SasuSaku High

(A SasuSaku School Fic.)


"God dammit!" A pink haired girl moaned as she rolled over to her right. RING! RING! "I heard you the first time!" She shouted knocking her alarm clock off of her dresser. She rolled back over and covered her head with her pillow. RING! RING! The girl stood up and picked up the clock. She walked over to her bathroom and opened the toilet lid. She slammed the clock down in the toilet and flushed. But it didn't go down. "Oh who cares anymore?" She shouted and walked off. RING! RING! Her eyebrow twitched as she stomped back to the bathroom.

The girl stuck her hand in the toilet attempting to turn off the clock. Then she felt a sudden surge of energy through her body. ZAP! Then the young female stomped out of her bathroom with a black coated face along with basically fried hair. "Shit!" She shouted rushing back into her bathroom and starting her shower. "First day at a new school and I'm going to be late!" She wined climbing into the water.

An orange tabby cat walked over and stood on the lid of the toilet that Sakura had violently closed. The cat had a mischievous look on it's face as it wrapped it's tale around the handle on the toilet. The cat pulled down.

"PUUUUUUKA!!!" The pink haired teen yelled running out of the shower as the cat grinned. She wrapped a towel around her and ran back out to her room. She thrashed open her closet door and grabbed a pink shirt and a white skirt. (I'll give details later.)

She threw her outfit on and grabbed her school bag. The girl went to her pantry and grabbed and energy bar. And before you could of said 'calm down' the pink girl was out the door. She flung open the door to her house.

Snapshot photo: Name: Haruno Sakura, Age: 18, Status: Senior at Konoha Private School, Hair Color: Pink, Eye Color: Emerald Green

Sakura literally ran her way to school.It was a 20 minute walk from her house to the school so it would likely be a 10-15 minute run. She was out of breath when she finally saw the tall brick building in front of her with a lit up sign that read: Konoha Private School.

Sakura burst threw the doors causing a scene.

"Okay," Sakura started of mumbling to herself as she pulled out her schedule. "Class 303."

Sakura was already late by 10 minutes. It was 7:10 when she was supposed to be there by 7. Her teacher was sure to be mad at her. Sakura had always been good with the teachers so she was worrying and already fretting about how this could effect her grade and status.

Sakura breathed and opened the door to room 303. As soon as she opened the door she heard a loud wave of noise come towards her. She looked inside to see paper air planes flying, girls arguing, people talking, and no teacher to be found. Sakura walked in and looked around with a confused look. The room immediately became quiet as people noticed the pink haired girl. Sakura had chosen a pink top that tied in the back, sort of like a swim suit. Then she had a white mini denim skirt that could have been considered to tight for her. She had curves in all the right places and breasts that guys could only dream of. Sakura also had shoulder length pink hair and had stuck a pair of black reading glasses on the top of her head.

The room filled with whispers as Sakura went and sat down in an empty seat towards the back of the class. Whistles came from a couple of boys and she gave a 'humph' in reply. She walked towards her seat and sat next to a girl with blonde hair. She had it pulled in a pony tail and little bit hung in front of her face. The girl turned around to face Sakura.

"Oy, you're the new girl from California right?" The girl questioned her.

"Um, yes." Sakura replied a little confused.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Ino Yamanaka. What's your name?" Ino introduced herself.

"I'm Sakura Haruno. Glad to meet you." Sakura replied shaking hands with Ino.

Ino gave her a fake smile as in asking Sakura to tell her something. Oh yeah! High school girls don't use manors! Sakura thought.

"It's okay Ino. You can cut the crap now." Sakura said.

"Oh thank god!" Ino yelped smiling at Sakura. "You're the first new girl who's got my hint so far." Sakura just giggled in reply.

"Sorry I hate using manors but our teacher told me to welcome you and use proper grammar and manors."

"Well you don't have to." Sakura acknowledged.

"Good. So do you want to have lunch with my group today?" Ino asked Sakura.

"Sure." She replied smiling.

"But you have to pass one test that we all had to." Ino said in a spooky tone.

