Here's another sad fic I've done. It's not as angst as my last one, but still alittle sad. I hope you like it.
Dragonball Z
When That Time Comes
Words kept flowing through his mind. Words that he had never wanted to hear even though he knew that time would eventually come sooner or later. It was bound to with all the enemies they faced no-one could say that it never would, but no-one expected it to come so sooner, especially him. Recalling back on what happened was a constant reminder of pain and sorrow. He smacked his clenched fists into the ground, frustrated at being reminded of those words.
"Remember when I said that time might come? Well this is it. You know what you have to do."
The voice in his head spoke the words for him over and over, never ending and continuing to haunt him.
"Not yet. It can't be now. It's too soon! Way too soon, I'm not ready."
"You have to be. You're gonna be needed more now then ever. You'll be the strongest left and must fight in my place. I know you can do it. I know you can because you're my friend and I believe in you. Take care of them all for me."
It hurt him inside, thinking that he was the lone pure blooded survivor of his race. Though he never seemed to like the one who called him a friend, he took comfort in the fact that he wasn't alone, but now he was. Before the deadly battle they fought, he remembered those words.
"When that time comes, you will have to stand alone as the lone surivor of our race and the strongest of us all. When that time comes, you will have to be the savoir I was and be there when our friends need you. When that time comes, I will be watching over you."
The last words stuck in the Saiyan's mind. Was it really true? Was he really watching over us? If that's true, then no-one can really be alone. When a friend passes away, they're really just going on another journey in the step of life and will be away for a while. As the other had told him many times 'Goodbyes aren't forever'. If that's true, then the Saiyan race isn't truely gone, just away on another journey in life's destiny. The black haired Saiyan stood up and looked to the sky, his eyes and heart burning with a new understanding of life and what happens when a friend or anyone goes on another journey. He smiled for the first time in a very long time. He was filled with a new feeling, that of friendship.
"When that time comes, I will stand as the strongest of a race destined on another journey through life. When that time comes, I will be the savoir you were and I will watch over them all. When that time comes, I shall feel you standing by my side watching and guiding me through this journey."
In that instant, the Saiyan felt a presence by his side. It would follow him wherever he went, helping and guiding him. The presence was one he knew all too well.
"When that time comes Kakarot."
Well, what did you think of that? Please reply.