Chocolate Cupcakes



"Yeah, what is it?"

"Did you ever happen to be in love with someone but is confused whether you should be with that person?" Ed asked, trying to block out any specific names.

Russel scratched his head. "Well, there was this one time with my girlfriend---"

"I feel sorry for the poor fool." Ed muttered.

"Shut up!" he snapped. "And for all you know, we were a very good couple. People could tell."

Ed laughed and gave him a hint of sarcasm. "I still can't believe someone like you could get a girlfriend!"

"And I can't believe someone like you could get a boyfriend." He smirked, which made Ed stiffen.

His face darkened at the mention of that. "And what happened between you two?"

Russel sighed and shook his head. "I guess we really weren't a very good couple."

Ed turned to face him. "Then…does that mean that me a-and Roy aren't really meant to be…?"

"That's for you, and him to decide."

There was long, silent pause after that. Neither moved or spoke.

Ed tried to hide a tiny smile. "Then…thank you. I needed someone to know."

He returned it by patting the teenager's back. "Well, I got go go drag you with me to tell Winry that I 'accidentally' bumped into you."

Ed huffed and crossed his arms. "You know, I'm still not forgetting all those times you called me short."

"You counted?"

"Well…in total, including yours and everyone I've met in my life…" he calculated in his mind. "Exactly 358639 times."

Russel twitched a bit and couldn't help but burst into laughter…again, making the crowd stare at them two.

"Th-th-THREE HUNDRED THOUSA—!" and he was knocked out cold after Ed smashed him with his shiny new hammer that appeared out of nowhere.

"Ed! Russel!" Winry called as she ran across the mall. "I can't believe I lost Russel too!"

Just then, she saw a tiny figure carrying a taller figure on top of his back.

"Hiya, Winry!" Ed grinned and waved.

Winry ran to them and stopped. "Is it me or did colonial Mustang just buy you the tiniest miniskirt in history?" she said after looking at what he was wearing.

Ed flushed red. "NO I DIDN'T, WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I BOUGHT THESE JUST BECAUSE HE SAID HE LIKED REALLY TINY MINISKIRTS?!" he yelled, completely not noticing that he just dropped Russel flat on his face.


Awkward pause.

Winry laughed nervously and pointed behind him. Ed turned around slowly.

"Oh…sorry Russel." Was all he could manage.

Russel got to his feet, with a red mark on his face. "You're a dead man—err, women, Edward Elric." He said in a scary voice.

Ed gulped and ran like hell.

"GET BACK HERE EDO-CHAN!" Russel yelled.

Winry put her finger on his lip. "Wait a minute, how did know that it was Ed…? What the—he knows?! she gasped.

"WAIT RUSSEL! YOU'RE NOT PLANNING ON USING THIS FOR BLACKMAIL, RIGHT?" she called, trying to catch up with them.

Roy sighed and buried his face in his plate. The girl, who we now know goes by Ashley watched him dreamily, still not noticing anything.

"You even sigh beautifully…" she said. Roy slapped his forehead. He rubbed his cheeks and tried to resist the urge to through her out of the window.

Speaking of the window, it was right beside his face since they went…or Ashley dragged him into a pizza parlor. There was still some time left until the pizza arrived, so Roy stared out the window.

The mall was an amazing place. He was surprised how many years he didn't visit one. Shops were everywhere you look, and all the colors just seemed to wake you up. It what's more was that it was so huge! Three whole floors with everything jam-packed with people.

Roy's thoughts on the mall disappeared soon after, and then they drifted back to Ed. I can't help but worry…what if they couldn't find him? What if he got lost...or got kidnapped? Or even worse…he found another boyfriend! He shot up from his seat. Everyone in the restaurant glanced at him with a confused look.

"Roy?" Ashley asked.

"He better not or I'm going to kill him." Roy muttered and grabbed his coat.

She stood up. "Hey, where are you going? And who are you talking about?"

"I…need to go to the restroom." He replied, headed for the exit.

"Get back soon! The pizza will get cold!" she called but he was already gone.

Roy took one last look at the girl. "Try never…" he muttered and went into the crowd.

"Ed! Where are you?" Roy called. It was hard to keep his voice down, and yell loudly at the same time.

He kept running and looking left and right…until he heard a familiar voice coming from above.

"C'mon, Russel! I said I was sorry!"

The 3rd floor…? He thought while he concentrated his ears again.

"NO YOU DIDN'T!" It was Russel's voice. "You said 'too bad, loser. Not even your girlfriend will like you with that hideous face that just got more hideous…if that's even possible!''"

"Well…it might've just…slipped out a little bit…exaggerated…Ed replied innocently.