"Oh crap what is it?" Sakura asked a little scared by the thought.

"If you have a fan club by lunch time, your in." The blonde responded. "But by the looks of it, you'll pass."

Sakura looked around seeing a group of guys with hearts in their eyes, staring at her. Sakura laughed knowing she would get in.

"Hey Ino, where's our teacher?" Sakura asked her.

"Kakashi should be here in about 10 minutes. Then he'll read his perverted book and let us socialize since this is social studies." Sakura laughed.

"What a freak!" She replied. And at that time a guy in a long suit walked in the door.

"Sorry kids! I got lost on the road of…" The man with grey hair was interrupted.

"Reading your perverted book!" A blonde spiky haired kid shouted.

"Shut up Naruto." The man replied.

"That's Kakashi Sensei." Ino whispered to Sakura. Sakura nodded.

"We have a new student today." Kakashi started off saying. "Would you please come introduce yourself?" Sakura walked up to the front of the class as more whistles came from the boys. Sakura shot them all an evil glare.

"Okay." Sakura said standing at the front of the class. "I'm Haruno Sakura from Laguna Beach, California."

"Okay Sakura tell the class your hobbies, likes, and dis-likes." Kakashi added as he stuffed his nose in his book which read 'Icha Icha Paradise.'

"Well then, uh, I love to sing. And I also love to dance to Italian and Latin Tango. Um, I like a lot of stuff but I really love Italy. I was born there. And I hate stuck up bitchy snobs who think they're all that and follow guys around that don't even like them." Sakura looked at a few of the girls noticing they were glaring at her.

Sakura was heading towards her seat until she noticed somebody opening the door. She stopped and watched the person enter. It was a boy with raven hair and onyx eyes. His head was turned away until he noticed Sakura. In slow motion the two met eye to eye. Sakura stood as the boy kept on walking and kept staring at her.

He's cute. She thought as he looked away and sat down. She's hot. Thought the boy as he sat down then looked at her again.

"Oh good Sasuke you're here! Sakura, go sit next to Sasuke." Kakashi called still looking at his book with his feet propped up on his desk. Sakura walked over and took a seat next to him. A winy moan came from both the boys and girls and Ino yelled,

"Will you guys shut up?" Ino was already taken so she really got annoyed by the girls and guys complaints.

Sakura sat down next to Sasuke and set her books down on her desk. She sighed and took out her biology book and started reading. Sakura pulled her glasses off of her head and started to read.

Sasuke stared at her in awe.

'Ask her who she is!' His inner self yelled at him. Sasuke thought his inner self was actually right for a change.

"So, you know my name because Kakashi told you. So what's yours?" Sasuke asked her trying to start a conversation. Sakura looked away from her book and at Sasuke.

"Oh. I'm Sakura Haruno." She replied.

Sasuke stood out of his seat and yelled,

"What?!" Sakura just stared at him. "Do you mean Haruno as in allies of the Uchiha industry?" He asked her confused.

"Yah. What's it to you?" She asked trying to continue reading her book.

"Sakura, I'm Sasuke Uchiha." He said to her as Sakura dropped her book and stared at him. I'll explain why…


Sasuke is 13.

"Sasuke, your mother and I have decided to set up an arranged marriage for you to one of our business ally's daughters." Sasuke's father said to him.

"I don't care as long as she's cute." Sasuke said blowing his bangs out of his face. "And who is our business ally anyway?" He asked looking at his Dad confused. "The Harunos. They have a beautiful Italian daughter named Sakura. She's as beautiful as the cherry blossom." Sasuke smiled at his Dad's comment. Sasuke nodded acknowledging that it sounded alright. In his mind, Sasuke was picturing a slim, beautiful girl with breasts (pervert lol.) and perfect curves. "You two will marry when you're 21." His Dad said snapping Sasuke back to reality.


Sakura's Dad had told Sakura about Sasuke also when she was 13. Sakura had never thought that they would actually meet.

"No way!" Sakura yelled.

"You're going to be my husband!"