Title: Untitled

By: Aeden Hale

Series: Avatar: The Last Airbender/Sailor Moon

Pairings: Zuko/Serenity

Description: The killing of the Moon Spirit doesn't just affect the battle between the Northern Water Tribe and the Fire Navy, but neither side knew who else their fighting affected. Fate and Destiny have decided to send in their own representative: Princess Serenity of the White Moon Kingdom. What will happen when she falls upon a tired, injured and unsuspecting Zuko?

Disclaimer: All standard disclaimers apply; I do not own Avatar or Sailor Moon. I also used the episode transcripts for some parts. I got those from Note: Takes place at the end of Book One, Chapter Twenty: Siege at the North Pole Part II. Serenity will have also gone under some training with her mother to use the Ginzuishou for defense and healing and such. I'm going to also make it so that when she was sent to Earth, the Ginzuishou entered her body and bound itself to her Star Seed, kind of like in the Stars series. I'm wondering about entering Seiya and the other Starlights into the story, so you can let me know, because I know of a way that I could possibly do that.

Chapter 1: The End of the Siege

Yue collapsed as the life force that had been given to her by the spirits was taken back. The young warrior from the Southern Water Tribe protested loudly as a somber mood passed over the other occupants in attendance. Not one of them noticed the shooting start that raced across the sky. None of them would understand its meaning until it was too late.

The frigid sea air bit at his exposed skin. The young man flexed his hands as the spray of the ocean dampened his skin. Pulling open his amber eyes, the young man pulled himself into a sitting position. His uncle was snoring soundly right beside him on the skiff they had made. A small ball of light drew his attention to the far side of the skiff. Blinking his eyes the young man attempted to focus his blurry vision.

Flames engulfed his fists as a shape began to take form from the light. A girl, no older than himself, stood before him. Her white dress fluttered in the wind, eyes closed with her face raised to the heavens. Her white hair whipped about her in its strange style. The girl finally opened her eyes, stunning him momentarily with their silvery-blue color. She looked about her in a confused manner, obviously at a loss as to why she was there and not wherever she was supposed to be. Obviously his flames had attracted her gaze, for she turned to stare at him. Zuko's look of surprise was quickly replaced by a snarl as he kept his place on the boards.

"Who are you and what are you doing on my boat?" he snapped.

The girl kept her gaze steady, even though he could tell that she was shivering with cold. Her gown was not designed for warmth. "I'm not certain." She replied, looking back out at the sea. "Where am I? This is definitely not the palace garden."

So she was someone of high standing. "Right now, we're in the middle of the ocean off the coast of the territory of the Northern Water Tribe."

"So, Fate and Destiny have decided to intervene once again. I'm not sure as to how I came here. I don't know my purpose here, but it would seem that I have no choice but to find out."

"So it would seem." Zuko grumbled. "Where are you from?"

The girl hissed as the spray from the ocean beat against the skiff, catching her in the process. She continued to shiver as she lifted her arm to the sky. "Up there."

The young prince blinked several times before letting out a bark of laughter. "You come from up there? The moon? That's ridiculous. The way you're talking, you just fell from the heavens like a star."

A frown marred her face as she glared at him. "I had a strange vision before arriving here. A girl with white hair and dark skin told me that humans had defiled the Moon Spirit. She told me that she gave her life to restore balance to this planet. I can sympathize with her reasoning, though on quite a different level. Anyway, she told me that the spirits had sent me as a symbol, some sort of sign."

Zuko snorted. "Whatever. Do you have a name to go with that ludicrous story?"

The girl curtsied, as was most likely a product of her upbringing. "I am Princess Serenity of the White Moon Kingdom and heir to the thrown." She told him. "Who, may I ask, are you?"

"Why should I tell you?" was the response. After a moment of silence, he decided to answer her. "Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation."

Serenity nodded as she sat down on the skiff, gown fanning out around her. She hugged herself as she shook with the chill of the air. "I didn't expect it to be this cold. I didn't expect anything. Selene, it's cold!"

Zuko shook his head as his as his uncle continued to snore contently. "This is my uncle, Iroh."

"He seems to be quite exhausted." She commented.

"He is. We've both done battle for the past two days. We're both exhausted. I'm quite sore."

Looking him over, Serenity's eyes softened. "Forgive me. I wasn't aware of your wounds."

"It's nothing. They'll heal on their own." Zuko said, shrugging them off. "I wouldn't worry about them. Besides, it'll take a lot more than these to stop me from capturing the Avatar."

