Gibbs was surprised to find the gate to the estate open and unguarded. Leading the convoy of government vehicles up the long drive, he spotted a group of people on the front stairs, waiting to greet them.

Pulling up to the house, the agents got out of their cars, hands on their weapons.

"Welcome, Director Shepard," Benoit said loudly. "Welcome to my home. Please, come in, make yourselves comfortable. There are cold drinks and food for everyone."

Gibbs and the others walked up the stairs cautiously, alert for any signs of a trap. Gibbs looked at his agent's battered face. "Hey, Boss," Tony said, embarrassed. "Good to see you."

"You look like hell, DiNozzo," Gibbs replied.

"Scorned woman," Tony whispered.

"Ahhh," Gibbs nodded knowingly. "What the hell is going on? I thought you were a prisoner."

"I am, or was, kind of," Tony replied. "It seems that La Grenouille isn't really a bad guy. Well, he is a bad guy, but he's a bad guy working with our guys, who are kind of shady guys if you think about it, but we're all sort of working on the same team so… ow. It's complicated, Boss."

"Yeah, I can see that," Gibbs replied.

Twenty minutes later they were all sitting on the patio, drinking iced tea and chatting as if they were old friends. Jen was fuming, her eyes shooting daggers at Rene Benoit, who was telling Gibbs about the boat he helped his father build when he was a boy. Fornell and Tony watched them, surprised and amused at the instant camaraderie the two men shared.

"This isn't right," a shrill voice came out of nowhere. Heads turned toward the sound.

Jeanne was standing by the pool, aiming a gun at Tony. Instantly fifteen service revolvers were drawn and pointed at the distraught woman.

"Wait," Tony yelled, holding up his hands. "Jeanne, it's okay. I'm sorry I lied to you," he said softly, looking her straight in the eyes, holding her gaze. "I wasn't lying when I said I cared about you," he said, approaching her slowly. "I was angry last night, I didn't mean what I said."

Jeanne's hand was shaking, the gun wavering dangerously, tears streamed down her cheeks. "You used me," she said brokenly. "You lied to me and told me you loved me. You made love to me, and you didn't care about me at all."

"That's not true, Jeanne," Tony disagreed, "I did care about you. I do care about you. Your father was right about my feeling conflicted. If I didn't care about you, I would have gotten you into bed the first date, maybe the second. I didn't want to treat you like that. You deserved better. You still do." He reached out. "Give me the gun, Jeanne. This isn't going to solve anything."

"Listen to him, cherie," Benoit said imploringly. "Don't do this, please."

Jeanne looked at her father, then looked back at Tony, her lip quivering. "I loved you, Tony," she whispered. "I really did." Tony took the gun out of her hands gently and pulled her to him.

"I know," he whispered, holding her closely as she sobbed in his arms. "I'm sorry."

Rene Benoit was beside them. "You see what can happen to innocent people if you don't separate your family from your work?" he said sadly. Pulling his daughter into his arms, he led her back into the house.

"Yes," Tony said softly, watching them leave. "I see."

"You okay, Tony?" Gibbs stood behind him.

"Yeah, Boss," Tony said distractedly. "I'm okay."

"Let's go home," Gibbs said. He looked at Tony. "You've got some explaining to do, DiNozzo."

"I'm sorry, Boss," Tony said, looking contrite. "I really am. I should have told you everything."

"Yeah," Gibbs agreed, "you should have. But I understand why you didn't."

"You ever gonna forgive me?" Tony asked anxiously.

"We'll see. McGee, get the car."

Tony stood there for a moment, staring at the house. He felt, rather than saw, someone walk up to him.

"You look like you could use some nursing," Ziva said quietly, looking up at him thoughtfully.

"You offering?"

"All Mossad agents receive first aid training," she replied, smiling.

"Really?" Tony smiled back, but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"DiNozzo! David! You coming with us or are you two walking back to headquarters?"

"On our way, Boss!"


Thanks for all the lovely reviews, they are truly appreciated. Nightwing Gurl, I didn't reply to your last review because I didn't want to spoil this chapter for you. I hope it makes you feel better.

I'll continue to plug away at my other story, it'll be long - if it ever gets finished.