a/n: it's the last chapter. -sobs- okay, not really all that sad, considering i haven't written for, what?, months on end? on the plus side, i do have the first chapter of my prequel to "look after you" written. it's called "the one", but you'll have to read to get that. i'll put that up later today. all right, i'm done advertising my other story, read away.
disclaimer: i own neither disneyland nor grey's anatomy. how awesome would it be if i did, though?
Addison was not an observer. She liked to be up, doing something, being helpful. And she hated feeling guilty. She was constantly too hard on herself, and now was one of those times. She felt like it was her fault that Meredith and Derek were miserable.
"Meredith?" she asked as the two got ready for another day. "Hypothetically, if you could get back together with Derek, would you?"
"Maybe… depends."
"I don't know, it just… it depends, you know?"
On the last day the group was on the trip, Addison pulled a Derek. She got Meredith and Derek on the same elevator, by some miracle of God, and stopped the elevator, turning to face them, her body blocking the button. Meredith and Derek started to complain, but she held up a hand to silence them. "Look, this is stupid. You both still love each other. It's obvious. Just kiss and make up already."
Meredith crossed her arms. "This is all him. Don't look at me."
"Meredith, you told me you wanted to get back together with Derek, and I can see that Derek misses you. Just do it already."
Meredith wouldn't look at Derek. "I miss him," she told Addison. "But I'm afraid to get treated like you. No offense."
"Derek, can't you promise not to treat her like me?" Addison was starting to get annoyed. "Even if it's a lie?"
"I don't want him lying to me!"
"Obviously not," Derek spoke for the first time. "I can promise to try not to, though."
"Good enough?" Addison asked.
Meredith nodded and moved to Derek. "Good enough." Addison pushed the button and they started moving again.
"Thank God, because that ringing was starting to hurt my head," she commented.
There was nothing she could do about Christina and Burke, of that much Addison was certain. But she knew they'd come around on their own time and they did, once they had nothing more to fight over. Addison was glad. She was a Happy Ending sort of person.
She and Meredith were packing up, checking under beds to make sure nothing was left. "So," Addison said to make conversation. "Are you glad we came?"
"Yeah. It was actually pretty fun."
Addison sighed wistfully. "How much fun would it be to bring kids down here?"
"You watch, you'll be down here in a couple years with a whole bunch of Montgomery-Karevs," Meredith teased. Addison blushed at the implication.
"I… uh…" she stutters.
"Relax, Addison, I was kidding. Even if I am probably right."
Addison was saved by a knock at the door. She opened it to find Alex standing there. "Hi," she said, kissing him on the cheek.
"Ready to go?" he asked.
She sighed. "I suppose."
"We'll come back," he assured her. "I promise." Visions of little kids, blends of her and Alex, running through the park danced through her head. Would they have blue or brown eyes? Blue, she decided and brown hair. Then she shook her head to clear it, because that was way too far ahead. She looked at Alex, who was looking back at her. Maybe it wasn't so far off after all…
Everyone got off the plane sore and a little cranky. They approached baggage claim and found the Chief waiting for them. "How was the trip?" They all answered at the same time.
"Great," Izzie answered.
"Good," Derek said.
"Annoying," replied Christina.
"Fine," responded Burke.
"Interesting," countered George and Callie.
"Umm…" Mark shrugged until Izzie stepped on his foot. "Great."
"Fun," was Meredith's answer.
"It was…" Alex tried to explain. "It was…"
"Amazing," Addison finished. She felt Alex's arm rest on her waist, and she almost hissed at him to stop, but then realized the news about them was going to have to come out at some point. Richard raised an eyebrow but said nothing. He had seen Addison and Meredith joking while walking towards him, and if he had to deal with yet another intern/attending relationship to get the two to work together, so be it. It's not like it was the only one. At least the trip served its purpose.
8 years later…
"Audrey Suzanne Karev, you get back here this instant!" Addison yelled after her five year old daughter. The five year old daughter who did not listen. Addison knelt down to pick up the three year old that was seemingly permanently attached to her hand so she could chase after her.
"But Mommy, we have to get to It's a Small World!" Audrey shouted back. "Liam's going to love it, I know it! So we gots to get there quick!"
"I got her, Adds," her husband said, ran forward and scooped up his daughter.
"Daddy! Put me down now, Daddy! We gots to get to It's a Small World and you are wasting time by picking me up and carrying me back to Mommy!"
"Sorry, no can do, Angel Eyes," he replied. "It's a Small World will be there whether or not we get there in two minutes."
"But the line might be longer!" This was Audrey's second trip to Disneyland (Alex and Addison had taken her when she was three, the same age her little brother was now) and she fancied herself something of an expert on the park.
"And then we'll just have to wait in it," he replied. "Meredith, help me out here," he pleaded his friend, who was walking alongside him, pushing a stroller.
"Don't worry, Audrey, the line won't be too long," Meredith reassured the girl. "And whatever line there is, we will definitely wait in it. Brendan and Lindsey want to go on it too," she said.
"You are going to love it," Audrey told Brendan confidently.