The young princess nodded, not fully understanding what an Avatar was. "Please allow me to heal your wounds since I seem to have robbed you of sleep."

Zuko held a look of disgust in his eyes as he examined her. "You're not some filthy water bender are you? I refuse your help if you are."

Shaking her head, Serenity continued to look at him. "I don't even know what a water bender is. How would I be one?"

Growling in response, Zuko looked away. "Fine. Do what you must."

Without another word, Serenity scooted closer to him, her whole body glowing. She held both arms out, palms flattened toward him. In an instant, Zuko was surrounded with the same glow. A warm tingling sensation filled his wounds, even the scar that consumed his left eye and most of that side of his face. Strangely enough, he felt no fear but an odd calm. This power was nothing to be frightened of. As quickly as it had come, the feeling was gone. When the light died down, he could see clearly; out of both eyes. Zuko caught Serenity in his gaze, supporting herself with both arms and slightly winded. Her eyelids drooped from exhaustion. The prince pulled her to him to study her head on.

"What did you do?"

Serenity panted a bit before answering. "I…healed you. It took a bit more energy than I expected. Your wounds are fully healed."

"I know that!" Zuko barked. "My scar, it's gone."

"I healed it…with the rest of the wounds. I thought you might want it gone." Serenity confessed.

"Agni, you really are cold." He said, his warm hands touching her frozen skin. "You'll catch your death with as little cover as you have."

"It was warm on the moon." Serenity pouted. "I didn't choose to come here in the first place."

Something inside of Zuko's chest clinched. Was it proper for a princess to look so, dare he say it, cute? Shaking his head, he crawled to sit beside her. Serenity gave him a questioning look.

"I'm going back to sleep."

"I don't even get any thanks for healing you?" the moon princess screeched. "How typical."

"Shut up." Was all Zuko said as he lay down on the boards. "I'm keeping you warm enough so that you won't die. That should be thanks enough."

Without another word, the fire bender pulled Serenity into his arms, her nose brushing against his chest. The princess blushed heavily as she felt his breathing change to the deep rhythm accustomed to sleeping. How had she ended up in this predicament? Why couldn't she be at home in her own bed instead of practically freezing to death? Damn her being the balance element of the universe. Damn Fate and Destiny. Damn it all. Figuring that there was no other alternative, Serenity felt her eyelids drooping as she fought sleep. After a few minutes though, she gave up her fight and succumbed to the darkness.

"Iroh, where are we?"

"My dear, we were lucky enough to land in an area occupied by the Fire Nation!" the old man cawed. "Now perhaps we can find some food and get some rest!"

Serenity couldn't argue with him. After spending weeks on the skiff with no food and no water hadn't been her idea of a picnic. Zuko dawdled along behind them, carefully watching their rear. He had told her that no one could be trusted. Wishing to appease his great temper, Serenity had agreed with no argument. As they entered the settlement, her silvery-blue eyes widened with delight as a large smile crossed her face. The Cherry Blossoms were in bloom and the air was thick with pink petals and a sweet scent. She moved ahead of Iroh, her skirts balled up in her fists.

"It's so beautiful!" she called to them. "We never had anything this gorgeous back home. It's beautiful here."

Zuko had to applaud her on being smart enough not to mention where home was. Explaining this whole ordeal to his uncle had been difficult enough. At times, he felt like he was babysitting the small princess, for she was indeed much like a child at times, and not only in stature. Her innocence made him somewhat jealous, for he knew he could never return to that state. Zuko rolled his eyes and moved after her.

"Don't get lost. If you get attacked by a Platypus Bear, you're on your own."

Serenity stuck her tongue out at him. "You're no fun. You would too save me."

Iroh laughed at the bickering that went on between the two. He thought it would be good to let them so that he could take care of other things, such as the rumors he'd heard lately; the reports that Azula, his niece, would most likely be hunting them down. How he would take care of that little problem with the young Moon Princess now in there party was a bit of a complication. Sighing, he'd turned to see the Fire Nation settlement up ahead, Serenity staring in awe at the dojo type buildings. Zuko had moved ahead of him to join her, grabbing her wrist before she could go any farther. She shot him a confused glance as she stopped where she stood.

"You step one foot in there before us and you'll be incinerated." He told her.

"My nephew means that fire benders are quite thorough with their security, my dear." Iroh explained further.

