There was a loud rumble and a flash of light. Joey blinked and asked, "Did it work?"
A dry voice came from outside the circle "Yes." There was a clatter as the millennium scales were thrown to the ground. Yugi fumbled to catch the millennium puzzle as everyone turned to see Kaiba toss Ishizu the millennium tauk.
Ryou automatically grabbed the millennium ring when it was thrown at him and was surprised when he put it on. He wasn't surprised that his body did something he didn't tell it to, only that he was aware of it. Usually when Bakura took over he blacked out. His arm reached out to snatch the millennium eye as it flew past and he was shocked again when his body returned to his control and Bakura settled back into his mind with…was that a contented sigh?
Ryou was distracted from his yami's strange behaviour by a shriek from Shadi. The normally calm and colleted individual was hugging his scales and key tightly. "These are ancient and powerful artefacts! You can't just toss them around!!"
"I don't care." Kaiba threw the rod and it landed point first in the ground. "You have your stupid hunks of metal now go save the world, or whatever it is your supposed to do. I" he gave a satisfied smile "am getting coffee."
With that Kaiba turned and staked off, Mokuba trotting after him. "Big brother wait, what are you wearing? What happened your coat? Your hair is different. Have you gotten taller? Seto, you have a tan!"
The end.
If anyone wants they can write their own version of this, or if they get inspired maybe expand on a scene (I'd really like some fan art since I can't draw to save my life). All I ask is to send a link and credited for the idea.
Thank you ml101 for favoriting this. And thank you everyone who has read this, I hope you enjoyed reading it.