Addison and Alex had gotten married only a couple of months after returning from Disneyland the first time. Addison had been terrified that they were moving too fast, until Alex had offered to put off the wedding. Then she was all ready to go, hardly able to sit still because she was so eager. After two and a half years of trying to get pregnant and being utterly disappointed, Addison missed her period and took a pregnancy test that came back positive. On September 10 they welcomed a little girl, Audrey Suzanne, into the world. Another two years later and another pregnancy test yielded the same results. On August 18, they brought Liam Gregory into the world. They both stopped working as much, especially after Liam, making sure to spend time with their kids. They were the first thing Audrey and Liam saw in the morning and the last thing they saw at night.
Meredith and Derek had gotten married two years after Addison and Alex. Addison and Meredith had found out they were pregnant within the same month. Meredith gave birth to Brendan Michael on September 1. From the moment they were born, Brendan and Audrey were inseparable, first by their mothers' design, then by their own. From the very beginning, Addison and Meredith had shoved their children together, hoping they'd take to each other. There were times when Derek and Alex were sure they were already planning the wedding. Three years later, a year after Liam was born; Meredith and Derek had Lindsey Kathleen.
"Hurry up!" seven year old Rosemary Sloan yelled back to the group.
"Yeah, come on!" her best friend Lydia O'Malley added.
Mark had proposed to Izzie the night she had decided to tell him she was pregnant. Izzie was expecting a break up, or, if she was lucky, a reluctant Mark. He, however, hadn't even let her tell him her news before he proposed. And she told him the news and they lived happily ever after, along with their three other kids, Clara, Connor, and Luke.
Callie had found out about her pregnancy two months after Izzie and Mark had announced their double good news. Izzie and Callie hadn't shoved their children together as Meredith and Addison had, but Rosemary and Lydia had ended up best friends anyways.
"Slow down!" Izzie ordered her daughter.
"If Christina were here, she'd hurry up," Rosemary muttered. Christina and Burke had declined the invitation to come to Disneyland with the rest of them. Without any children, they had no reason to. They were married, but Christina had made it quite clear that she didn't want any children, at least not for now.
"No she wouldn't," Izzie disagreed cheerfully. "She'd run away screaming, considering the fact that we're about to go on a ride with a load of singing dolls."
Rosemary thought about it. "Okay, yeah. But still… you're all slowpokes."
"You have to remember that the little kids can't walk as fast as you, sweetie."
"Then put them in a stroller!"
"Rosemary Ann, don't be a brat."
"Sorry, Mom," Rosemary apologized. She knew the middle name meant trouble.
They reached the castle and got in what short line there was. They got on the boats, the Sloans and O'Malleys in one boat, the Shepherds and Karevs in another.
Alex put his arm around his wife, pulling her as close as possible. "I love you," he whispered in her ear.
She smiled at him. "I love you too," she whispered back. It was their tradition to reaffirm their love on this ride. Not that they didn't say it at least three times a day anyways. But tradition was tradition. "Audrey, Brendan, hands out of the water!" she ordered.
"Sorry," Audrey muttered and turned her attention to the ride. Liam clambered into the space between his mother and father.
"A lot of dolls," he commented. "And I do not like those monkeys." He was a very solemn little boy, and was probably the most likely of all the children to become a surgeon, a fact that Addison and Alex were very proud of.
Alex smirked. "Atta boy, Liam."
"Come on, Lee, isn't it fun, just a little?" Addison wheedled.
"It's okay."
"You are exactly like your father," she groaned.
"And that's a bad thing?" Alex asked.
Addison considered him. "I guess not. Audrey Suzanne, what did I just say about hands in the water?! That child," she told her husband, "will be the death of me."
"Probably," he agreed. "Hey, Angel Eyes," he called to his daughter. "Listen to your mom. Hands out of the water. Never know where crocodiles might be lurking."
"Are there really crocodiles, Daddy?" Liam asked his dad. "Cuz that'd be cool."
"Are there, Uncle Alex?" Lindsey asked, eyes wide as saucers. She had been enjoying the ride up until that point.
"No, there are not," Meredith said. "Right, Alex?"
"No, there are no crocodiles. But there are- ow!" Alex started, enjoying teasing the girl, but Addison elbowed him.
"Don't scare her," she hissed.
"There are a lot of pretty dolls," he finished. "Look at that one!" he said, pointing at one of the dolls, effectively diverting the two year old's attention.
"Darn," Liam said. "I like crocodiles."
"Crocodiles are icky," Audrey asserted.
"Don't argue, you two," Addison said.
"Sorry, Mommy," they said in unison. Addison turned around and rolled her eyes at Meredith, who giggled.
Addison knew they weren't, but she loved them too much to care. She really had to thank the Chief more often, she thought. If it weren't for the original trip, she never would have had her family, or her friends. Friends, she thought, who she would do anything for. So really, she'd have to thank Richard more.
And so, with her family around her and her friends and their families close by, she realized that she had gotten her ultimate Happy Ending. That was good, she was a Happy Ending sort of person.
so, for the last time, reviews?
and now, i bid you adieu. actually, that's not true, if you read my other stories... so, au revoir, unless you have decided to stop reading my stories in which case it is adieu.