Serenity merely nodded and waited for them to go ahead of her, walking behind Zuko and clutching his arm in fright. Just by their description, these people sounded dangerous. As they entered the front gates, she saw various people dressed in red and white garb. They were all staring at her. She had to admit, she probably looked a bit odd to these people, for no one she saw had light-colored hair. Serenity jumped in surprise when she felt a warm hand resting on top of hers. She looked up to see Zuko staring at her.

"We're going to get cleaned up a bit." He explained. "Uncle has already spoken with the village elder and he's permitted us to stay here. Go with the hand maiden and she'll take you to the women's bathhouse. She can probably wash your gown while you're in the bath."

"But…" Serenity started, fear evident in her eyes. "What if…"

Zuko's eyes softened a bit. "I promise that nothing is going to happen to you. I'll make sure of that. Go with the hand maiden. I'll meet up with you after you're done."

Serenity nodded in response. She glanced over her shoulder nervously as she moved to follow the hand maiden when she caught Zuko's gaze. He nodded to her as if saying that everything was fine. The Moon Princess followed on with her back facing them. She could trust Zuko's word, couldn't she?

He sighed as he felt the warm soothing water of the bathhouse's hot springs against his flesh. Having been out at sea for so long, he'd forgotten that it was like to bath on a regular basis. The heavy splashing next to him let him know that his uncle was still present. Cracking one amber eye open, Zuko watched Iroh laugh heartily as he enjoyed the water as well.

"It has been a long time since we have had time to stop and relax like this, hasn't it Prince Zuko?"

"It has, uncle. Things have gotten…strange lately." He said, sliding his body deeper into the spring.

Iroh's attention was captured by that statement. "I would say that they have. What with Miss Serenity showing up so unexpected three weeks ago, who wouldn't call it strange. You're sure she just appeared out of the sky?"

"Yes, uncle! There was a ball of light hovering over the skiff and she appeared out of it, like some spirit!" the banished prince declared. "How else could she have gotten here?"


Zuko snorted. "Don't be ridiculous. I know what I saw. She's here now, uncle. We've got to make sure nothing happens to her so she can return to wherever she came from."

The old general laughed a bit, causing his nephew to look at him with a strange look on his face. "So you want to protect the young princess, do you? Could it be that the son of Fire Lord Ozai has developed a soft spot?"

A bright blush crept across Zuko's face. "It means that I want Serenity out of our hair as soon as possible! Don't read too much into it, uncle. Your explanation is ridiculous."

Iroh just laughed to himself once again. "That color in your cheeks says otherwise, nephew. Say what you like. Your face can never hide your emotions."

The prince grumble something about sentimental old men under his breath as his head disappeared under the water. The sooner they got Serenity to wherever she was supposed to be, the better.

Serenity couldn't believe that she'd somehow been sent to the sparkling blue planet that she'd always watched from her window. The rumbling in her stomach reminded her that after her bath, she desperately needed food. Being on a raft for three weeks with no food or water had definitely not been something that she was accustomed to. The hot water seemed to melt away the aches in her muscles. Leaning her head back, she stared at the ceiling.

"I wonder how the negotiations are going." Serenity thought to herself. "They weren't going well when I vanished."

The Moon Kingdom had begun a conference with the other planetary kingdoms on finding a solution to defeat the growing darkness. Her mother, Selenity, had thought it wisest to include Earth in their talks, however, it wasn't going well. Endymion, prince of the Earth Kingdom, had refused to help at first, claiming that there was no benefit for him and his people from agreeing to help the Moon Kingdom. That's when Selenity had decide that it was time to join the Earth and stars, promising Serenity's hand in marriage. Needless to say, Endymion reluctantly decided to join them, but was still being difficult.

Sighing, the young princess felt tears welling in her eyes. Times had started to get difficult on the moon. If it wasn't the negotiations, it was her royal court and guardians that were following her everywhere. How she missed them all. Her mother was bound to be worried about her. Running her fingers across the crescent moon shaped mark in the center of her forehead, Serenity choked a sob as she remembered one of the last conversations that she'd had with her mother before ending up here.


"Yes, mother?"

"I didn't want to tell you this quite yet, but I fear that times are growing dark and it would be better for you to know, dear."

Serenity blinked and gave her mother a wary look. "What's wrong, mother?"

Selenity sat down on window sill next to her daughter and rested both hands on her shoulders. "Every two hundred or so years, a special child is born. This child has the power to maintain the balance in the universe. The balance of light and dark; love and hate; good and evil."

