Chapter one: Near Death
"You look so beautiful."
Sasuke gasped, holding his stomach, tears draining his face, his warm sticky blood was escaping from his eyes also.
Sasuke jolted, the pain becoming unbearable, traces of dried blood clinging to his blue/black hair.
Too far to complain, too far consumed by the pain to answer his brother.
"Maybe this was why I didn't kill you, all those years ago." Itachi's eyes blazing red, as he stood his figure seeming to give off the feeling of power.
Blood red clouds surrounded him, a grey moon in the sky a black circle surrounding it.
A few more tears ran down Sasuke's face.
"Because I wanted to see you suffer," Sasuke clenched his fist as Itachi said this.
Itachi laughed. "And still, even when you are on the verge of death you try to defy me, when you know you are going to die, and it is the one person that you so desperately wanted to kill, is actually going to kill you."
Itachi ran a blood covered hand through his hair.
"It's ironic, isn't it. That we both want to reclaim the Uchiha clan, and yet it will be I, who practically killed it in the first place will be claiming the role of bringing it to its former glory." A smile penetrated across Itachi's face.
"With none other then your child."
Sasuke shock against his constraints.
"Are you insane… I didn't impregnate anyone." Sasuke gasped out.
"Well that's not what you get, dearest little brother,"
Sasuke, didn't know what the hell Itachi was going on about, was he insane. Well yes he was.
"You see Sasuke, We both want a strong heir… I want a child who is strong, and will continue my legacy when I am gone."
What was Itachi going on about, if he wanted an heir, why did he need Sasuke, he could impregnate someone by himself.
"A strong heir Sasuke, someone strong like you and me, but you know what it is like nowadays, everyone is weak. No one is worthy to give birth to the Uchiha heir." Itachi smiled turning to Sasuke. "That's where you come in lovely."
Itachi's eyes flickered with his plan.
"What stronger heir would there be then one with full Uchiha blood, think about it Sasuke. Your strengths and mine combined, he would be perfect. Sasuke I'm going to impregnate you." Itachi looked straight at Sasuke's blood ridden figure.
"No…no." Sasuke gasped, pushing away from the pole he was tied to.
"If you don't want any of your dearest friends to die, or be tortured to insanity, then you WILL bear our child."
Sasuke groped against the ropes, Itachi was serious dead serious. Sasuke knew that he didn't want his friends and people that he had come to call family to be harmed by this monster, that had killed his whole clan.
Itachi stepped forward, brushing Sasuke's hair out of his dirty face, Sasuke looked away from him, not wanting to make contact with the eyes that had been eating away at him.
They had now been stuck in Itachi's Magekyou Sharingan for three days, even though only a second in real time. Itachi had tortured Sasuke endlessly. Sasuke cursed himself for not taking more care, in their battle.
"So beautiful, your eyes, your hair… your blood." Itachi came closer, his hot breath on Sasuke's cheek, his slimy tongue slipping up Sasuke's face licking away the traces of blood running from Sasuke's eyes.
"I know you want this as well." Itachi let slip a sly grin.
Sasuke was in Itachi's complete control.
Itachi ripped away the torn shirt from Sasuke, leaving his bear chest, scratched, bruised and cut up open for Itachi to view.
Itachi ran his nails down Sasuke's chest digging his nails into Sasuke's lower stomach. Sasuke leaned his head back on the pole, holding back a scream, the blood gushing out into Itachi's awaiting hands.
Itachi's blood soaked hands then went down, sliding Sasuke's belt out, letting the heavy pants fall to the ground.
There was no use in struggling, Itachi knew exactly what he was doing.
Itachi, slid his hand into his coat, taking out a vile, the colour of muddy red. Sasuke could of gagged, that reminded him of only one thing.
Itachi lifted the lid, the fowl smell filling Sasuke's nostrils, he felt his insides wanting to push up and out of him mouth, as he tried to hold his breath not wanting to breath the smell in.
"You need something of a female inside you for this to work, well of course with some other stuff added to it, but yes Sasuke, you are going to drink this."
No, no this was impossible, Sasuke was not going to drink THAT! If Itachi wanted a baby so bad, then why the hell didn't he drink it himself.
Sasuke felt Itachi's cold hand grip his throat bringing his face up to face Itachi, the vile came towards Sasuke, the smell filling his nostrils, the gagging feeling coming back. Sasuke wanted to push away, but he felt he could not move or do anything but Itachi's bidding.
Sasuke opened his mouth, the muddy red thick substance slipped into his mouth, making it's way down his throat, the urge to cough and splutter as he tasted, the salty thick warmish and bloody substance was over powering, yet he couldn't. He just had to bear as the smell seemed to be filling him.
His stomach churning, as he felt something about him was not quite right.
