I was so happy when I saw that there was indeed a M.O.H.N section, I just had to write something. This is, of course, based right after the series ends (seeing as I just finished it again) and is done from Kyon's perspective just like the show. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own this amazing show.

I watched her hair bounce in sync with her angered steps as she stalked towards me. Ever since that night, I have been noticing things I never did or tried to notice about her. The way she smiled, the smell of her perfume, and, while it might be my imagination, the look in her eyes when we talked. It all acted to counter-balance the absurdity and sometimes severe inconvenience that was Haruhi Suzumiya. True, I did kiss her, but my feelings, like any normal human being, were far from decided. Besides, under the circumstances, and with all the clues hinting in that direction, anyone else would have acted the same way.

'Or would they?' I thought openly, 'Was this why I was chosen?'

I dismissed that familiar line of questions and focused myself back on the beautiful tornado that was fast approaching, and braced for impact.

"Jeez! Where is everyone?!" Haruhi said, catching my eye for only a moment, but just long enough to make my heart jump a little. This was before she began swinging her head needlessly to either side angrily, almost to see if it was a practical joke, and the others were hiding. No such luck for her, as Itsuki, Yuki and Mikaru had all seemingly plotted to leave us alone.

"Come on Kyon, let's go to that coffee shop over there!" she ordered, grabbing my hand and pulling me along with her on a mini-jaywalking adventure across the street. Luckily the motorists were all paying attention, but really, how could anyone ignore Haruhi when she got like this?

After nearly tripping over the curb, thanks to Haruhi's expert guidance, I miraculous remembered how to walk by my own will. Now at the same pace as her, she was quick to drop my hand, and I almost thought I saw her blush a little.

"This is your treat, right?" I asked, reverting back to my plan after recovering from Haruhi's original assault, "That's the rule isn't it?"

Haruhi simply stayed silent as she led me into a stereotypical coffee shop, with, oddly enough, nothing noticeable strange about it.

"This'll do." she said nearly pushing me into a table near a window and plopping herself down across from me.

The silence and the usual way that Haruhi looked out the window in bored displeasure told me that this was my chance. This was the time where I planned to tell Haruhi about time travelers, espers, and aliens, and how they really do exist. I also planned on telling her about something else, but it had nothing to do with time travelers, espers, and aliens. How to go about all this, however, had not yet been gifted to me.

"Get whatever you want." she said annoyingly when the waitress arrived, and I could almost feel a whole world's worth of Closed Space materializing. I needed to make some kind of move fast, or I knew, whether she knew it or not, heads were going to roll.

We both ordered tea and a familiar situation came around again.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked, careful to make my tone the right level, and my choice of words perfect. It seemed to have the right effect, because Haruhi stopped looking out the window and let out a huge, overly acted sigh that said she was disappointed, but secretly was possibly glad things turned out this way.

"Nothing now, since no one else showed up." She admitted sullenly, "I was going to have Mikaru dress like a sailor girl, but that's ruined…" Haruhi went on and on with her plans, and I only half listened, still trying to decide the best way to tell her everything…

"Kyon?" Haruhi saying my name snapped me back, "Are you listening?"

"Yeah, I am." I lied.

"Then what do you think?" she asked, almost seeming to know that I didn't know what to think.

"I think you could pull off the sailor girl look…" I guessed, half mumbling.

"I don't know," she continued, not missing a beat. "I still feel Mikaru…"

I made my move.

"Haruhi." I interrupted.

"…I mean she's so versatile for all these costumes…"

Or, at least, tried to.

"Haruhi." I interrupted again.

"…and I just don't think my body is good enough for the advertising business, not compared to hers at least…"

"HARUHI!" I finally yelled, catching the attention of the rest of the coffee shop.

"Honestly Kyon," she scolded, "you don't need to shout. Why do you have to embarrass me everywhere we go?"

Our tea finally arrived, and I worked hard not to get mad at Haruhi and regain my cool.

"Haruhi." I started again, but almost immediately ran out of steam, and I had trouble keeping down a panic in my mind.

"What is with you and saying my name?" she asked coldly.

"Forget that," I started almost equally as coldly, but brought warmth back into my voice. "I have something I want to ask you." Was I sweating?

"Huh?" her face changed from cold disregard to interest and confusion. Was I shaking?

My mind seemed to be flying out of control, and all the thoughts I had been trying to process seemed to lose importance. And while it might not be the perfect moment, it just had to happen. Time travelers, espers, and aliens didn't seem important anymore. I got so flustered there was only one thing I wanted to know, and only one thing I wanted Haruhi Suzumiya to know.

"What do you honestly think of me?"

Hmm I haven't decided if I want to leave it at that, or go on to the actual whole conversation. I mean there's plenty more to cover, but that endings not to bad either. Tell me what you think.