"Why are you telling me this, mother? What has it to do with me?"

The Moon Queen pulled Serenity into her arms and gave her a tight embrace. "It has everything to do with you, Serenity. You are the universal balance element. You are Cosmos."

Serenity pushed away from her mother, shock written all over her features. "It can't be. I'm just a clumsy princess who takes pleasure in evading her guardians. I'm no supreme power."

"You are, dear. The Moon Goddess has informed me. With the growing darkness, you will be called upon to save this universe from eternal shadow. This is a huge responsibility and I hate for it to be placed on you, my daughter, but as Fate and Destiny would have it, there is no other choice. Chaos is coming and you will be the only one who can stop it."

Did her coming to Earth have something to do with her destiny? Perhaps it did. Perhaps this was where Chaos originated from. From what Zuko and Iroh had told her, this whole world was at war with one another. She could feel the growing darkness, if only just slightly. A shiver passed up her spine. A shadow caught her attention from behind the door.

"Ma'am, I have cleaned your gown. I'll just leave it here for you."

"Thank you." Serenity told her.

Rising from the hot springs, she dried herself off, not bothering to redo her waist-length hair. It would take it some time to dry. Serenity grabbed her gown and pulled it on to the best of her ability. Usually Minako or Ami would help her with dressing. The air smelled sweet as she exited the bathhouse. The Cherry Blossoms smelled beautiful. Serenity looked about her, the breeze playing with her white locks. She smiled as she spotted Zuko in clean clothing and resting his back against the open door frame. Picking up her skirts gracefully, she hurried to meet with him.

"Ah, this is what I've been missing." Iroh commented happily. "Who knew that floating on a piece of driftwood for three weeks with no food or water and sea vultures waiting to pluck out your liver could make one so tense?"

He glanced over to his nephew and to Serenity as his massage was being finished. Zuko's face was covered by his hat and Serenity's back was to them both as she hugged her knees to her chest and hair all askew over the floor boards, staring out into the Cherry Blossom trees. Sighing, he rose and approached the younger fire bender. Then, a thought suddenly occurred to him.

"I see. It's the anniversary, isn't it?" Serenity's ears seemed to perk up.

Zuko looked at him in a dejected manner before looking away and replying. "Three years ago today I was banished. I lost it all." He said, looking to Serenity's profile before returning his gaze to his front. "I want it back. I want the Avatar, I want my honor, I want my throne. I want my father not to think I'm worthless."

It was Serenity who answered him, in a calm but sad voice. "If he was your father, he wouldn't have banished you. No parent can give their child a punishment that severe if they loved them."

"Who are you that seems to know all about my father?" the banished prince spat hatefully.

"Just someone who has the power to do nothing until her power is needed." Serenity replied, looking at him and smiling sadly.

"Serenity, you haven't really told us much about your home." Iroh brought up. "Care to explain? Perhaps you can cheer up Prince Zuko."

The Moon princess stared at Zuko before changing it to her feet. "My kingdom and the other kingdoms of the solar system are holding negotiations with Endymion of the Earth Kingdom. There's a growing darkness approaching and they've all agreed to fight it, though Endymion wants more. In order for him to take place in these talks, my mother had to offer my hand to him in marriage. She said it would join the Earth and the Stars together. Then I ended up here."

"That doesn't sound cheerful at all." Zuko responded sullenly. "You've been placed into an arranged marriage? That sounds vaguely familiar. I was in one also before I was banished. I didn't agree with marrying someone that I have no feelings for, but I didn't think it was my place to object."

The white-haired girl nodded. "I don't want to marry this man. I barely know him. I don't love him. I'm doing it out of duty to my kingdom and the other kingdoms of the solar system." She explained, hugging her knees tighter. "I think it's a blessing to be sent away from him. But…I miss my friends."

"Separation is a difficult thing." Iroh told her, trying to comfort her. "Just be assured that when your purpose is fulfilled here, you will see them once again."

There was that tight feeling in his chest again. Zuko sifted through his mind trying to find out what was causing this. He'd only known Serenity for three weeks, but it seemed that the thought of her returning home bothered him. His uncle was in no way right that he'd developed a soft place for the Moon Princess. Something told him that things were about to change very soon at any rate. It hadn't occurred to him until then that he and his uncle had been subjected to quite a bit of danger while hunting the Avatar. Serenity would now be caught up in it. A small ounce of guilt was welling up inside of him. Assuming that she was sent for a purpose, she must've known of the danger, right?

