Accepting Change

A/N: Hey thanks for all the great reviews! IMPORTANT A/N AT THE END! Please R&R!

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot and OC's

Chapter 5 – Perfect For Now

Troy and Gabriella were standing in the hospital corridor listening carefully as the doctor spoke.

"He is small but he's a fighter I can tell. His lungs are a little small so he will need to stay in the incubators for a while until they are fully developed but everything else is fine." The doctor explained to Troy and Gabriella as Troy wrapped his arms around her waist as they looked into the room where their son was. "It might be a few weeks yet until you are allowed to take him home. However, we will arrange for a transfer to Albuquerque General so you are closer to home." The doctor finished as a nurse walked over to the two of them.

"Do you have a name ready?" The nurse asked.
"Yeah it's..."Gabriella told her.

Jack and Lisa had arrived at the hospital along with Chad and Taylor leaving the others in charge of the twins. The four of them were now in the room with Troy and Gabriella and their new son.

"Oh look isn't they adorable. He's so tiny." Lisa commented starting to get all teary eyed as they looked at the little boy in the incubator.

"He's the spitting image of the two of you perfectly combined." Taylor added as she leaned against Chad.

"What have you called him then?" Chad asked as Gabriella nodded at Troy to tell them.

"Everyone this is Daniel Lewis Bolton." Troy told them as they all looked back at Daniel.

"Aww he's so adorable. That name is perfect." Lisa told them as Gabriella and Troy smiled proudly at their little boy.

After the four left, Troy and Gabriella were lying in her bed while she rested.
"I'm so proud of you Gabi. You were so strong today; you went through so much pain just to give us another son and I love you so much for that." Troy told her gratefully.
"I couldn't have done it without you, I love you too." Gabriella spoke softly, fighting not to fall asleep but not succeeding. Troy smiled as he kissed her forehead softly before easing himself off the bed to go check on their son closing the door behind him.

3 weeks later, Gabriella, Troy and everyone else were back in Albuquerque. Daniel was still in hospital but everyday he was getting stronger and stronger and was now breathing fully on his own since his lungs had developed to the point of not needing any assistance. Troy walked back into the hospital happily. They were letting Daniel go today and he could finally go home. Troy smiled as he walked with the twins in each arm and stood by the door watching Gabriella gently rock Daniel back and forth.

"Mommy!" Alexia and Chris called as soon as they entered the room. Gabriella turned and smiled as she walked over to them and kissed them both on the forehead. Troy and Gabriella, along with Jack and Lisa, had been alternating nights so someone was always at the hospital with Daniel because Gabriella couldn't bear the thought of him being alone. That meant also someone was also always with the twins if they weren't at the hospital with their parents and new baby brother.

"Can you believe that we are finally getting to bring him home?" Gabriella said as they walked out. Gabriella had already signed all the discharged papers so that Troy didn't have to wait around with the twins.

"I know it's great." Troy said as he buckled the twins into their car before taking the baby seat from Gabriella and placing Daniel safely in the car.

The five Bolton's arrived home. All the way home the twins were constantly babbling about something while Daniel just slept.

"Finally home." Gabriella sighed as she and Troy got their three children out of the car.

"Come on let's get them all into bed." Troy said as he grabbed the carrier with Daniel in and Chris while Gabriella picked up Alexia carefully before locking the car door and making their way to the house.
"Surprise!" Gabriella and Troy jumped while the twins woke up and Daniel started crying at the sudden loud noise caused by all their friends and family. Troy gave everyone an annoyed look as he placed Daniel's carrier down and handed Chris to Sharpay before picking him up.

"Shh." Troy gently rocked him placing him on his shoulder while rubbing his back and tried to soothe the baby back to sleep. "Thanks so much for waking him up." Troy commented sarcastically.

"Give him to his granddad." Jack said taking him from Troy and cooed over his grandson while quietening him down.

"Oh look at him. Isn't he adorable; the spitting image of both his mother and father." Sharpay said as she stood next to Jack while holding Chris still.
"I know his beautiful just like his Mommy."Troy commented as Gabriella rolled her eyes.
"He looks as much like me as he does you though and if he is anything like his daddy he is going to be a real heartbreaker." Gabriella told him laughing.