Russel shot him a glare. "'Might've'?"

"'Slipped'?" Winry continued.




Ed backed away a few steps. "I'm guessing I should start running..."

Two seconds later, he was zooming through the mall like a missile…well that's mainly because he transmuted the floor into a missile and hopped on it…but that's beside the point.

Too bad he forgot to transmute some missile fuel in it. So he came crashing down, but it didn't explode since it didn't have any fuel in it.

While that happened, Winry and Russel were catching up.


"…" Ed stopped and stared. Winry twitched.

Russel covered his mouth. "You did not just hear that."


"I guess you really can think up some random line that makes absolutely no sense when you're really mad…" Winry concluded.

And so the chase continues, but now he's threatening to kill them both if they ever tell anyone.

"I'll spare Winry because she's a defenseless girl, but I won't hesitate for you!" he told him.

"It's not fair! I'm supposed to be a girl and I look way more defenseless AND cuter than Winry! Why me?" Ed scoffed as he pushed some people aside and jumped over some objects.

Winry clenched her fist. She turned to Russel. "Are you saying that I'm a POOR, DEFENSLESS USELESS GIRL?!"

Russel felt a shiver run down his spine.

She turned to Ed. "And WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY 'CUTER'?! I'm way cuter! And more pretty too!"

Ed froze in his tracks.

She reached inside her pockets and took out a huge wrench that was more than two feet long. And it was very shiny.

Ed and Russel were already gone before they saw it.

Then she heard Ed say, "How did she fit that three meter long piece of metal in her pocket?"

"Let's split up!" Ed called when they stopped at a split end, with two opposite paths.

Russel nodded while he ran. "You use the elevator and I use the escalator. Let's meet at the video game section on the first floor after either of us loses her."

"Why meet there?"

"Because Winry will never look there."

"You sure? She's been know as a tomboy for a while."

"But she's also from the country side and so she doesn't do technology, Ed."

"Oh I forgot."

And so when they finally reached it, Ed turned right and Russel went to the left. Both were wondering who she would follow.

Ed turned around and Winry was chose…the right one! Uh oh…she was chasing him.

Damn Russel, this must've been some sort of trick…he thought as he forced with feet to take larger steps.

She was almost right behind him when he saw the elevator. He wondered why she didn't use her giant wrench to just knock him down since it was so long. Then he just figured that Winry didn't exactly have common sense.

Wait…there's no time to wait for the elevator to open! He panicked.

He blinked when he heard the 'ding' sound for the elevator. Someone must be getting off this floor!

Ed was just a foot away from the elevator and Winry was catching up. All he had to do was wait until it opened enough so that he could slide through.

The doors parted and Ed didn't hesitate to jump right in and push the 'close' button as fast as he could.

They closed right in time and Ed could've sworn he heard Winry's wrench bang on the door.

He let out a sigh of relief. "I can't believe my luck. By the way, thanks for opening the doors for meee…"

When he turned around he saw-"R-roy…"

Roy smirked. "Glad to be of service, Fullmetal."

Ed gulped. There was nowhere to hide, the space was so small.

"Oh, Uh…hey…w-where's your girlfriend?" Oh well, minus well say something.

"Pizza Place." He answered.

Ed crossed his arms. "Then what are doing over here? Oh wait, you must be wondering around trying to flirt with more women, am I right?" he said mockingly.

"Actually, I was a little worried about you, so I came looking for you." He explained. "But who would've thought that you found me instead?"

Ed blushed, but tried to hold it back. "You…interrupted your date just to come looking for me…?"

"Actually, I won't be seeing Miss Whore over there anymore."

Ed blinked. "B---"

"And don't start acting smug in front of me. I left her, because I wanted to." Roy cut him off.

Ed gave him a glare. "I wasn't going to!"

He grunted and turned away, his back facing him. "Damn that stupid bastard…he makes me so mad sometimes…" he muttered under his breath.

The elevator stopped moving and the doors began to open.


They arrived at the first floor and the two stepped out.

Ed and Roy walked straight forward, with Roy following behind him.

Then he spotted what he was wearing, and smirked. "Nice skirt, fullmetal. It's fitting."

Ed stopped and turned around. "Would you stop say that?!"

Roy blinked. "Um…sorry, Ed?"

Weird. He didn't give him a rant about his comment.

"Where are we going?" Roy asked after a while of walking aimlessly.

"The video game section to meet Russel." He told him

And not another word was spoken the rest of the way there. It felt really awkward, both could feel a thick tension in the air that was going to break any second-

Ed sighed. "Roy, I—"

But he was interrupted by Russel's voice. "Hey Edo-chan, over here! Oh and I see you've brought your boyfriend."