Iroh interrupted his thoughts as he stood. "I say that we forget such sad talk and have a nice cup of calming Jasmine tea in our quarters. I believe that will help all our spirits."

Serenity nodded as she slowly rose to her feet. "I'll join you. How about you, Zuko?" she asked, offering a hand.

"I suppose I will too." He said, taking her offered hand and looking away with a hot blush staining his cheeks.

Zuko led the way to their quarters. As the sun was setting, the shadows crept over much of the landscape. There was a feeling that floated through the air that he could only describe as that which only occurred before the lightning struck. All the sense he'd acquired in battle were immediately turned on. Amber eyes roved over the courtyard; over any place where an enemy could be hiding. Serenity was kept between himself and his uncle by some unspoken command. The old general was just as wary as his nephew was about their current situation. Zuko moved into their quarters, the food they'd eaten while his uncle received his massage threatening to exit the same way it had entered. Serenity obviously felt the tension, for she latched onto his arm due to her own uncertainty. The dying sun cast enough light for the eyes to play tricks. Iroh moved around them to toss a bag that he'd managed to acquire from somewhere on the table and dig through it.

"Look at these magnificent shells! I'll enjoy these keepsakes for years to come!"

His nephew sighed in a weary fashion. "We don't need anymore useless things. You forget we have carry everything ourselves now."

A figure moved from behind a table, hidden previously by the shadows. "Hello, brother. Uncle."

Zuko turned a hateful glare to the girl who had just made her presence known. "What are you doing here?"

The girl snorted arrogantly as she toyed with one of the seashell's Iroh had picked up. "In my country, we exchange a pleasant hello before asking questions. Have you become uncivilized so soon, Zuzu?" she asked as she stared at his face in curiosity. "What happened to your scar, Zuzu?"

"Don't call me that!" he shouted in rage.

Iroh came a bit closer to her in an attempt to block Serenity from her view. "To what do we owe this honor?"

She studied them both carefully with a frown on her lips. "Hmm, must be a family trait. Both of you so quick to get to the point." Circling around the both of them, she came upon the small princess huddled against Zuko. She studied her eyes filled with fear. "And who might this be? Your girlfriend, maybe? I don't think I've seen anyone who looks like you before."

"She's no one, Azula. A girl who was shipwrecked, that's all." The fire prince answered hastily.

"No one, you say?" the girl, Azula, asked. "She's no mere peasant. She's as pale as a lily." She then grabbed Serenity's hand to study the palm. "There are no calluses on her fingers as one would find on any normal peasant. Her clothing even suggests nobility." Azula clutched her chin in her fingers, studying Serenity's frightened silvery-blue eyes. "Who are you? I've never seen anyone of your type before."

"Leave her alone, Azula." Zuko demanded, moving in front of her. "What do you want?"

His sister sighed as she continued to stare at Serenity. "I've come with a message from home. Father's changed his mind. Family is suddenly very important to him. He's heard rumors of plans to overthrow him; treacherous plots. Family are the only ones you can trust. Father regrets your banishment. He wants you home."

Serenity tried to harness her fear to study the girl, presumably Zuko's sister, in front of her. There was something about her that she didn't like besides her overbearing personality. This girl was lying through her teeth. She sensed ill intentions from Azula, as if she were trying to set up some kind of trick. How could one go through with something like that, knowing how desperately Zuko wanted to be accepted by his father? Serenity desperately wanted to speak up, but simple fear of Azula prevented her from doing so, so she held fast to Zuko's arm and remained silent.

"Did you hear me?" she asked her brother. "You should be happy; excited; grateful. I just gave you great news."

Iroh glanced at his nephew, a bit worried. Zuko had yet to respond to anything. "I'm sure your brother just needs a moment to—"

Azula's face twisted in anger momentarily. "Don't interrupt, uncle! I still haven't heard my thank you. I am not a messenger. I didn't have to come all this way."

Zuko continued to stare out the window as if this news weren't even reaching his ears. Serenity studied his face as she continued to hold tight to his arm, now resting her head on his shoulder in an attempt to offer some sort of support. "Father regrets? He wants me back?"

His sister was becoming irritated by the whole matter but tried to keep that irritation from her voice. "I can see you need time to take this in. I'll come to call on you tomorrow. Good evening."

