Author's Note
I realized, when I was reading Twilight (again...), that Jasper didn't get the recognition that he deserved.
I mean, he was locked in a room with a human for a long time and he didn't even snap!
So, what went through his mind?
This, sack of blood smells like the greatest thing in the world to you at the moment.
How do you fight the urge to take a little nibble?
This is my feeble, human attempt to share with you Jasper's side of the story;
the side that was never documented.
never recognized.
all characters, storylines, even full quotes are
Stephenie Meyer's
no matter how badly I want them for myself...
special thanks to the greatest editor in the world: Elisa DeCastro.
without your remarks i would have a higher self esteem but my stories would really suck.
thank you.
(i know it's repetative,
no red marks please!!!)
(sorry for the long note)

The Game

We were throwing the ball back and forth; me and her.

I love Alice.

I love her more than I do the other members of our family, but all I could do while we passed this ball back and forth, is wonder why she was so anxious. We share everything; if there was something she saw, why would she want to hide it? I accepted her for who she was as she did me, so why hide? I was so fixated on her gaze it startled me when she spoke.


Bella? Another vision or was she answering my thoughts? Just then a gust blew the scent in my direction. An extraordinary scent; I could understand why it caused Edward so much trouble. My eyes followed Alice as she ran to Bella. She was so beautiful to watch. I never took my eyes off her, even while I strolled to the newcomers.

"It's time," I heard Alice say.

I changed my destination to home plate and waited for Emmett and Alice to take their positions. I loved catching Alice's pitches; she would always smile right before she threw the ball. She smiled today, but it didn't reach her eyes. Something wasn't right. The ball whisked to my hands; it startled me. I told myself I needed to focus, now was not the time to get stuck on something that was so human; like emotions. I threw the ball back and she grinned. I smiled back. Rosalie always hated the fact I was on her team; she always said I blew it for Alice's sake. Emmett didn't care so much; he was just so caught up with trying to beat Edward that nobody else mattered to him. Typical Emmett; he was so easy to get along with. I guess opposites attract. I heard the wind up and I snapped back to reality right before the bat touched the ball.

As the ball made its way to the forest I got up and prepared for bat while Rosalie got ready to catch. She never needed to; I was, in a way, connected to Alice. I hit it every time. Edward came out of the forest smiling so widely even a human could see, and she did. A felt a wave of astonishment from Bella as she stared wide-eyed at my brother.

"Send it flying to right field," Rose whispered. She knew Edward could hear even from where he was. She also knew that if she thought about the code too hard he would hear that too. That was my cue. 'She means I should hit it to the left field as hard as I can, that way Edward will not get it,' I thought as hard as I could. I saw his eyes flick to left field and back. Exactly as planned. And he said he wouldn't be listening…

Alice wound the ball up, smiled, and released. I drew a right bound downward arc with the bat, tipping it ever so slightly to Carlisle. I ran. I knew that I had to get to the base or I would have to hear from Rose that night. So I ran, hoping to avoid her complaints. With only a couple of feet to go I braced for impact. It was a human reaction, bracing, but I found myself doing an awful lot of unnecessary human gestures lately. I tapped the base and felt a surge of pressure from my right.

"Safe," Esme called. I looked to Alice and smiled, behind her was Edward in left field.

The inning continued as normal; Emmett hit as hard as he could, Edward ran as fast as he could, Rose got to home, and I was distracted by Alice's smile. After Edward caught the third out, thanks to Rose's one tracked mind, we headed into the field. Rosalie played the outfield, Emmett pitched, and I covered first base. Edward was up. I saw him and ran to cover third. Nobody had ever stopped him at first base, he was too fast. He hit it close to the ground and made it to second before Emmett even got to it. Carlisle came to bat and I ran to first; not for his benefit, but for Alice. As predicted, Carlisle hit it so far out Rose couldn't even get the ball in play before both he and Edward made it home. Alice gave them high fives and strolled to bat. Emmett wound the ball and she hit it to me. We had a system; she hit it to me and I took my time to pick up the ball, despite the complaints from Rosalie. As soon as she got to first I threw it to Emmett to keep her there. She smiled at me and we stood next to each other. We couldn't hold hands or kiss for the sake of our teammates but just standing next to each other was enough.