"Gabi I think someone needs their mommy." Jack walked over to her as Gabriella smiled when she saw Daniel sucking Jack's thumb.
"Thanks." Gabriella took him from Jack as he took Alexia from her watching Daniel snuggle into her as she started to walk off upstairs.

"Wow it's been a long day."Troy sighed that evening as he collapsed on the bed after finally getting rid of everyone else. Gabriella smiled as she turned to him and laid her head on his chest.

"Troy can we make a promise now?" Gabriella asked as he looked down at her and nodded. "No more kids for another few years now because we have three now all under three and I don't feel like we can handle anymore yet until these three perfect kids we have get older." Gabriella said. Troy laughed.

"Agreed. I think we need to give the others time to catch up with us too. Who'd you think will be the next one to have a kid?" Troy asked as he ran his fingers through her soft brown locks.

"I can see Jason and Kelsi having another one soon and maybe Sharpay and Zeke." Gabriella answered.

"Yeah I would say Sharpay and Zeke too because Sharpay is so obsessed with everyone else's kids. I wouldn't be surprised if as soon as they get married they start trying for a baby." Gabriella nodded tiredly. "I love you Gabriella Bolton."

"I love you too Troy Bolton. I love you too." Troy kissed the top of her head as the two slowly fell asleep.

With Zeke and Sharpay

As soon as Sharpay closed her bedroom door she collapsed on her bed next to Zeke.

"Tired?" Zeke asked as she nodded.

"Being busy planning the wedding plus looking after Alexia and Chris for half of tonight has really tired me out not that I minded looking after them because I love them to bits." Sharpay told him as she got changed into her silk pyjamas and climbed under the covers, curling up to Zeke.

"What you thinking about right now?" Sharpay twisted so she could look at Zeke.

"Us. Our future. How I can't wait to get married and finally become a Baylor." Zeke smiled.

"Aren't you worried about losing your maiden name of Evans?" Sharpay shook her head.

"Nope because I want to be officially yours. People judge me automatically before they even know me just because I'm an Evans. They think I'm all rich and snooty but that's not me at all." Sharpay explained as he kissed her.

"You're right. That isn't you at all. You are one of the nicest and loving people who would do anything for her friends or family. That's part of the reason why I love you so much. Plus you do have a very good figure." Sharpay laughed tearfully at Zeke's sweetness.

"Won't you go off me though soon when we have a baby because I'll get fat?" Sharpay clasped her hands over her mouth as she realized what she had said. Embarrassed she turned away from Zeke.

"I'll love you no matter what size you are and if you were to get pregnant with any child of ours I wouldn't see you as fat I would see you as a very sexy pregnant woman. So I'm guessing you want to try for a baby soon?" Zeke said wrapping his arms around her and pulling her back so that she would look at him.

"I don't know why but whenever I'm around Gabi or Kelsi there is just something about them that I get jealous of because they look so happy and I figured it's because they're moms and that's really what I want to be. I want to have a baby once our wedding is over because I love you Zeke and I don't want to be an old mom, I want to be young." Zeke smiled.

"I promise once our wedding is over you and I will start trying for a baby because I love you too and I know we're ready for this too." Sharpay grinned as she pulled him into a passionate kiss as they had a small make out session before falling asleep.

With Chad and Taylor

Chad and Taylor were up in her room watching a movie. Chad had noticed since they had left Troy and Gabriella's, Taylor had been very quiet and had hardly said two words to him.

"Are you ok?" Chad asked breaking the silence.

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine." Taylor told him not convincingly enough for Chad.

"No you're not. Something's bothering you, please just tell me Tay. I can see its really getting to you and I hate the thought of something getting to you." Taylor sighed as she sat up.

"I'm just worried about Gabriella and the wedding." Taylor finally admitted.

"What about Gabriella and the wedding? Are you saying you don't want to get married?" Chad asked as Taylor shook her head immediately.