Looking into the eyes of the demon, as he threw the vile to the ground, gripping Sasuke's chin, before wrapping his mouth around Sasuke's, driving his tongue in and playing with Sasuke's hesitant tongue.
Itachi pulled back, a scowl was on Sasuke's face.
"Your sick Itachi." Sasuke would have spat out Itachi's saliva if he was able.
"I'll show you just how sick I am, Sasuke."
Itachi removed Sasuke's boxers, leaving Sasuke naked against the pole, his hands tied up, his feet standing him up.
"I must say, I couldn't have picked a more handsome mate."
"I'm your brother…"
Itachi unbuttoned his long black and red trench coat, revealing that he had nothing under them.
Sasuke tried not to look, but he knew what Itachi was planing to do with that THING that he was now exposing to Sasuke.
Itachi's cold hands grabbed Sasuke's hips, letting a shiver run up Sasuke's spine.
Sasuke tried to shove Itachi off, but as he did, the long nails just bore deeper into Sasuke's white skin.
Itachi's hands grabbed the cheeks of Sasuke's rear, pulling the boys body up, Sasuke's legs wrapping around Itachi's waist as his body was suspended in the air, his hands still tied to the pole.
Itachi's fingers slipped into Sasuke's tight opening, opening it a bit, Sasuke felt Itachi's member rubbing against his own member as Itachi lined it up with Sasuke's rear.
Sasuke wanted to push back against Itachi, but his arms felt like lead.
Sasuke felt disgusted as he felt his own penis tingle with excitement. This was his brother, he was getting off on his brother.
Frustrated rising in Sasuke. "STOP IT ITACHI! Please don't."
"I know your aroused Sasuke, I can feel it." Sasuke's penis was ground up against Itachi's stomach, full and hard. Sasuke felt as the tip of Itachi's appendage pushed into Sasuke.
Itachi's cold hand grabbed hold of Sasuke's full penis, rubbing it slowly, as he slid himself further into Sasuke.
Sasuke tried to struggled at first, but now his legs were tightening around Itachi, as his older brother slide back Sasuke's foreskin touching Sasuke lightly, Sasuke's skin starting to tingle.
Itachi was now fully inside Sasuke, sending shots of pain up through Sasuke's spine, but this was also replaced by an unimaginable pleasure as Itachi started up a steady pace, lowering and rising Sasuke's body with his thrusts.
"…Itac.." Sasuke tried to protest, but as he felt the light touches from Itachi's hand and the steady thrusts, that sent pleasure up him, all he could do was mutter.
Itachi started to fasten up, pushing Sasuke's body hard against the pole, Sasuke's legs stretched up making the opening bigger and allowing Itachi to press his body up against Sasuke's.
One of Itachi's strong hands held onto Sasuke's hip, the boys back arching back as he pushed his pelvic forward, to be closer to Itachi's.
Itachi deepened his thrusts, marking a spot, that made Sasuke jolt.
"Itachi.." The boy muttered, his body still feeling violated from the enjoyment.
Itachi pressed in again pushing the spot again, this time harder and faster, Sasuke almost jumping out of his skin.
Warmth spreading through him, sweat rolling down his face and chest, Itachi's tongue against his neck, his head spinning out, his body felt so light.
Itachi kept on pressing. "Call my name."
Sasuke leaning back his eyes closer, sweat covering him, and the enjoyment aching everyone of his muscles complied to Itachi's request.
First he called out Itachi's name quietly, but soon enough it built up, as Sasuke screamed for Itachi, screaming him to keep going, to go deeper, to go faster, not to stop.
Ecstasy rushing through his mind, his penis bulging, One last hard and deep thrust went through Sasuke, this time Sasuke's insides felt hot.
Itachi let out a sigh, as Sasuke let out a groan, his own seed escaping onto Itachi's stomach.
Itachi pulled out of Sasuke, letting Sasuke's body slump to the ground, his arms above his head, as they were still tied up.
Itachi leaned down planting a light kiss on Sasuke's lips.
Sasuke was going to have a child.
Sasuke's vision started to blur, he was leaving the Magekyou reality Itachi had poisoned him in, he was going back to his companions and the fight they were in the middle of.
Sasuke found himself looking out at Itachi, the sly grin on his face.
Sasuke fell to the ground gripping his stomach, Naruto and Sakura, both coming to his aid.
"Well Sasuke, I'll be seeing you soon, don't you worry…" Itachi said.
Sasuke glared up at Itachi, his hand still on his stomach, there was no denying it Sasuke was going to have Itachi's child.
"I had fun." Itachi said before he disappeared in a puff of dirt.
Both Sakura and Naruto begged Sasuke to tell them what was wrong.
But Sasuke knew they wouldn't understand, he just knelt there holding his stomach, no will to speak.