What Hurts the Most
By Victoria Anne Stauffer
What Hurts the Most – By Rascal Flatts
I can take the rain
on the roof of this empty house
That don't bother me
I can
take a few tears now and then
and just let 'em out
I'm not
afraid to cry every once in a while
Even though going on with you
gone still upsets me
There are days every now and again
pretend I'm ok, but that's not what gets me
What hurts the
was being so close
And havin' so much to say
watchin' you walk away
And never knowin'
What could've been
And not seein' that lovin' you
Is what I was trying to do
It's hard to deal with the pain of losin' you every where I
But I'm doin' it
It's hard to force that smile when I see
our old friends and I'm alone
Still harder
Gettin' up,
gettin' dressed, livin' with this regret, but I know
If I could
do it over
I would trade, give away, all the words that I saved
in my heart that I left unspoken
What hurts the most
being so close
And havin' so much to say
And watchin' you
walk away
And never knowin'
What could've been
And not
seein' that lovin' you
Is what I was tryin' to do
hurts the most
Was being so close
And havin' so much to say
And watchin' you walk away
And never knowin'
could've been
And not seein' that lovin' you
Is what I was
tryin' to do
Not seeing that loving you
That's what I was
trying to do
Hermione Granger lay on her bed crying. She thought that this had to be the worst day of her life. The man she secretly loved had asked her if they were "just friends". She put on a brave face and plastered a fake smile across her face and told him
"Yes, of course."
But what really had Hermione was that she thought that there had been some sort of spark between them.
"Malfoy, what do you want? Can't you see I'm trying to study?"
"Oh nothing, I just enjoy bugging you, that's all," Draco replied with a smirk plastered across his face. And then with a flick of his wand her book that she was studying from flew smoothly into his hands.
"MALFOY! You give that back right NOW!"
"Granger, why should I? You always have your nose in some stupid book. Maybe I should just take this and make you relax for once in your life. I mean, good god Granger, exams aren't for months now and here you are studying as if they are next week!"
"What do you care if I have my nose in a book or not?" Hermione inquired.
"I just… I uh… It's just annoying, ok!? Merlin, what is with you these days?"
"Just give me my book back… please," she said warily. With a mischievous glint in his eye, Draco held the book up above his head.
"Reach for it if you want it back so much."
"WHAT! Malfoy give it here, NOW!"
He shook his head and she began to pound on his chest, demanding him to give her book back to her. This caused him to smile, no not smirk but smile, as he held her book even higher. That smile was what made her begin to think that something might have been there; his smile was so warm and bright, it just made Hermione fall deeper into the hole that she had dug herself into. And as she went to reach for the book she slipped and Draco caught her with his free hand and wrapped his arm around her waist as he pulled her up. He handed back her book to her and they both looked deeply into one another's eyes and Draco began to pull her closer to him. Then there was suddenly a knock at the door and they both jumped about ten feet apart.
"I'll get it." Hermione said rather sullenly.
End Flashback
Now Hermione sat in her bed crying her heart out. She was relieved that Draco had decided to spend the rest of the afternoon in the Slytherin Common Room. If he knew or saw her crying like this, their relationship as friends that they had worked so hard to build would go 'ka-put'. Never had she been put in this difficult of a position. Either she told him how she felt and have him forever, or tell him and lose him forever. And she figured it would be the later.
Hermione was very depressed. This had been the first guy that actually had some potential that showed an interest in her. All of the other guys where just completely wrong for her or just straight out annoying or could be a bit of a cow.
She had finally gotten to the point where she just couldn't take it any longer and grabbed a spare piece of parchment and motioned for the owl to come down.
If it wouldn't be too much of a bother could you please come over to my dorm as quickly as you possibly could? I would talk to Ron or Harry about this, but they wouldn't understand and wouldn't speak to me for weeks if I told them. So if it's not too much of a bother then could you please, please come over. Thank you so much!
Oh and the password is Frankfurter… don't ask.
Hermione signed her letter and sent if off with her owl telling it to take her letter to Ginny as fast as possible. As she watched her owl take off into the afternoon sky she began to cry once more.
An owl was pecking at the window of the Gryffindor common room. One short, first year boy went and fetched the letter that the owl was carrying in its beak.
"One letter for a Ginny Weasley… Ginny… where are you?" The little boy walked around looking for Ginny.