"What an odd turn of evens this has turned out to be." Iroh mumbled suspiciously. His nephew seemed to have been zoned out the entire time, shocked by this new information. "Serenity, my brother is not the kindest man in the world. It may be best if we left you somewhere else."

The white-haired princess stared at him with wide eyes, having let go of Zuko after Azula left. "You're joking, ne? I don't know anyone from this world besides the two of you! I don't want to be alone!" she protested, hugging herself.

"Come with us, Serenity. Come with us to the Fire Nation. You can stay there while we figure out a way for you to go home." Zuko proposed. "We're going home. After three long years. It's unbelievable."

Iroh watched as his nephew had already begun packing. "It is unbelievable. I have never known my brother to regret anything."

Serenity could sense the tension in the air. There was an argument about to begin. She could feel it. Zuko wheeled on his uncle, as if taking offense to his words. "Did you listen to Azula? Father's realized how important family is to him. He cares about me."

"I care about you. And if Ozai wants you back, well, I think it may not be for the reasons you imagine."

Zuko quickly turned his back to Iroh, quivering in anger. "You don't know how my father feels about me. You don't know anything."

"Zuko, maybe your uncle is right. Maybe you should listen to him. He grew up with your father. He knows."

"Keep out of this, Serenity." Zuko snapped in response.

Iroh sighed as he tried to form his next words carefully. He was aware of how volatile his nephew's temper could be. "Zuko, I only meant that in our family things are not always what they seem."

The flames leapt in Zuko's eyes as he whirled on him. His young face twisted in terrible rage as he fought to control the flames which threatened to leap from his fists. Did his uncle know nothing? His father wanted him to come home. That meant that the Fire Lord did not see him as worthless. He had a chance to regain his honor and his rite to the throne.

"I think you are exactly what you seem; a lazy, mistrustful, shallow old man who has always been jealous of his brother."

Serenity shook her head as she watched Iroh's eyes followed his nephew sadly out the door. The old general closed his eyes in defeat. Wasn't there something she could do to convince him that this was a bad idea? Shaking her head, the princess moved form the window to hug Iroh. He gently hugged her back and chuckled.

"Prince Zuko was not so different from you when he was young. Those days, I fear, are long past."

"Should I go talk to him?" Serenity asked. "He seemed awfully upset."

Iroh shook his head. "No, my nephew will not listen to anyone when he's angry. He will learn the truth when he walks into Azula's trap."

"So you know it's a trap too?"

"I know my brother and his daughter. They are not to be trusted. My question is how did you know?" the old general asked.

The Moon Princess looked thoughtful for a moment before answering. "My training included reading people's auras. Azula's was black with flickers of red, meaning she had ill intentions from the beginning. I was too afraid to speak up. I should have said something."

"No, my dear. My niece is not one to contend with. You've done the right thing in the long run."

The sun was shining brightly the next day. The call of the sea birds echoed through the air as Zuko made his way down the hillside toward the harbor. Pausing momentarily, he gazed on the ship that would be taking him home. That single Fire Navy ship symbolized all of his hope. He closed his eyes as he inhaled the salty sea air. Apparently he was returning home alone. That thought made him somewhat discouraged. That meant that Serenity wouldn't be coming with him. A heavy panting caused him to look back. His uncle was barreling down the stairs after him, followed by Serenity, who was hiking up her skirts to keep up.

"Wait! Don't leave without us!" Iroh puffed as he came to a stop. Serenity attempted to stop, but tripped over her gown. Luckily, Zuko's reaction time was quick enough to prevent a nasty fall. Serenity blushed heavily as Zuko's arms snaked around her waist to hold her up. He smiled down at Serenity before looking back up at his uncle happily.

"Uncle! You've changed your mind!" he exclaimed. "You've very clumsy for a princess, Serenity."

Serenity huffed angrily. "I never said I was graceful."

"Family sticks together, right?" Iroh said, placing a hand on his shoulder and smiling happily.

"We're finally going home." Zuko said quietly. "Are you coming with us, Serenity?"

The white-haired girl nodded. "I'll go with you. I need to know why I'm here anyway."

Nodding, Zuko picked up his bag once again and let the three of them down the stairs. Serenity remained between he and Iroh, upon the general's insistence. The young princess kept a keen eye on the Fire Nation soldiers as they approached the ship. Guards lined either side of the dock as the came closer, Azula standing on deck to meet them. The ship's captain was waiting for them at the bottom of the ramp. Azula raised her arms in greeting before bowing before them.

