooded things approach him, he felt out 'feeling' the new being. Harry knew it was someone he knew- he felt so sure he was nearly ready to spring up and run away.

He didn't get the chance to.

Hiei's scent filled his nose, and Harry felt Hiei pull him up from the ground and into a tight embrace, nuzzling the sticky sweat of his neck. Harry let himself relax- he knew Hiei would protect him, would not take advantage of him.

Before Harry knew what he was doing, he was licking at Hiei's throat, and Hiei let him, dark red eyes amused.

"Hold on." Hiei ordered – and unthinkingly, Harry did as Hiei had ordered. They blurred through the forest, before coming to stop at a tree-house – or rather, a house built by a tree.

Inside was sparse, but comfortable; a single large cot piled with plush pillows dominated the floor. There were swinging-chairs of rope and vine hanging from the three corners, and it had a stove in the fourth corner.

Hiei set him on the cot, and Harry watched him make a fire until his eyes grew heavy – this time he dreamt of a past only Kurama and Hiei would remember.

Kurama stretched, arching his back to show off his hips- which Hiei made a slow and detailed examination of with his eyes. Hiei let his fingers run down the red-haired male's sides, ticklish –even if Kurama only moaned.

The reason was obvious to Hiei – every touch burned the kitsune with lust, simply because of the ring around his length, restraining his release.

This, Kurama knew, was his punishment for letting Hiei come before Kurama had – but Kurama thought it worth it- if only to have himself at Hiei's 'mercy' for a few more hours.

Hiei touched his inner thigh, making Kurama jolt back to reality with a cry; Hiei merely smirked down at him – Hiei's crimson eyes dark with lust. Kurama locked his eyes on those red ones, and whimpered in a way he knew Hiei wouldn't be able to resist.

Hiei growled, showing fang, and Kurama's skin shivered involuntarily, sometimes his lover was entirely too erotic for his own good.

Hiei pushed Kurama's legs apart, and he spread them willingly – offering silently, and Hiei knew Kurama's silent message.

Hiei took him as he willed – wild, willful, lusts burning like wildfire in his veins.

Harry woke in the buff, very aroused and quite alarmed by the turn of events - Hiei was in sight though, and his lack of clothing was explained rather abruptly. Apparently, they were filthy, and were being burned.

"What am I to ware now?" Harry asked a slight whine to his tone – Hiei raised an eyebrow.

"Why do you insist on wearing them?" Hiei asked in turn, rather amused by the black haired boys stammering and blush.

"Because, it – it's proper, and – and…" Harry trailed off, uncertain. "You're supposed to?" The last was said in a near whisper, and Hiei snorted – amused by human ways. In later year Harry would take to not wearing much at all – which, Hiei would come to approve of most adamantly.

Hiei stood, and Harry noticed quite quickly that all the other had on were low hung pants, Harry's eyes couldn't help but be drawn to the line of hair descending into Hiei's pants. Hiei, of course, noticed – and chuckled lowly in his throat.

"Hiei?" Harry asked, his voice whisper soft – he was becoming aroused, and whined in the back of his throat- by then Hiei had come close enough to kiss Harry's pouting lips – and did so, leisurely mapping and detailing every whine and moan Harry produced.

Harry arched off the cot, even as Hiei leaned down on him, on hand stroking the soft hairs at the back of Harry's neck – and the other unzipping Harry's pants – he, Hiei knew from watching Harry moan from his earlier dreams, was already hard and aching in Hiei's hand.

Harry arched into his hand, fanatic for friction – for release, Hiei growled into Harry's ear – nipping at it, reminding Harry who was going to be taking whom. Hiei – with Harry's assistance hand gotten his pants to his knees, and Hiei slide down Harry's body, licking and sucking a trail of skin down to his hardness.

Harry moaned when Hiei's firm lips touched his member- and helplessly he bucked into his mouth – feeling Hiei's sharpened teeth surround him – cradling him, firm and gentle within Hiei's hot mouth.

Fingers probed Harry's hole, readying him, and scissoring him – all Harry noticed was how good it felt to have Hiei touch him down there – Harry took notice only when Hiei let his throbbing length go- and pressed a hand to his thigh, willing Harry to move onto his hands and knees- Harry obeyed, eager – even without knowing why.

Hiei took him slowly, even when Harry begged to be taken harder – Hiei was determined that Harry remember their first mating, theirs – a joining of bodies – and souls, such was what the mating season was about for demons.


The End


AbeoUmbra – Yes, this is the absolute end, I do hope you all have enjoyed it – and Fire, sorry there wasn't mpreg, I barely feel fit to write full blown slash though, although I hinted to a child, might be theirs, might be a adopted/abandoned-infant…– lol. No tellin', anyway, hope you enjoyed it!