"Oh…um excuse me…" The little boy tried to interrupt the snogging session that Ginny was having with a certain Harry Potter.
"Um… Ginny I have a letter for you…" The little boy tried once more to get her attention.
"Here let me help you." Said Lavender taking the letter from the little boy who looked at her gratefully and went back to his group of friends
"Oh, hi Ron! How are you doing… you know you don't look so great… is something wrong?" Lavender said, pretending to talk to an invisible Ron, and Harry and Ginny shot apart.
"Ron I can explain… hey Ron's not here!" Harry sounded.
"Yes Caption Obvious, but while you two where having your little snogg fest over there, Ginny got a letter from someone.
"Oh, well give it here" Ginny replied and she read her letter quickly. "Oh no… Harry I have to go… I'll see you later!" and she gave him a little peck on the cheek and left him standing in the Gryffindor common room very confused and very disheveled.
Ginny walked briskly to the Head's dorm. She was so worried about Hermione and how she was doing; Ginny was the only one who knew about Hermione's feelings for Draco, which made her feel very honored that Hermione would trust her with something like that. Though she had to admit, at first she was a tad disgusted with the fact that Hermione liked Draco Malfoy of all people.
Ginny quickened her pace to a slow jog and made her way through a crowd of people only to be stopped by Draco Malfoy himself.
"No running through the corridors." Draco drawled as if he would rather do anything else besides stopping people from doing stupid things like running through the halls.
"Oh, it's you."
"What do you want Malfoy?" Ginny sneered which took Draco by surprise, after all she had been a lot nicer to him for the past few months; this sudden change in behavior caught him off guard. But what Draco didn't know was that Hermione had asked Ginny to be nicer to Draco. "Now if you excuse me I'm off to see Hermione."
"Oh well let me escort you there the password has been changed and Hermione doesn't know yet." Draco told her trying to find some excuse to escape his Head Boy duties.
"No thanks, just tell me what the password is and leave me alone." Ginny said with forced politeness.
"Well, I'm afraid I can't do that Weasely." He told her calmly.
"And why the bloody hell would that be?" Ginny's temper rising.
"Because I'm on my way over there anyways and I'm not so inclined to inform potty mouths what the password is. I would like at least people who have decency in my Dorm. Now either you can be even-tempered and follow me or… you'll just have to go back to wherever you came from." Draco smirked and Ginny, much to her displeasure, had no choice but to let him escort her to the Head's Dormitory.
About fifteen minutes of dead silence between the two of them, they at last reached the portrait of Sir Humblegeown.
"Password" Sir Humblegeown drawled.
"Manicore." Draco told the knight and the painting swung open to reveal the entrance to the Head's Common Room. "There you go Weasley." He offered his hand to help her up through the hole, which Ginny intentionally ignored. Sighing he followed her into the room. "Not to be rude, but would you hurry up to Granger's room, I'd like some time to myself for a while." Ginny hurried out of the common room and up the stairs that lead to Hermione's room, looking back once to see Draco sitting in front of the fire with his head in his hands mumbling something she couldn't quite make out.
"Hermione?" Ginny called as she entered Hermione's room. Suddenly she heard a voice come from a small lump on the bed. Ginny sat on the bed and pulled the covers from over her friend's head. "Hermione are you ok?" Ginny asked seeing the tear stains on Hermione's face. Ginny pulled Hermione into a hug and let her cry on her shoulder. They didn't sit there for long, and as Hermione began to pull herself back together, she slowly stopped crying. Once again Ginny asked Hermione if she was ok as she hadn't answered her yet.
"I think so. I just need some… time." Hermione said quietly, and Ginny nodded in an understanding, solemn manner. "Ginny?"
"Could you just sit here for a while with me?" Hermione asked.
"Oh of course! But you know what this calls for?" Ginny said with a Cheshire cat grin on her face.
"Oh no, anything but-!" Hermione laughed.
"Noooo!" And as Hermione said this she stood up not realizing that her feet were still tangled up in the sheets. So as she tried to run away she tripped and fell flat on the floor and didn't get up.
"Hermione? Hermione!" Ginny rushed to the aid of her friend, and rolled her over only to find her not passed out or dead, but laughing her head off. Ginny smacked her in the arm for worrying her so much. But Hermione's laughter was contagious and Ginny started to laugh her head off with Hermione, both of them rolling on the floor clutching their sides. It was just at that moment that Draco rushed into the room, and the laughter suddenly stopped.