Smile like You Mean It

Rikku slowly opened her eyes as she heard a small knock on her door. Ummm… nah. She thought. She pulled the covers over her face and tried to go back to sleep. The knocks turned into banging.

Save some face
You know you've only got one

"Hey! Get your ass out of bed and open the goddamn door!" Came the voice Rikku wanted to hear least. Gippal… And I'm guessing he's a little cranky. Rikku thought bitterly as she took the covers off her face. She scuttled over to the door and opened it. The moment she could aim, she grabbed Gippals arm and tugged him inside. He stumbled clumsily from her surprising strength.

Change your ways
While you're young

"Oui dnoehk du fyga Spira ib, Gippal?" Rikku snapped at him. Gippal pouted a frown at her.

"Noooo… Spira is much easier than you." He said. He smirked as Rikku sneered at him.

"Fine. Is it any better if Brother wakes up?" She whispered, remembering Brother was in the room next to her.

"E pad ra't peda so rayt uvv..." Gippal murmured, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. They stood in silence for a moment.

Boy one day you'll be a man
Oh girl he'll help you understand

"So what did you want?" Rikku said, trying to break the silence.

"Right. Well, I just thought I'd come and say happy birthday since I…" Gippal said, his words cutting off. Suddenly, he trailed off, staring out the window. Rikku turned around, marched over to her bed, and sat down with a thump.

"This is the third year you've forgotten. Or maybe just decided you didn't feel like it." she said, crossing her arms and looking away so he wouldn't see her disappointment. I really thought he would come this time. She thought miserably to herself. She mentally rattled her brains until she got some sense. He's a guy who was probably chatting up some girl at a bar last night. Of course he wouldn't come! He has better things to do thant see you! Rikku told herself.

Smile like you mean it
Smile like you mean it

"Yeah. Well you know, machine faction and stuff. Got held up." He mumbled. Rikku felt the tears coming to her eyes. He really doesn't care…He wouldn't lie if he actually did. She thought. She angrily wiped her eyes as a tear slipped down.

Looking back
At sunsets on the eastside

Gippal kneeled down immediately when he saw the tears on the side of her hand. The last thing he wanted to see was Cid's Girl crying. To see Rikku crying.

We lost track
Of the time

"Aw, please don't cry! I hate it when you cry. It makes me sad, which makes a whole lot of other people sad, and soon all of Spira is sad. The worlds a little less bright without you." He said, grinning at her as he said that. Somehow, Gippal thought his smile could cheer up anyone. He could've been right. Rikku stared at him in such an odd way, he had to look away from her. Now would be a good time for the gift. He thought.

Aren't what they used to be

"Look, I didn't forget." He whispered. He pulled out a small white box with a yellow ribbon tied clumsily around it. Rikku grinned slightly. Least he tied it himself. She thought, taking it slowly from him. She lightly pulled the string and let it sit in her lap. She pulled the top off of the white box and removed the tissue paper. Inside it was a small feather, orange and white, attached to a hook. An earring. Rikku lifted it up and looked at it.

Some things
Sat by so carelessly

"It matches my scarf. I love it! But… there's only one." She said, confusion in her voice. Gippal held up a finger with one hand and reached under his shirt with the other. He pulled out a chain with the same feather on it.

"Thought I'd take a little bit of sunshine around with me. Maybe I'll remember you now." He said. Rikku couldn't help it. She started crying again, laughing as she did. "What? Am I being stupid?" Gippal asked desperately. Rikku shook her head quickly.

"No! This just is not the normal Gippal." Rikku said, trying to make her voice steady. Gippal straightened up and crossed his arms, pretending to be defensive.

"Hey, I'm a sixteen year old guy. I'm getting a little more sentimental." He said, holding his chin up. Rikku stood, putting the earring in.

"Only a little." She said, her eyes glittering up at him. He glanced down at her, and then put his hands on her waist, lifting her up into his arms and hugging her tightly. Rikku's heart began to race as she smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, happy to be incased by how warm he was.

"Rybbo Pendrtyo Rikku." Gippal said, turning his head a kissing her lightly on the cheek.

Smile like you mean it
Smile like you mean it

Rikku continued to play what happened in her mind. Was that a friendly kiss or a "There might be something there" kiss? Damn it! Why does Gippal have to be confusing? Rikku thought E muja res. But hey, when was that ever enough?

Translations so you don't have to go do it yourself:

Oui dnoehk du fyga Spira ib, Gippal?- You trying to wake Spira up, Gippal?

E pad ra't peda so rayt uvv- I bet he'd bite my head off

Rybbo Pendrtyo Rikku- Happy Birthday Rikku

E muja res - I love him

Adding to this one… eventually… heheh.