"No it's not that. I'm just worried how we will become once we are married and how things will change. Also I'm worried in case Gabi has another meltdown like she did last time after having the twins. What if she does and we're not there for her. I mean she has twins who are 2 and a new born so she is going to be so stressed and worried over things that I think she could snap and push herself over the limit. I mean for Kelsi she can just turn to her mom or dad if she needs help or wants to talk or advice but Gabi bottles everything up because she doesn't have any family to turn to apart from Troy's and all of us but it's not the same as having your own parents there." Taylor confessed as Chad pulled her into a hug.

"Taylor, even once we're married things will never change. The only difference to now will be we will have rings as signs of our commitment and you will be a Danforth all coming from one small piece of paper. As for Gabi, I can't say she will or she won't have some kind of breakdown but we just have to believe and have faith that she will come to one of us if there is any kind of problem. If it makes you feel any better so that you will stop worrying about her being stressed with the kids how about every few weeks we take the kids from them so that they can have some relaxation time to themselves?" Chad suggested as Taylor looked at him and smiled.

"That is an amazing idea. I knew sometimes you could help." Chad grinned proudly at himself for coming up with that as Taylor kissed him.

With Kelsi and Jason

Kelsi had just finished putting Michael to bed after they arrived home from Troy and Gabriella's.

"I can't believe how fast time is going with Mike." Kelsi stated as she sat down in bed next to Jason.

"I know before we know it he will be in kindergarten. It feels like just yesterday we went and got married and you found out you were pregnant. Then you giving birth. Life has changed a lot since then." Jason commented as he looked down at the girl in his arms.

"Tell me about it. You know after witnessing Taylor, Annabelle and Sharpay having to plan their weddings, I'm glad we just went and got married without telling anyone because it just seems too much stress. I bet even Gabi is glad Troy did everything near enough when they got married. Do you ever regret getting married so young?" Kelsi asked as Jason thought about it for a minute.

"No. I love my life now and wouldn't change it for anything in the world. Yeah I do miss sometimes being able to go out whenever I feel because I have a family but then when I do go I miss the two of you like hell and it helps me realize that the only things apart from my family that is important to me is you and out son. I want to give our son the best life ever." Kelso smiled.

"Me too. I feel the same about going out but then when I am hating it but something else I miss is having a real adult conversation like this and not a baby one all day." Jason shook his head.

"You know you love it really because before you know it he will have grown up again and you will miss it." Jason reminded her.

"Yeah I guess. Come on let's go to bed, I'm tired." Kelsi said standing up and pulling Jason up too as they slowly descended upstairs.

With Ryan and Annabelle

Annabelle was sitting on the floor in their room painting her nails while Ryan was lying on the bed.

"You nearly finished?" Ryan asked, his face still buried in his pillow.

"I just need to wait for them to dry. I'm just going to change and I'll be back." Annabelle leaned over and kissed his head before walking into their on-suite bathroom.

Moments later Annabelle walked back out and climbed in bed next to Ryan.

"Ryan?" Annabelle started nervously. All she got was a 'hmm' out of Ryan. "Are you sure you are still happy for us to get married? I mean I know I can be a complete bitch sometimes and I just feel like you don't have a say because I've taken over and I'm sorry if I have made you feel pushed out but I just really want to get everything right and want to get the best for you." Ryan turned over and wrapped her in his arms.

"Of course I'm still happy to marry you. Yeah I would like a little more say in this wedding but to be honest seeing you so happy organising it all is good enough for me. All I care about is you, me, the priest and our closest friends and family there to see us get married because I don't really care about anything else. As long as you become my wife I will be happy." Annabelle smiled as she pulled Ryan into a passionate kiss as things quickly heated up between the pair.

To everyone for now their lives were perfect but knew more things were on their way because it wasn't common for their group to go long without any problems.

IMPORTANT A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't updated in ages but to be honest I'm bored with this story at the minute and things aren't coming to me so I'm going to be putting this story on hiatus until I can get back into writing this. I have too many other ideas I want to use in my other stories. I tried to make this chapter extra long and leave no cliff hangers because I don't know when I will start this story up again. I'm really sorry once again but please check out some of my other fics! Please review and let me know what you thought of this chapter and hopefully I won't be away from this for too long!

Luc x