Ed almost beat him to a pulp, but these days with his new hormones, he somehow learned to control them. "I said I was S. O. R. R. Y. Now stop mocking me!"

"Yeah yeah, sorry, Edo-chan." He replied.

"DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO SPELL, UGLY-FACE?!" Well at least he tried…

Roy had to step in and break it up between those two up before the mall's manager kicks them out.

"Geez! You guys are acting like brothers!" he said.

Russel stared at him and then at Ed.

"…you mean brothers and sisters, right?"

And with that, Russel received the world's most painful smack...punch…kick…oh you get it.

"Let's go to the videogame section, Roy." Ed said with his teeth clenched.

"Remind me never to piss off a girl…" Russel murmured.

The trio walked to the first floor together without saying one word. The tension was well…really tense between Russel and Ed since they were still fighting, and it was tenser between Ed and Roy. Poor Ed, he has to suffer double the tenseness.

When they arrived there (cautiously avoiding Winry), Ed ran like nuts into the isles.

"This is like heaven!" He squealed as he looked at each one through a glass window.

After he scanned almost everything (And most of the boys were staring at him because of his behavior because he's suppose to be a girl…), he went back to Russel and Roy.

"I might not be a girl, but you're definitely breaking the 'girl's don't like videogames' code." Russel explained, crossing his arms.

Ed just scolded at him. "I just wish those stinkin' glass walls didn't exist…"

Hmm…he thought at he glanced back at the glass wall of doom.

Roy knew that look. He had to same look when he was having the idea of dying his hair pink, which thankfully Al found out.

Ed grinned evilly. "Unless I could just transmute it into oh, I dunno…say thin air?"

"Don't you dare!" Roy warned.

"You do realize that you're going to blow your cover, right?" Russel asked, still having the annoyed tone in his voice.

Ed put his hands on his hips. "Hm…guess what? I don't care."

Russel tried to hold his laughter. "Only girls put their hands on their hips!"

"Would you shut the –BEEP- off your –BEEP-ing –BEEP- you –BEEP-?!" he yelled.

"Just where is that beeping thing coming from…?" Russel asked himself.


Russel snickered. "Guess I couldn't hear you, since you're so SMALL and everything."

"ARRGGGG!!" Ed was above the anger management level.

"C'mon, why won't you hit me or something?"

Ed huffed. "Because, there are security cameras in here. And I don't want to go to jail for beating up an UGLY, STUPID guy who really DESERVES to be hit!!"

"I didn't realize that you felt that way about Roy." He replied.

"B-but—" Ed stammered. "I WASN'T REFERRING TO HIM!"

He stomped off somewhere else, leaving Russel to gloat and Roy to sigh.

"Isn't he hot when he's hot?" Roy sighed dreamily.

I really wished I stayed unconscious…Russel thought after almost having a heart attack.

While in the clothing section…

"Damn…I lost them, AGAIN!" Winry cried, shoving herself through piles of clothing.

She walked around in circles and turned left and right.

"I am going to kill them for not buying a map to this stupid city place!" Winry yelled. "I hate this place!" She banged her wrench on the floor, creating a giant hole.

Then she saw a worker standing in front of a shop.

"Hello, sweetie. Mind checking out some of our newest automail parts and products that just came in?" she asked, making her stop in her tracks.

A few seconds later, "SCREW THAT! I LOVE THIS PLACE!"

Me: Oh and I forgot to mention that this OVA I made for the chap.

Ed: OVA?

Roy: I think it stands for Out Visiting Al.

Ed: Why would I be out visiting AL?

Al: I think it's kinda a 'crack'ish thing.

Ed: Remind me to visit Al next week…

---------000---------000---------ROLL THE CLIP

Too bad he forgot to transmute some missile fuel in it. So he came crashing down, but it didn't explode since it didn't have any fuel in it.

While that happened, Winry and Russel were catching up.


Ed stopped and stared. Winry twitched.

Russel covered his mouth. "You did not just hear that."


"…" Ed said nothing. He was still too shocked to move.

"H-how dare you use…plagiarism!" Ed pointed a finger accusingly at him.

"But I—!"

"Copier copier copier! COPIIIIIER!" Ed yelled. "YOU STOLE MY CATCH PHASE!"


The director (Me) steps in and yells, "CUT, CUT! THAT WASN'T IN THE SCRIPT!"

Winry sighed and glared at Russel. "You suck."

Russel shrugged.

--------000------000------END CLIP.


A/N: Well now, I guess that's the last of it. There's no chance that I'll be continuing this story...sorry guys. I may be able to post an epilodge, though, when I get the chance. Thanks again, everyone! :D