I watched Edward as he watched Emmett. Emmett pitched the ball and Edward's head whipped to Bella and back. By the time the ball was in Carlisle's hands Edward had already grasped the situation. He glared at Emmett.

"You…," he growled then jumped onto Emmett.

"I thought you were going to play fair! 'I'm not going to read your mind' my ass!" Emmett yelled at him.

"Boys stop," called Esme. Carlisle appeared right next to them.

"Shall we?" I asked Alice as I motioned to the now forming crowd of people.

"Why not," she giggled as we walked towards them.

"What happened?" Carlisle asked Emmett while restraining Edward.

"All I did was think…" smirked Emmett when Edward growled. "I mean, I thought I really did see a werewolf with Bella…" Esme smacked him on the back of the head when he started laughing.

"Alright, keep playing," Esme announced then turned to Edward, "and if you don't like what you hear then stop reading their minds."

"Fine," Edward sulked; he'd be looking for a rematch later.

"Still a strike," Esme announced when she arrived to her referee position.

Edward hit the next ball like a threat to Emmett. It went so far out it was a clear homerun. I let Alice go and nearly lost balance when Edward passed me. He caught up to Alice's blur then slowed slightly to match her speed, careful not to pass her. It was Carlisle's turn to bat.

Carlisle held the bat firmly and Edward was catching when Alice gasped. Edward looked at her and after silent communication ran to Bella.

"Alice?" Esme's voice was tense.

"I didn't see – I couldn't tell," she whispered.

I was second to get there, followed by Carlisle and Emmett. Rosalie took her sweet time after she saw Edward go to Bella.

"What is it, Alice?" Carlisle asked, trying to stay calm. I tried to help him with that; a wave of calm unconsciously expelled from me.

"They were traveling much quicker than I thought. I can see I had the perspective wrong before," she murmured.

I leaned over her protectively. "What changed?" I asked.

"They heard us playing, and it changed their path," she said. We all looked at Bella and back. I wondered if this was what had been bothering her.

"How soon?" Carlisle asked Edward.

"Less than five minutes. They're running – they want to play." He scowled.

"Can you make it?" Carlisle asked as he glanced at Bella.

"No, not carrying –" He cut short. "Besides, the last thing we need is for them to catch the scent and start hunting."

"How many?" Emmett asked Alice.


"Three! Let them come." He flexed his muscles and a large wave of confidence radiated from his body.

While Carlisle deliberated, and Emmett flexed, we were all staring, waiting for his answer.

"Let's just continue the game," he finally decided. "Alice said they were simply curious."

"Are they thirsty?" Esme asked Edward quickly, for Bella's nerves' sake I figured. He replied with a slight head shake and she was relieved. I squeezed Alice's hand and told her it would be alright, even though we both knew that she knew more than I did. She squeezed mine back and I unwillingly left her to go to my position.

"You catch, Esme," I heard Edward say. "I'll call it now." And he planted himself right in front of Bella. He told her to take her hair down but it was no use, even I could smell her from where I was standing.

I tried my best to calm everyone down but there was a definite surge of anger that overpowered every ounce of fright on the field. I whipped my head around to Rosalie and heard her mumble, "stupid human…"

Emmett, Rosalie, and I kept in the infield while Carlisle, Alice, and Esme bunted the ball to us. Nobody but Emmett even paid attention to the game, like we were all on autopilot. Edward was the first to hear them. His head snapped to right field and he took a step in front of Bella. I turned in the same direction and heard the inaudible snap of twigs.

They're here.

Another Author's Note
(i just like to talk alot...)

If you really liked it, tell me.
If you really didn't, tell me.
Leave your mark!
When i get to three comments i'll post the second chapter
(i think the second is better...)