"Brother! Uncle! Welcome. I'm so glad you decided to come. I see that you brought the girl with you. She is more than welcome. Father will be pleased that you've found yourself a partner."

"Shut up, Azula. I told you, we found Serenity in a ship wreck."

"Serenity is it? Welcome aboard."

The captain shifted nervously as he looked up at the fire princess. "Are we ready to depart, your highness?"

"Set our course for home, captain." Azula said pleasantly.

"Home." Her brother murmured.

The captain led them up the ramp onto the ship. As the three of them were making their way aboard, he turned to his other men and began to speak. "You hear the princess! Raise the anchors! We're taking the prisoners ho—" he stopped in mid sentence when he realized his fatal mistake. "Your highness—"

Iroh immediately sprung into action. He spun around, backhanding a guard while kicking another down the ramp. The old general elbowed yet another that came at him. Zuko grabbed a guard, throwing him overboard before heading up the ramp in a heated fury. Serenity used her own means to create a shield to fend off the flames that were being thrown at her.

"You lied to me!" Zuko shouted angrily. Azula merely smirked at him.

"Like I've never done that before."

Two of Azula's guards shot flames at Zuko, which he blocked easily. He charged forward, screaming in rage as he did so. He took a fighting stance as he faced his sister and formed daggers with the flames in his hands. Azula had her back turned to him.

"Zuko! Let's go!" Iroh shouted to him, quickly coming to Serenity's aid. She had managed to dispose of some of her enemies herself.

Zuko advanced, causing Azula turned to evade his attack. After several minutes of dodging, Azula grew board. Grabbing her brother's arm, she spun him around. It was now time to taunt him. His temper always blinded him to attack.

"You know father blames uncle for the loss at the North Pole and he considers you a failure for not finding the Avatar. Why would he want you back home except to lock you up where you can no longer embarrass him?"

Zuko let out another angry cry as he leap forward once again only be knocked to the deck. He scrambled to get to his feet, but was not quite fast enough. Azula came flying at him with a flaming kick. Out of nowhere, Serenity appeared between him and his sister, putting up her shield to block the kick. She squinted her eyes closed and hissed at the pain of the flames that had burned her hands. She cracked won eye open to see a stunned Zuko looking up at her.

"We need to go. We're out numbered. We can't win." She panted out.

The fire prince nodded as he climbed to his feet. Shouting to Serenity, he quickly hoisted her onto his back and leapt over the side of the boat to the dock below. Iroh met them as they hit the ground and started running, Serenity still on Zuko's back. They ran until they could run no further. Iroh crouched over, panting, Zuko doing the same thing as Serenity slipped off of his back and collapsed to the ground next to a stream.

"I think we're safe now." Iroh said, regaining some of his breath.

Zuko wordlessly approached the stream and knelt down. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this, Serenity. You're in just as much danger now as we are."

"Don't apologize. There's no need. Besides, I can't let my training go to waste now can I?" she offered with a smile.

The banished prince gave a weak smile back as he took a dagger from his belt. Closing his eyes, he grabbed hold of his topknot with his free hand and sliced through with the dagger. When he was through, he handed the knife to his uncle, who did the same thing. The two of them tossed their hair into the river as the three of them stared off into the distance. Their journey together was just beginning and none of them knew what dangers lay ahead of them.

"You're hands are burned." Zuko noted.

Serenity winced at the memory. "They're not that bad. I'll be fine. I promise."

The fire bender shook his head. Tearing off a piece of his clothing, Zuko took hold of one wrist and then the other, bandaging them carefully. Serenity knew that they would heal themselves, but couldn't bring herself to tell him. He was actually concerned about her well being. When he'd finished his task, he looked at her with a shockingly kind look on his face. "There. You should be ok now."

"Thank you, Zuko." For everything.

Azula stood before the people of the Fire Nation settlement, anger twisting her features. In her hand she held a wanted poster showing the faces of her brother, her uncle, and the girl they were traveling with.

"Anyone who harbors these traitors will face the wrath of the Fire Lord." She called out to them. "There will be no place left to hide."

Well, what did you think of my first chapter of Martyr of the Moon? I hope you liked it! Review! Tell me if I should throw the Starlights in there or not. I'm sure Zuko would get alone JUST lovely with Seiya. If I do through the Starlights into the mix, I'm going to have it so they come to Earth and are looking for Serenity on behalf of Queen Selenity. Anyway, read and review! Later, taters!
