Confessions of a Life
by: YN (Yesterday's News)

Crack fic/KaixHil.


Chapter 1: Today

I can honestly say…fuck. Here I am standing in front of an art gallery simply because the girl in the photograph reminded me of someone I used to know back in the day. Well…I knew many people back in the day but I never spoke to them. Except for my teammates and that one girl, I guess she was part of the team too.

Okay…maybe I should recap. Tell everything…man I feel like I'm writing an autobiography but…Not! Stupid piece of shit. I've been called to do a biography many times by stupid reporters and whatnot. I'm not interested. I wouldn't be Kai if I did that. So anything that has to do with me and my personal life is definitely out.

Now going back…yes. I need to recap. I'm what…in my early twenties now? Yes I am. I'm about to turn twenty-one. Still considered among the top ten beybladers and still as good looking as ever….according to 'my' fangirls. Tyson is still a jealous ass, which is unbelievable seeing as I don't give a damn about my fangirls. They are too annoying. Screaming at me, yelling to me to marry them, even throwing engagement rings at me! I mean what the hell?! They have even gone as far as throwing their underwear at me. I ended with a brassier hitting my face in the last tournament and some panties stuck on my hair. I mean…eww. They were dirty. At least they could throw clean ones but now. Throw the dirty ones to your idol. What the fuck?!

Anyways, here I am standing about to turn twenty-one. I stopped participating in tournaments when I turned nineteen. Now we all are 'retired' except we get called every once in a while to attend to show support to the forthcoming stars. Do we battle them? Well…I don't and neither do Yuriy and the rest of his team but everyone else…well…they enjoy it.

Well as I was about to state. My name is Kai Hiwatari…which is a given. Duh! I was born on November something something something in Russia. The date of my birth and everything else is non-important. Because seriously, who cares! From Russia…I went to Japan then dun dun…my dad abandoned me. Got sent to the abbey…came back with no memories and was that 'sourpuss-jerk-asshole-arrogant-Kai' which I supposedly I still am, according to Tyson but he's just a jackass.

Went to that tournament where I met all of the guys and then turn evil, got rescued from myself, eventually learning about friendship and then we won…no surprise there. Then came the next year, went to private school. Met Wyatt who was annoying at the beginning and who died because of me. Now the importance of this year is that I met that girl whose parents named her Hiromi.

I'll tell the truth. Hiromi and I had a thing back in the day. So I saved her twice from death yadda yadda yadda. Next tournament comes around and we all leave to do our own thing and defeat Tyson. Boris comes back along with BEGA and some other beybladers and well…shit happens. We win eventually…like always because we are the 'good guys' and all that stupid shit. I almost lost dranzer there too which got me depressed and pissed off. Luckily I had a pair of arms…however I won't go into details about that…not yet anyways.

Fourth tournament comes and out of nowhere she just left. Yes, she left. Least to say I was pissed off. Stupid bitch. I'm still cursing her name till this day and I'll continue to curse it until I see her again and get the chance to yell at her. Now why on earth would I want to do that? Because I'm still pissed off! I swear I'm going to screw her when I see her.

"Would you like a program?" I look down at the little woman asking me…black hair. Stupid Hiromi.

"No. I'm just passing by." That's partially true. Okay so I talk more than I used to. So sue me. And I am just passing by…this gallery that is. I'm here due to the tournament that is being hosted in California. Of all the places too, well G-Revolutions is back…sort of…like a 'team' but not really. We are just the honor guests and everything along with everyone else. I'm rolling my eyes right now. I'm going back to the hotel because there is a press conference at the moment. This one kid…Kamiya or Sirilla..whatever something like that is the next big thing.

Ah…I see the hotel right there…in front of me. Lucky me…can you tell I'm being sarcastic? Well you should have. Anyways there they are…those hounds and let's not forget …the fangirls. They just have to make it so difficult for me.

"Oh Kai! Look over here!"

"Kai marry me please!"

"Look at me Kai!"

"You are so damn sexy!"

See what I mean? I hear this every single time. Well I guess it can be flattering but still…they are fangirls. Not that there is something bad with it…I just don't like the way they behave. Some of them actually drool…now that is a turn off.

Okay. I'll admit it some of them are gorgeous. Great body and everything, but the relationship doesn't really work out. Don't ask how the hell I know because I'm not saying anything.

"Well glad you made it on time." Tyson.

"Hn." I'm always on time stupid. I don't stay at buffet tables stuffing my faces which of course is why I'm so great looking. Well…according to my fangirls you know.

"Same ol' Kai." Same ol' Tyson.

Revolving doors and flashes everywhere. I hate flashes so I close my eyes but not before looking where I'm supposed to walk. It wouldn't do good to crash you know. It would ruin my image and what not. Now this reminds me of something. It had been right after the third world championships. There had been a press conference that day. As soon as they began asking us how we dealt with stress I stood up and walked out. I was bored and didn't feel like answering that question. Besides I always do the bad boy thing. That's what I'm known and loved for.

Besides it wasn't like I was going to let them know that Hiromi was my stress reliever. That girl had an amazing mouth. Damn. Just remembering leaves me hot and bothered. Fuck.

I think I need to get laid.

Author's note: yep. I was bored and haha this was written. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed. Leave a review please! I thank you !